
Control "AtlAxWin" Context menu


has someone a idea, How one prevent can, that with one right-Click with the mouse in a AtlAxWin-Control the ATL-Context menu aufgeht?

prepares becomes the control so:

means with omit of a Style is it well not done.
XProfan 9.1; XP SP2; FF; Editpad

Yes. the Control subclassen and the Message WM_CONTEXTMENU prevent.

[quote:d767e6fda1=Frank Abbing]Yes. the Control subclassen and the Message WM_CONTEXTMENU prevent.[/quote:d767e6fda1]
Haste the time tested? can I do not present that this with COM-Objects so goes, would time interestingly To know

No, not tested. But The gängige method what about me think, that they with all Objects functions. I use tappt im dunkeln, circa z.B. Kontextmenüs with Multiedits To prevent.

Have me time informed, it should objectively weg. MultiEdits are so no com-Objects, there would it me clear been. one learn never from

too The COM-Objects process integrally normal Messages...

If you just whom Codesnippedfinder benefit would...

me falls namely the You to that wiederholten Male already there beantwortete ask position.

there have I The Solution already since a couple weeks posted.

[quote:3c8fa9d06c=iF]If you just whom Codesnippedfinder benefit would...

me falls namely the You to that wiederholten Male already there beantwortete ask position.

there have I The Solution already since a couple weeks posted. [/quote:3c8fa9d06c]
Weder under Context menu, yet under ATL something to find. If you something posted would have, wieso finds one under this Stichworten then nothing? if You time check would, How often I alone The Search use, would you your eyes pass over. before I at all a question place, look I really everywhere under whom Stichworten to, The me to the Topic to occur.

and instead of To meckern, would have You einfacherhalber whom Link post can.
XProfan 9.1; XP SP2; FF; Editpad

look either under





under all this 5 Schlagworten become You fündig.

one must itself hold not on it limit To believe the something strain under the cant posted is what self for entscheident hold would. try you simply vorzustellen what the Codesnippetposter for Schlagworte in the cover dial would.

If you So one Completed: the rechten Mouse button have, look simply under rights to, and not only under ATL or context.

I have no Completed: the rechten Mouse button, my functions. it's about the Context menu, which one slight too with the left or mittleren Mouse button access. Why means should I to the rechten Mouse button search? power not really sense! and How should I on Hook come? (foreseen of it, What is at all one Hook?). under HTML have I in the Search nachgesehen, still nothing in the direction found. Perhaps should You The Search properly strain, that too Posts into Codesnippes found go.

Also is your Posting time again undokumentiert, self with Kommentaren inside the Quelltextes are you utterly economical. so comes The Variable R% to, either is the 1 or 0. How comes one on The others Messages How getFocus? additionally functions createhtmlbox not at me. Profan 10 ? which Stils stick behind it? and what make I with the others Elementen the Dialogs? becomes so only The rights Mouse button abgefangen and others go normal treats? ...

the Example of Frank with the subclassing is me objectively verständlich, even if I no idea have, what subclassing means. I take simply at times, that with subclassing The replacement the actual routine meant is, means sooner one replaceclassing

[quote:171dc9098d]me falls namely the You to that wiederholten Male already there beantwortete ask position.[/quote:171dc9098d]
which yet? The announcement to that Chat, the Completed: the SK-Control? which question Dou you mean?
XProfan 9.1; XP SP2; FF; Editpad

you put my Wink on The Codesnippets wrong - Yes even angry dar - - Please viewing my Initialposting.

there's too none reason itself personally attacked To feel - here's means no justification Deinerseits necessary.

your Ausgangsfrage was: [quote:aecc895a6e]has someone a idea, How one prevent can, that with one right-Click with the mouse in a AtlAxWin-Control the ATL-Context menu aufgeht?[/quote:aecc895a6e]
Why You me now provide must: I have no Completed: the rechten Mouse button understand I do not.

everything I try you To provide is: If it to you therefore goes The rights Mouse button To Lock look under whom Codenippets under rights or Mouse button to - because there standing The Solution.

The Wink of Frank (SubClassing) Although coherent - functions but not there the control a) not only 1 Control is and b) M$ there well self some Spielereien installed has which the SubClassing prevent.

In this case helps only one Hook - but I can me naturally too brill.

very this issue is very very often addressed been, in Phorum of Roland. long Time gabs for of course suggestions but no Solutions. first recent gelang it me a crunchy Source To bake which very this issue slay.

that I with Kommentaren save be me permits as long as I do not with the Kommentaren save How unfortunately most with the Codesnippets. in the übrigen standing it each spare nichtkommentierte Sources To to comment and new-To-post. but the power Yes ultimately too none...

rather iF, I erspare me here now wohlwissend my comment. but as Info: I use no XPSE. many others using no XPSE. well? Funkts.

and what a Hook is, white I still not, just as little what The number $204 in your Posting means and where The procedure white, that it on my HTML-Box react should or. what it with the Return-worth on itself has. and I yet numerous others Controls has, must one there too Own Procedures write .......... ?.
XProfan 9.1; XP SP2; FF; Editpad


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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