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Timotheus | Hi,
I have a problem. i want at a designed place in the program Window a EditBox create. The y-Koordinate becomes by the Click select, and the x-k. is 0. in this Edit-Box can but already one Text stand. therefore must I the Click once more repeat, once the Edit created watts. therefore setting itself the Cursor in the Edit very on The right place, How in a MultiEdit. How do I do the ?
Timo |
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Michael Dell | Sorry, small mistake!
Versuchs time herewith, it setting whom Cursor on whom beginning: CompileMarkSeparationDef SetCurPosNull(1) sendmessage(@&(1),$00B1,0,0) Setzt den Cursor an den Anfang
declare ed01&
ed01& = createedit(%HWnd,Hallolo, na wie gethts?,10,10,400,20)
WhileNot Equ(%MenuItem,-2)
Case GetFocus(ed01&): SetCurPosNull(ed01&)
Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/11/04 ▲ | |
Timotheus | not integrally, if to that example The mouse something moreover lane of left Fensterrand pressed becomes, then must the Schreibbalken on z.B. the second place stand. concise and simply: How can I a Click at a designed place simulate?
Timo |
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Michael Dell | OK, then time so: CompileMarkSeparationDef GSC(1) !User32.dll,GetSysColor
Def ButtonUp(1) Equ(If(Equ(%Lastmessage,514),1,If(Equ(%Lastmessage,512),SetFocus(&(1)),0)),1)
Def SetCurPosNull(1) SendKey(@&(1),36) Setzt den Cursor an erste Stelle
Def SetCurPosEnd(1) SendKey(@&(1),35) Setzt den Cursor an letzte Stelle
Proc SetCurPos Setzt den Cursor an beliebige Stelle
Parameters hndl&,anz&
Case Lt(anz&,1)
WhileLoop 1,@&(2),1
declare bt01&,ed01&,edak%
Clear bt01&,ed01&,edak%
Proc MakeED
Parameters HWHndl&,Text$,x%,y%,b%,h%
If Equ(edak%,0) wenn Edit-Control nicht existent dann...
ed01& = create(Edit,HWHndl&,Text$,x%,y%,b%,h%) Erzweuge Edit-Control mit Text inhalt
SetFocus(ed01&) Setze Focus auf Edit-Control
SetCurPos(ed01&,8) Setzt den Cursor an Stelle 8
Sleep 1000
SetCurPos(ed01&,6) Setzt den Cursor an Stelle 6
Sleep 1000
SetCurPos(ed01&,4) Setzt den Cursor an Stelle 4
Sleep 1000
SetCurPos(ed01&,2) Setzt den Cursor an Stelle 2
Sleep 1000
SetCurPosNull(ed01&) Setzt den Cursor an erste Stelle
Sleep 1000
SetCurPosEnd(ed01&) Setzt den Cursor an letzte Stelle
Sleep 1000
SetCurPosNull(ed01&) Setzt den Cursor an erste Stelle
Sleep 1000
Return 1
SetTrueColor 1
WindowStyle 26
Window Add(%maxX,10),0-500,66
Cls GSC(15)
bt01& = create(Button,%HWnd,Erstelle Edit,360,10,120,22)
Window 0,0-500,66
WhileNot Or(Equ(%MenuItem,-2),Equ(%MenuItem,-4000))
If GetFocus(bt01&)
If ButtonUp(%HWnd)
edak% = MakeED(%HWnd,Hallolo, na wie gethts?,10,10,340,22)
Case edak%: SetFocus(ed01&)
P.s.: Have I everything in the Profan- Help nachgeschlagen! |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/12/04 ▲ |
Timotheus | No the neither!
here time one demonstration: CompileMarkSeparation here missing only The Def or Proc SimuliereMausklick. in this example is the Schreibbalken by the wiederholte clicking on the right place. this is How if one into vorhandenes Edit clicking, then setting itself the beam indeed automatically on The place The in the Edit klicked watts.
