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Frank Abbing | Peter G.
since well two weeks engage I with Profan. I have me to that begin The Version 6.6 Downloaded and Have already a couple small Erfolgerlebnisse. now would like I one something größeres "Projekt" in forward line take, Ablautechnisch is it already durchgeplant. there's but now a problem, with the I simply not further come, tzotz manuals and the Posts of you Profis. I verzweifle almost . I hope very, that You me on The Sprünge help can. means: I having a DB III data base prepares with the Feldern NR, (Numerisch), Arttikel (Text) and Price (numerisch). The individual Datensätze would like I now in a mehrfachsektierbaren Listbox present. After selection the desired Datensätze would like I these on a second Listbox transfer, with the area "Preis" Berechnungen manage, The Datensätze this Listbox in a new data base write and the Content print out. If the happen is, should the second Listbox by Button deleted and the Mehrfachselektion the first Listbox aufgehoben go. I Depp get The data base not even into Listbox., have only a vain Box or Zugriffsverletzungen manufactures (withal manuals and Euren Tipps) .I hope , that You me a couple Denkanstöße give can. but nevertheless power Profan Fun
plenty Regards and thanks Peter Gückstock (of/ one from the Neulingen) |
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