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 Georg | Hi,
i want a editierbare Combobox create. with the input into Combobox should the Combobox immediate aufklappen without I on the arrow clicking must. |
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 | Regards,
How sees because your Grundkonstruktion yet from and have You you already already once by Control-Spy (of Microsoft) The different ComboBox-Stile angeschaut and possible already Konstantinopel ( [...] ) for Style- and Nachrichtenkonstanten loaded? |
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 Georg | structure
hD2% =@Control("ComboBox","",$5421034E,80,50,100,40,%hwnd,2000,%hinstance,$0)
really should with sendmessage $7 of my opinion to The Combobox aufklappen, does me but whom fallen not. |
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 Peter Max Müller | |
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 Georg | ok the functions. but I quiz whether The Combobox klicked is and then sendmessage. click I elsewhere on-screen does the Program so as though I The Combobox klicked have and sends The Message again. can I the cklicked zurücksetzen? write me The Lastmessage in a File, but so can I not plenty begin bring always 307 CompileMarkSeparation |
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 | Clicked shining there unfit -
have You already getFocus(... tested? |
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 Georg | Yes have I but if I getfocus(Combobox&) abrufe comes, though I draufgeklickt have and the Box whom Focus, has always 0 |
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 E.T. | ...somewhere I had the already time, only where  I mean, I Have the Clicked and the Focus-Abfrag somehow combined: CompileMarkSeparation probier time, then ought to Clicked too only grab, if You really with the mouse there click, where the Clicked herkommt  |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 01/19/12 ▲ |
 Georg | thanks habs probiert. No way there getfocus(hd2&) always = 0 |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 01/19/12 ▲ |