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Peter Max Müller | Hello all ProfanerINNEN, I progge not yet long with Profan.any my recent Problems have I resolved or I have on the Web to Solutions sought. but now white I simply not further :
PROBLEM: I have one Progie written.the has one normales Menu (PopUp) and a Toolbar.now would like I gladly the The Uhrzeit displayed becomes.means have I subesquent code installed:
window 0,0-200,200 settimer 1000 while 1 waitinput case %wmtimer:settext %hwnd,time$(0)+:+substr$(time$(1),1,.) endwhile killtimer
depending on where I endwhile hinsetze can I either The Menüleiste not valet or The Toolbar reacted not. time have I it so far the everything runs but if I then one Window open is it at next umspringen the Time (in this drop second) again disappeared. gives it because none lane a simple Uhrzeit darzustellen?
I thanks you already now very cordial for eure Help.
your Peter |
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Michael Dell | Korrigiere:
SetText %Hwnd comes me Español to, ought to anstell of %HWnd not the lever one Textfeldes stand? where want You The Time because Show?
Sorry, i'm today well something moreover! hold you time rather on If
Vieleicht helps but too this small demonstration: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare txt1&
window 0,0-400,200
PopUp "Test"
AppendMenu 100,"Test_1"
AppendMenu 101,"Test_2"
AppendMenu 102,"Test_3"
settimer 500
whileNot Equ(%MenuItem,-2)
Sleep 100
If %wmtimer
SetText txt1&,Time$(0)+":"+substr$(Time$(1),1,".")
WindowTitle "Check Time - "+Time$(0)+":"+substr$(Time$(1),1,".") anstelle SetText %HWnd
ElseIf Equ(%MenuItem,100)
SetMenuItem 0
ElseIf Equ(%MenuItem,101)
SetMenuItem 0
ElseIf Equ(%MenuItem,102)
SetMenuItem 0
Michael... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/04/04 ▲ |
| look time here: [...]
If you your Zeitanzeige into thread.do lay, working it permanent.
XProfan - needet.
salvo, iF
PS: If I me your Avatar so anschaue question I what you because happens be. |
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Peter Max Müller | Moin,Moin,
@Michael : where The Time displayed becomes is me alike.whether Window or in the windows Title. I have time your demonstration code ausprobiert.but the same thing trouble How with my. @CreateDialog Windows at umspringen the watch selbstständig and close itself. but neither any.I faith the trouble exit then on if by SetFocus on a Button verweist becomes the whom dialog close.anyway have I the time changed and then running it. I thanks you.
@IF : I have no X-Profan.yet not.I observe but self the any lovely functions X-Profan need.here be only time X-Menu erwähnt.therefore I will next week updaten. and To my Avantar: If I me your so begucke have too You one böses fate erlitten) . the photo is emerged as i me on one VBA meet as Profaner geoutet have.No,all joking aside.I knew simply not what kind of Image I take ought to and there have I the erstbeste taken.at that Kickboxen sees one already time so from. and too one large thanks for your Help on you. |
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| Hello Peter,- To Your Avatar,- I habs kappiert.
To Your Timer-trouble,- I faith the you the sekündliche waitinput-leave these Problems bescherrt (there stay hold The messages on the way),- if you means only a Minutengenaue-display proggen would wären probably the Problems to there.
salvo, iF |
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Dennis Schulmeister | Hello Peter,
subesquent Source have I time to a couple years prepares, as straight Profan² 7 new was. (Hach, were the still times. )
i'd for Uhrzeit none own Timer take, there that plenty To inaccurate is. question The Time still simply with @time$() ex...
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 09/05/04 ▲ |
Ragnar Rehbein | böses Program
created 100 % cpu-last !
To DOS-times where only one Program currently running sure no trouble but today .....
one sleep 1 in the IF and ELSE -sprig wären sure appropriate.
r.r. |
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Dennis Schulmeister | Habs sincere said not any more tested separate directly ovn the Backup-CD uploaded.
means Sleep 1 not forget.
