Hello together I have me to one two days XProfan on it made and try me one Tool or Program To write,with the defined data in a Externen Laufwek deleted go. I have already everything prepared with of/ one Message The as Messagebox aufgeht and a Info gives what there deleted and is in the Mainwindow several Menüzeilen, with whom 8h,16h,24h... standing. i will the whom one on the 8h pressing, any datten The older are as 8h of aktuelen zeitpunkt deleted go. unfortunately found I nothing in the manuals or Have what overlooking...
So I would me first with ChDir and AddFiles any Files List let and then in a Whileloopschleife the row to work out.
with the functions GetFDate$() and GetFTime$() can you whom Erstellungszeitpunkt of/ one File to determine. then must You only yet from it and the actually Time the old the File to determine. with XProfan X2 can you with the whom Datumsfunktionen date(...) hinbekommen. have you got a ältere XProfan-Version, then could you The Help of/ one Include or DLL take. what I spontan in the Forum found have: [...] [...] [...]
Such you of them best what from and try, so the old the File To to determine. as they older as x hours is, becomes tappt im dunkeln by commands Erase gekillt.