
ChooseDir$ XP SP3


Hello people,
I produziere straight a software To Überwachung of Netzwerken for Netzwerkadministratoren what others Ordner monitors. now I will on others PC´s the network grab can and of course so like in the ChooseDir$-dialog (best just as). might of/ one of you me say How I the hinbekomme? think on it that I only 6.6 have.
And if your straight thereby are can your me too yet write How I z.B. the Disketenlaufwerk access so.
and yet what! About networking others Pc anwählen, that I then in the Windows directory what instalieren can.
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

On the Diskettenlaufwerk the others computer can you not grab, there not for the networking freigeschalten is.

P.s.: Lass it simply, my Spionage-defense-software is much better!
Nico Madysa

ignoring Nico simply! it think that I it spionieren wants.
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

the too. but especially have I the first set red.
[quote:a628a40853]I make straight one Spionageprogramm what others Ordner monitors[/quote:a628a40853]
Nico Madysa

well - now but time Hello, your both pseudo-Profis ...

... for hours sits your almost next to each other on the PC in unserem MMJ-PC-cabinet in Lauta, your belöffelt you Internet here in the Forum over eigentliche Nebensächlichkeiten, what about me must the of hinten from over 2 - 3 Bankreihen watch ...

Gehts yet ???

How super-intellgent must one really his, circa itself nowadys something like anzutun ???

withal the express Wunsches one individual here in this Thread Postenden I will hereon dispense, as Admin eure diesbezüglichen futile-Postings To killen!

because enough and to spare internet-taugliche (with DSL-Flat) PCs having we still freitags always available - even for gelegentliche gegenseitige Belöffeln in the Community-Chat).

who here its opinion posting, the must hold too prospective so life can, that its geistigen Ergüsse the Nachwelt (naturally except for Widerruf by the Forums-Betreibers, namens iF) receive stay.

my suggestion would:

Belöffelt you still prospective rather in unserem MMJ-Aufenthaltsraum (next to the PC-cabinet) during ours freitäglichen gemeinamen and traditionellen Abendessens, or sonstwie sometime or somehow in between - if need be too to the Eingangstür (if you thereafter his ought to .) - but possible not any more absolutely over the internet here on  [...] 

Überredet ???


Beautiful would it, if you as our MMJ-feed-minister it prevent could, that it next friday again Käsebrötchen give could (then already rather The others Tim-small presents from the past tense - the would for my stomach the smaller ones Übel ...).

@Thomas (alias A. Jakowitsch):

your border become You with none Programming-Language the present Universums release can (anyway not so, How You, the you vorstellst), sofern You do not yourself Admin-rights in the from you anvisierten and To überwachenden networking have (and such rights have You with MMJ currently definitiv not, and become these in absehbarer future neither get ...).

Something like can only klappen, if You yourself networking-Administrator are, because you anderenfalls The genaueren Zugangsdaten are missing. i know already, about which I dbzgl. speech, because something like I had [though as networking-Admin, which these networks yourself arranged having) me to years already repeatedly yourself program had (then even yet with Profan² 6.x and the has too jahrelang wundergeil funktoniert). and the then everything with relatively few Profan²-Codezeilen and a slightly API ...

yet ask???

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Afer a long consider be I to the Auffasung come the You and Nico one völig fehlgeleitete opinion To my proposition have. the MMJ-networking nutz I only to that Test and to Ausreifung the software. How You in the names supra see can is these software only for Administratoren. These software becomes too only on selected Personen übermitelt, or. can only these Personen tappt im dunkeln complete benefit. Thats idea now from my Überwachungszwang emerged is, shine most to the Entschluß come To seien that I the product for solely my tack benefit To want. there You over The detailed Hintergründe only spekulationen and no genaus know have, think I the one Another quarrel in this thing none sense has. and To your information map I not at all the networking-Admin To go. Also did you know the of me Anvisierte networking not at all because it keines gives, what You with Logischen cogitate moreover supra in the Text discern canst. Übrigens glad it me that you me for a Profi hälst, of these thoughts on me Have I really always stood off held and me for a something Vortgeschrittenen Beginner held.
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Klaus Müller03/11/20
Peter Max Müller11/13/17


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