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 Walter Köhler | sometimes reicht it beautiful over a problem To talk, circa it To solve. thanks. Since I experimentell whom maximalen Difference of a point to that others know I compare in a first Passage with "Range" 2 following spots. "Range" setting then "Ausreisser" on the maximum possible worth. in the second Passage take I me 5 spots and compare these and form whom story. Solten point 1 of story deviation change I Diesen then around the Half the deviation into suitable direction. so glättet the curve enough, without whom Kurvenverlauf To heavy To verfälschen. are to that Happiness only 300 spots, goes therefore too quick enough. The problem can as Done viewing go. Walter bedankt itself |
| WKS Win XP Xprofan 10 AMD 1.6GHz 1GB Ram | 09/24/18 ▲ |