Timo |
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| so? CompileMarkSeparationcls
declare x%,a&,b&
while 1
if %Mousekey = 1
x% = %Mousex
a& = Create(Edit,%Hwnd,Hallo,0,%Mousey - 12,600,25)
Sleep 1000
or so?? CompileMarkSeparationDEF @mouse_event(5)!User32,mouse_event
declare x%,a&,b&
while 1
if %Mousekey = 1
x% = %Mousex
a& = Create(Edit,%Hwnd,Hello,0,%Mousey - 12,600,25)
Sleep 1000
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Dietmar Horn | yet as appendix (to response of Andreas)
DEF @mouse_event(5)!User32,mouse_event
=> resolve a artificial Mausbewegung and a Click from. => has none Return Value
n: gives on, which Mouse button pressed (simulate) go should
n = $1 - Double click simulate n = $2 - left Mouse button runterdrücken n = $4 - left Mouse button release n = $8 - rights Mouse button runterdrücken n = $10 - rights Mouse button release n = $20 - mittlere Mouse button runterdrücken (if present) n = $40 - mittlere Mouse button release (if present)
dx% = x-Koordinate the Mausposition (or its Änderung, where tappt im dunkeln from the derzeitigen position from seen, hingesetzt go should) dy% = y-Koordinate the Mausposition (or its ...)
The 4. and 5. Parameter having no weight, therefore means each on 0 settle.
possible must You another slightly with the Mouse-Coordinates experiment, white not, whether these relatively or utterly are, whether related on the Desktop, the Mainwindow, or the Dialog-Window. try thereby too time $8000 with whom Values for n To add, means n = $8000 + $2, or n = $2 settle. $8000 = MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/12/04 ▲ |
Timotheus | thanks
Timo |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
Gibts because The API mouse_event XP/NT at all yet? Quote of MSDN:
The mouse_event function synthesizes mouse motion and button clicks. windows NT: Diese function has been superseded. Use SendInput instead.
SeeYou Pascal |
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Michael Dell | Microsoft wished mouse_event already former supplant, the standing anyway so in the WinHlp no Win32s. I denk from Supportgründen functions it in the momentum yet, one ought to well in future hereon dispense. In Longhorn Better get going well not any more weg.
Michael... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/13/04 ▲ |
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Michael Dell | here the whole without mouse_event: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare a&,x&,y&,Fontx&,EDminX&
FontX& = 8 Font- Breite
EDminX& = 10 Edit- Control Startpunkt (X min)
Def SetCurMark(2) sendmessage(@&(1),$00B1,@&(2),0) Setzt Markierung
Proc SetCurPos Setzt den Cursor an beliebige Stelle
Parameters hndl&,anz&
Case Lt(anz&,1): Return
WhileLoop 1,@&(2),1
Proc CalkCurPos
Parameters EDhndl&
Declare p1&,p2&
If Gt(x&,Add(EDminX&,Mul(Len(GetText$(EDhndl&)),FontX&))) Mauszeiger hinter Textende
p1& = Len(GetText$(EDhndl&))
ElseIf Gt(x&,EDminX&) Mauszeiger im Text
p1& = Int(Div(Sub(x&,EDminX&),FontX&))
Else Mauszeiger vor Text
p1& = 0
SetCurPos(EDhndl&,p1&) Setzt den Cursor auf Mausposition
SetCurMark(EDhndl&,p1&) Setzt Markierung 0 bis Mausposition
UseFont Arial,16,FontX&,1,0,0
SetDialogFont 1
while 1
if %Mousekey = 1
x& = %Mousex
y& = %Mousey
a& = Create(Edit,%Hwnd,Hallolo, na wie geht`s den so?,EDminX&,y& - 12,600,25)
Sleep 2000
SetDialogFont 0
s4 href='./../../Function-References/XProfan/end/'>End
only in order to sehn the it too in reinem Profan goes.
Michael... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/14/04 ▲ |
| Hello Michael...
completely correctly.!! The Message standing already in my first View source one little moreover supra as alternative To MOUSE_EVENT. but it wished so absolutely a Double click. I sags Yes - quite unideal and unübersichtlich, if one whom View source not immediate sees... |
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| Jaja OK AH, I habs Yes understood.
I überleg me already what....
iF |
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