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 09/06/04 ▲ |
Peter Max Müller | Halli,Hello, Erstmal many Thanks all for eure Help. I faith if I The watch so progge the tappt im dunkeln only minütlich umspringt becomes it neither really rather.power the users short to the filled Minute one dialog on and the watch jumping just a short while later circa becomes the window again closed.faith I zumindestens.I have not ausprobiert. Have simply SetFocus on The Button omitted and it runs without Probs. and what none of you know could: it deals itself circa a Analoguhr where one Sekundenzeiger simply well looks. *coolyeah* Machts any well and goes quiet time into sun. see you soon your Peter |
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| Hello Peter...
If you here a part your Source code posted would have, had one you certainly faster and rather help can... To your trouble: The Timer durchbricht to the tuned Time Waitinput and resolve so too whom Button from, whom You thereafter with GetFocus query and the whom Focus has. Getfocus screen only, whether a Button whom Focus has, not but whether it pressed watts. attempt time following Buttonabfrage: If @gt(sendmessage(Dein_Button_Handle&,$00F2,0,0),40) These Problems become You too with the request of Menüpunkten having, unless You setting the Menu with SetMenuitem0 again back...
PS: as i IFs Avatar to that first time seen have.... :biggrin: |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello Peter!
>> the photo is emerged as i me on one VBA meet as Profaner geoutet have.
I have there another example, the without XProfan auskommt: CompileMarkSeparationwindow 50,50-500,200
usermessages 16
def GetModuleHandle(1) !"KERNEL32","GetModuleHandleA"
def GetProcAddress(2) !"KERNEL32","GetProcAddress"
def CreateThread(6) !"KERNEL32","CreateThread"
def TerminateThread(2) !"KERNEL32","TerminateThread"
def ResumeThread(1) !"KERNEL32","ResumeThread"
def SuspendThread(1) !"KERNEL32","SuspendThread"
declare a$,a&,a#
declare Funct1&,Funct2&,Funct3&,Dummy&,Thread&
dim a#,200
long a#,0=-1947432107
long a#,4=-141883267
long a#,8=1779746435
long a#,12=6968852
long a#,16=6946922
long a#,20=126550122
long a#,24=1784074495
long a#,28=-1962120704
long a#,32=-1957688249
long a#,36=-788593593
long a#,40=256104
long a#,44=138906368
long a#,48=-24915713
long a#,52=-1949011199
long a#,56=79846885
long a#,60=0
long a#,100 =Funct1& GetTimeFormat
long a#,104 =Funct2& SendMessageA
long a#,108 =Funct3& Sleep
long a#,112 =%hwnd Zielhandle
while 1
case %umessage=16:break
case %key=97:SuspendThread(Thread&)--Taste "a": Stopp
case %key=98:ResumeThread(Thread&)---Taste "b": Weiter
TerminateThread(Thread&,259) 259 = STILL_ACTIVE
dispose a#
Weils there yet no @ProcAddr(s,n) given, is the eigendliche routine in Assenbler written and a Memory-Variable gepackt been (about so How at seligen C64 The Maschinensprache-Codes)
the part ought to theoretical even yet except for Profan 5 runterzudrücken his.
HTH Pascal |
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Michael Dell | Hi,
Have too yet ne function ausgegraben The here help can.
checks whether a Button losgelassen watts during the Cursor yet on in shows (Yes = 1 otherwise 0) is the the drop becomes 1 zurückgegeben and the Focus becomes the übergebene lever staid
commands: ButtonUp(Handle&) Handle& standing for Window or dialog (Übergeordnet)
Def ButtonUp(1) @Equ(@If(Equ(%Lastmessage,514),1,@If(Equ(%Lastmessage,512),SetFocus(@&(1)),0)),1)
ElseIf @GetFocus(Button_1&)
If ButtonUp(Dialog_4&) auszuführende releases EndIf
ElseIf ....
The has me already ne crowd Ärger erspart.
Michael... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/06/04 ▲ |