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| Hi there be I again. 2 ask Have I brought along 1.) In my Program have I following Lines: (Normales Windowsfenster) CompileMarkSeparationf1&=CreateExtBmp(%HDC,%maxx,%maxy)
string bereich#,0="SPRITE.BMP"
sprites&=InitSprite(spriteplan&,%HDC,f1&,f2&,0,0,40,40,spriteindex%,1,10,40,40,1,1)/pre> with InitSprite dismisses itself the program without words. Why? What is now go? 2.) what are the for effects (Sprite becomes twice and Black displayed, though transparency wisely) CompileMarkSeparationdeclare prospeed&,f1&,f2&,bereich#,spriteplan&,sprites&
dim bereich#,100000
prospeed&=usedll("C:PROFANAKTUELLE PROJEKTELOSProspeed.dll")
window 10,10- 300,300
windowtitle "Test"
string bereich#,0="C:SPRITE.BMP"
while 1
dispose bereich#
freedll prospeed&
FreeExtBmp(sprites& class=s2>)
thanks in the Vorraus Rolf |
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| Ohh naja to question 2 have I The Solution, have the CopyExtBmp(f1&,0,0,%maxx,%maxy,%HDC,0,0,0) CopyExtBmp(f2&,0,0,%maxx,%maxy,%HDC,0,0,0) forget. however question 1? Initsprite can the program exit. means not that here gepostete Testprogramm. hmm? Rolf |
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| here time an example to that testing: CompileMarkSeparation $P+
SetErrorLevel 0
Declare bereich#
Declare sprites&
Declare f1&,f2&,pfad$
Declare prospeed&,prospeed$,spriteplan&
DIM bereich#,10000
PFADROUTINEN *******************************
chdir pfad$
$I C:PROFANAKTUELLE PROJEKTESpeedanimProspeed_Funktionen.inc
*M Init- und Exit-Prozeduren:
SetTrueColor 1
WindowStyle $003F
WindowTitle "Test"
Window 147,40 - 450,479
string bereich#,0="C:SPRITE.BMP"
WhileNot appexit%
freedll prospeed&
freedll hdll%
Dispose area#
If one Initsprite auskommentiert works it - otherwise End of program ???? WARUM ??? Rolf |
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| Nagut then answer I me time self: human be I stupid ! Have the allerwichtigste verschluckt: Usedll Sorry the does already painful To then Rolf |
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| Hello Rolf,
if You you wunderst the Frank not answer, he's this weekend not home (Campen with the weather ).
the wonder with the forgotten @usedll... I had too Schonmal, hilarious the most command functions (of course slow) though The Dll not yet time in memory is !
another small hint if You Profan 7 and up have...
string area#,0=SPRITE.BMP spriteplan&=LoadExtImage(area#)
...can you through...
presentment$=SPRITE.BMP spriteplan&=LoadExtImage(@addr(presentment$))
...supplant, has whom benefit that you none area dimensionieren must.
Moritz |
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| Ahh thanks Moritz Well has Frank auchmal earn - though here in Koblenz the weather More badly is. Yes, with the > 7.0 is me famous, but such things mach I on the Schluss. Frank is famous, that I one Tool write for Pspeed - and of course whom Speedanimator. Runs so far integrally well. beautiful Restwochenende yet Rolf |
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| hears itself very interestingly on Rolf ! what power the Speedanimator whom very, or becomes the still not betray ?
where we Schonmal at Topic are, Pathfinder 1.5 is too so well How ready, after I almost 2 weeks Have into deliriousness drive let because of one extreme difficult Error !
here time ne small Overview the new Features:
-Höhere speed and div. Error fixed -New Bildersystem to that nachträglichen Change the plain and position the Images -Bilderpfade go in the proposition mitspeichert -way spots can umbenannt go (becomes too mitgespeichert) -RGB-Verknüpfungssystem -riesiges Optionsmenü -way-Arranger (several Paths in a File join) -infinity Undo/Redo function -Icon-groin -Breseham and Bitmap export -loading of Jpg,Gif and Wmf (Thanks Frank) -create of zero-Projekten (create of Positionsunabhängigen Pfaden) -div. others small Changes and Neuerungen...
comes soon, wealth 1-2 weeks yet
Moritz |
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| Tja Moritz, the Speedanimator is simply one Program, because one: - Individual Frames malen can - these into Sprite add can - moreover a Preview Play can - Edit the individual Frames u.s.w ...... in the momentum be I on the verzweifeln, I the create on Setpixelebene make and everything what on the large Malbild prepares becomes in Pixel into 40x40 stature by Setpixel copies becomes. so far sogut. loading can I but unfortunately on these manner not, I with the the Setpixel because of the Fehlerhaften Sizedfunktion made have. Copysized devours the image unfortunately. Frank having something a others function in the Win32 tells, find these but unfortunately not. - Achso, be on your new version maximum tensely !!! Perhaps would too one Scrollbereich the loaded Bildes in Your Program drin, I time one Image larger as the Arbeitsfeld having and not any Paths unterbekommen have only as suggestion. Rolf |
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| becomes well very useful go your Program !
Have already couple. similar programs circa Animated-Icons to develop, becomes your Tool so similar or another couple Special functions afford ? (certainly )
To your trouble falls me too only StretchBlt() one, but the power already CopySizedBmp.
so integrally Have I the neither understood, You setting in a Memory bitmap The 40x40 Pixel and copy tappt im dunkeln then by MCopySizedBmp (or CopySizedBmp()) in your Arbeitsfenster on %hdc in the suitable Size, or ?
is The Size the To entwerfenden Sprite 40x40 Pixel festgesetzt ?
Perhaps would too one Scrollbereich the loaded Bildes in Your Program drin, I time one Image larger as the Arbeitsfeld having and not any Paths unterbekommen have.
was the image larger as 2000x2000 Pixel ? otherwise can now with the new Image system The Images complete manage:
-add, Remove... -Change the position -Change the plain
and the naturally so often and when one wants too after Save and again open, Perhaps not integrally so useful as an Scrollfunktion but in the Endeffekt the same
Moritz |
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| Yes correctly.: the large Arbeitsfenster becomes During low the Zeichnens on 40x40 minimizes. but by me take I deliberate: Setpixel Have before Copysizedbmp or The function of Frank (is Yes really ident.) used. there is the trouble: in the large Arbeitsfenster is eachone Bildpunkt same. the in the small (is by me OnTheFly) becomes if I Copysized take verzerrt. but somehow I will soon File loading and must then from the small Image a copy the large Arbeitsfenster bring - and is too verzerrt - kennste certainly. Well - time look. RocknRolf |
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| Yes correctly.: the large Arbeitsfenster becomes During low the Zeichnens on 40x40 minimizes. but by me take I deliberate: Setpixel Have before Copysizedbmp or The function of Frank (is Yes really ident.) used. there is the trouble: in the large Arbeitsfenster is eachone Bildpunkt same. the in the small (is by me OnTheFly) becomes if I Copysized take verzerrt. but somehow I will soon File loading and must then from the small Image a copy the large Arbeitsfenster bring - and is too verzerrt - kennste certainly. Well - time look. RocknRolf |
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| Hello back !!!
the weather was not so dusty, except for 2 small Regenschauer. are almost The whole Time Motorboot drove )
your trouble has Yes Done, Rolf, God Thanks...
Sincerely, one müder Frank. |
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