


Andreas Hötker

on Controls bräuchte I:
1.) Control to that select of/ one group:
I have here first once one one ComboBoxEx Control with Editfunktion virtual. here had one The Possibility, each groups, depending on whether it itself circa local- or Netzwerkgruppen deals, with unterschiedlichen Icons To slip.
2.) Control to that Show the Privilegien and Accountrechte:
me hovers there a List view with check boxes to. one could here always any Privilegien Accountrrechte Show and with present Rechten The Checkbox properly settle. thereby should The Privilegen me ihren Microsoft names showing and moreover, evtl. with ToolTipp, a over FormatMessage begot Statement.
3,) Control to that Show the Description of/ one group:
in the moment could I me for one Richedit 2.0 Control well present.
4.) Control to that Show the vorhandenen User in a group:
For this could I me too a List view think - with Drag and Drop function. one could then a second List view simply User by Drag and Drop add or Remove.
5.) Control to that Abspeichern geänderter Gruppeneinstellungen:
moreover falls me in the moment only one Button one.
6.) Control to that Delete of/ one selected group:
too this one Button?

desired becomes here in the moment yet no View source, separate only suggestions in reference on The Features (missing yet what?), The Controls (How could one The best space, Oberflächengestaltung, better ideas for Controls - Menu, Farbgestaltung, Aufteilung... - evtl. something record?)

- Gruppenliste
--- available groups Show
----- local or Netzwerkgruppe
----- Description the group
--- groups add
--- groups delete

- apiece group
--- Description the group (änderbar)
--- Accountrechte (änderbar)
--- Privilegien (änderbar)
--- Userliste
----- User add
----- User Remove

- Userliste
--- available User Show
----- Username
----- Vollständiger name
----- Description
----- Gruppenzugehörigkeit (einzeilige enumeration)
--- User add
--- User delete

- apiece User
--- Username
--- Vollständiger name (änderbar)
--- Description (änderbar)
--- Accountrechte (änderbar)
--- Privilegien (änderbar)
--- Password zurücksetzen

with whom Privilegien ought to one rather on one Tooltip dispense and the Description in a Text box present. so has one The Possibility something detail the Zusammenspiel of Privilegien einzugehen. Tooltips are with plenty Text still right umständlich and To quick again disappeared (or verdecken plenty too long important items).

If one The Userverwaltung with aufnimmt has one one einheitliches Admin-Tool and need for not again one own program.

The Accounts/Privilegien can then staid go, depending on, whether a User or a group chosen watts.

would be it then too possible a User (a group) To dial and the Privilegien on others User (groups) To transfer? naturally becomes thereby one filter go through and only The possible rights staid.

so would The Admin-work vastly plainer: several User/groups lay out, a edit, then The Settings copy and to that Schluß Feinschliff (control and individuelle Anpasung).

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

The Controls should secondary matter his - The Controls yield itself from whom command - which letztendlich The Funktionalität gewährleisten.

Erstmal must ne manner INC/PCU since - which The exekutiven functions supply. After this then would The surface zurechtgebaut.

salvo, iF.

Hello IF...

I see the sooner andersherum. The Executiven functions any Pipifax and can per function in few minutes zusammenschreiben - the meiste need I really only copy.
Since I in the principle already very white How I The Controls filling, would like I me first once over the prinzipiellen construction thoughts make.
Also hang some Structures the functions The then there To use are of it ex, I very at all Show wants.

@Michael: With the of/ one Userverwaltung To yoking, would certainly meaningfully. there for a group but integrally others Einstellmöglichkeiten consist How for a User (z.B. The Gruppenbeschreibung), would like I not absolutely directly mix up.

Hello Michael...

I habs strain found - a Description there too for User.

i want here once more say, that my Fachkenntnisse over Programming a Time come, in the it yet no graphic surfaces given. I have therefore whom slope, always everything on one Mainwindow To pack - the was here my first thought. One Control to that select the groups (ComboBoxEditEx), that then, according to selection, whom Content all others Controls changes.

from your List entnehme I, that You the evtl. differently regulate would - i'll from it but not yet integrally schlau. How would you there in principle rangehen?

I have something aufgemalt:

Tab-Control - erster Tab

|*Gruppenliste*| Gruppe |
| (x) lokal +------------------...
| (.) Netzwerk |Beschreibungstext
| +--------------------+ |
| ->|Administratoren | |
| |Benutzer | |
| |Debugger Users | |
| |Debuggerbenutzer | |
| |Gäste | |
| |Hilfedienstgruppe | |
| | | |
| ... ....
| [Gruppe hinzufügen] [Gruppe löschen] [Gruppe duplizieren]
duplizieren: Gruppe wählen - DUP - neuen Namen angeben
(dann hat das Duplikat die gleichen Privilegien)

Tab-Control - zweiter Tab

| Gruppenliste |*Gruppe*|
| Name: Administratoren
| (x) Beschreibung
| (.) Account-Rechte
| (.) Privilegien
| (.) Userliste

- bei Beschreibung: Editfenster und Buttons [Speichern] [Abbruch]
- bei Account-Rechte / Privilegien:
--- Checkboxen links / rechts ein Textfeld mit ausführlicher Beschreibung
- bei Userliste

| gehört zur Gruppe vorhandene User
| +------------------+ +------------------+
| ->|Administrator | |Administrator |
| |Chef | [<--] |ASPNET |
| | | ->|Chef |
| | | |Gast |
| | | [-->] |Hilfeassistent |
| | | |SUPPORT_388123a0 |
| | | | |

erster Button: zur Gruppe hinzufügen
zweiter Button: aus Gruppe entfernen

it would helpful, if one time a list the possible Account-rights and Privilegien had. according to amount must one then evtl. others Controls benefit.
Z.B. left ListView-Control / right Richedit-NurAnzeige-area

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Michael...

Accountrechte and Privilegien gint it together about 30, of it are 26 Privilegien . under XP there at least 1 privilege More, the should one means respect.
an detailed list there here: [...] 

Accountrechte are rights, The it of/ one group or one User permit, itself on a defined Nature and point in a computer einzuloggen (i will hoping, that I the right understood have ).


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Borowiak05/20/12


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