
Comic effects

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Hi there be I again.
2 ask Have I brought along
1.) In my Program have I following Lines:
(Normales Windowsfenster)
string bereich#,0="SPRITE.BMP"

with InitSprite dismisses itself the program without words.
Why? What is now go?
2.) what are the for effects (Sprite becomes twice and Black displayed, though transparency wisely)
declare prospeed&,f1&,f2&,bereich#,spriteplan&,sprites&
dim bereich#,100000
prospeed&=usedll("C:PROFANAKTUELLE PROJEKTELOSProspeed.dll")
window 10,10- 300,300
windowtitle "Test"
string bereich#,0="C:SPRITE.BMP"

while 1



dispose bereich#
freedll prospeed&

thanks in the Vorraus

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becomes well very useful go your Program !

Have already couple. similar programs circa Animated-Icons to develop, becomes your Tool so similar or another couple Special functions afford ? (certainly )

To your trouble falls me too only StretchBlt() one, but the power already CopySizedBmp.

so integrally Have I the neither understood, You setting in a Memory bitmap The 40x40 Pixel and copy tappt im dunkeln then by MCopySizedBmp (or CopySizedBmp()) in your Arbeitsfenster on %hdc in the suitable Size, or ?

is The Size the To entwerfenden Sprite 40x40 Pixel festgesetzt ?

Perhaps would too one Scrollbereich the loaded Bildes in Your Program drin, I time one Image larger as the Arbeitsfeld having and not any Paths unterbekommen have.

was the image larger as 2000x2000 Pixel ?
otherwise can now with the new Image system The Images complete manage:

-add, Remove...
-Change the position
-Change the plain

and the naturally so often and when one wants too after Save and again open, Perhaps not integrally so useful as an Scrollfunktion but in the Endeffekt the same


Yes correctly.:
the large Arbeitsfenster becomes During low the Zeichnens on 40x40 minimizes. but by me take I deliberate: Setpixel
Have before Copysizedbmp or The function of Frank (is Yes really ident.) used.
there is the trouble:
in the large Arbeitsfenster is eachone Bildpunkt same.
the in the small (is by me OnTheFly) becomes if I Copysized take verzerrt. but somehow I will soon File loading and must then from the small Image a copy the large Arbeitsfenster bring - and is too verzerrt - kennste certainly.
Well - time look.

Yes correctly.:
the large Arbeitsfenster becomes During low the Zeichnens on 40x40 minimizes. but by me take I deliberate: Setpixel
Have before Copysizedbmp or The function of Frank (is Yes really ident.) used.
there is the trouble:
in the large Arbeitsfenster is eachone Bildpunkt same.
the in the small (is by me OnTheFly) becomes if I Copysized take verzerrt. but somehow I will soon File loading and must then from the small Image a copy the large Arbeitsfenster bring - and is too verzerrt - kennste certainly.
Well - time look.

Hello back !!!

the weather was not so dusty, except for 2 small Regenschauer. are almost The whole Time Motorboot drove )

your trouble has Yes Done, Rolf, God Thanks...

one müder Frank.

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Hi Frank
Well Done has the old trouble.
however How described, I will now if I one Sprite load this from the small Vorschaubild (see Screenshot) one 200x200 Image as Arbeitsbereich copy.
unfortunately becomes then again not correctly. displayed, separate verzerrt.
I find unfortunately nothing a others function in the Win32.
Perhaps has of/ one yet ne idea, How I this make could.
or I should the 40x40it in smaller ones reaches divide and then try these into 200x200it reinzukopieren - hmmm?
To then

Hi Rolf,

The Verzerrungen are necessary, possible can you times the API SetStretchBltMode() try.

in the Grunde remaining you nothing other spare, as by GetPixel The colour the Pixels abzutasten and then on passender place one Quadrat in this colour to drawing, and the for all Pixel.

another Possibility, probably too faster, would, one byte-aray To benefit, with the InitExtFX() from the Sprite prepares watts. there find itself Yes any Pixeldaten as Bytefolgen.

If you want, verrate I you the stature the structure, The InitExtFX() created. but rather via persönlicher Mail...
not, weils one Geheimniss is, separate, because Beginner here momentous Error produzieren could.

Greeting, Frank

Yes thanks Frank the would endearing, means must I just as only inverse loading How I it at Painting make:
point drawn - minimizes as Pixel naja werd time look whether I the so make.
now mach I time interval and Games Lara Croft 3 hihihihi.
and thanks over again Frank

OK - OK has Done.
Komischerweise verzerrt the image only at Verkleinern
at that enhance of 40x40 on 200x200 becomes it correctly displayed.
but now the utterly komische:
let I the program walk (I have no Waitinput, because of Cursorbereichsabfrage - only on Maustastenabfrage 0,1,2) what about me go a Button (Tooltip), so becomes aufeinmal the whole screen with my Program filled - must somewhere The graphic ausm memory his?
means: not %hdc separate %desktop becomes bemalt - something in these direction famous?

I can the even yet topen !!!

I Have it time somehow geschafft the a Animation by CopyExtBmp() in the Taskbar displayed watts. The Animation ought to really on one Dialog-Window pictured go gambling itself but then in the Taskbar ex, the saw Perhaps from !

lying on it that I whom DC not by API GetDC() determined have separate by...

startpaint lever%

there itself with you but everything aud %hdc abspielt can I now neither say what your Error is.

*einvölligüberarbeiteter* Moritz


can I neither say, How something like zustande comes.
CopyExtBmp() is in the Grunde nothing other as BitBlt() and basiert only Windows-API.

Greeting, Frank

thanks you both -
Moritz work not so much on the computer (vorallem not if you partnerlich tied are )
will be you, if I the trouble have resolved telling for what it was.
can naturally his, that it with Startpaint -1 zusammenhängt because of Savebmp (Dummymäßig).
thanks again

No worry Rolf !

the completely revised related on The work because I in momentum dozens of Überstunden schieben must because with us a Sommergrippe bypassing.

my better Half is too very tolerant and sorgt already for that I not too much Time hinterm Rechnern verbringe (the but in the very positive senses )

your trouble hears In any drop to one lever trouble on, become whom Error already find...

(one immernoch überarbeiteter) Moritz


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Achim Engelhardt10/21/14


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