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ByteAttack | I faith i'm a little bit stupid or otherwise somehow dämlich. CompileMarkSeparationDeclare exit%,Haupttab&,MX%,MY%,DLAdresse&,prozent1%,DLKunde&,DLArtikel&,DLBestellung&
Declare WVTab&,DLALT&,DLNOW&,DLFUT&,proz%,HFX%,HFY%,Version$,LangFile$,LangName$,temp$
Declare TextAnrede&,TextVorname&,TextNachname&,TextAdresse&,TextPlzOrt&,TextTelefon&,Anrede&,Vorname&,Nachname&
Declare Adresse&,Plz&,Ort&,Vorwahl&,Telefon&,TextDS&,DS&,TextFax&,TextMobil&,TextMail&,TextUrl&,FaxVorwahl&,MobilVorwahl&,FaxNummer&
Declare MobilNummer&,email&,url&,NavGruppe&,TextDSNav&,AktuellDS&,AnzahlDS&,resdll&
Declare vorher&,erster&,next&,neuer&,last&,vlinie&,TextQ1&,TextQ2&,TextQ3&,QDat1&,QDat2&,QDat3&
Declare QT1&
Declare QT2&
Declare QT3&
Declare QN1&
Declare QN2&
Declare QN3&
Declare hlinie&
Declare TextABC&,ABC&,GroupBank&,Textgebdat&,Gebdat&,TextBankname&,Kto&,TextInhaber&,TextKto&,Textblz&,Bankname&,Inhaber&,Blz&
Declare Textsonst&,Sons tdesinh&
time as EXE create and started:
Ergebniss by me: Variable twice declared B& I see??? |
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| @Marc
Ergebniss by me: Variable twice declared B& I see???
can I not confirm. becomes by me correctly as EXE-File prepares. No Message. |
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ByteAttack | have now time whom variables optimize shorted, and then went it??? nevertheless thanks! |
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Jac de Lad | |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 11/12/07 ▲ |
RGH | not without reason standing in the Help this Topic:
These option is for the time being mere experimentell, d.h. its thoroughly possible, that not with all Programs functions.
i'd So one Program always first without Variablenoptimierung develop and first, if everything works, these then with want (Temposteigerung) zuschalten. gives it then Problems, schalte I The optimization again from.
I have but found out, what at supra named Listing the trouble causes: The Variablenoptimierung has a bow, the To days exit, if of a type More as 52 variables vorkommen: it then double optimierte names give away.
in the next Version is it naturally korrigiert.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 11/12/07 ▲ |