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Dietmar Horn | Hi,
I grübele now already whom third evening a Programmteil, the in the interpreter mode correct functions, but compiliert only Schrott ausspuckt.
meanwhile could I The defective reagierende place eingrenzen and me The fehlerhaften values spend let: CompileMarkSeparationmessagebox(str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + i% * gb%)) + "
" + str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + (i% + 1) * gb%)),"",4160)
messagebox(str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + i% * gb%)) + "
" + str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + i% * gb% + gb%)),"",4160)pre> in the Interpretermodus -> right values: 10 and 36 Compiliert -> idiotische values: 10 and 8
The values go in the program in a Loop several hundred time with unterschiedlichen Ausgangswerten accounts. The angegebenen Wertepaare are The values the first Schleifendurchlaufes.
of Mathematischen since is in this Programmteil everything aale (it's about The Berechnung the values for a Balkendiagramm). in the Interpretermodus becomes the à ¶ Open too correctly displayed - compiliert because of the incorrect values but even unfortunately not.
can someone help?
I war otherwise slow yet ne Macke because of the ständigen differences between Interpreter- and Compilermodus.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 04/22/05 ▲ |
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Dietmar Horn | no, Andreas,
I have only because of the maths-Logik both Message-boxing posted (both supplying identische values).
solely the two Formeln discern itself something (because I initially thought, that PRF with Klammerung in Klammerung here evtl. Problems having could).
The Ausgangswerte are ditto correctly. (each Schleifendurchlauf).
otherwise stand I with maths to that Happiness not straight on Kriegsfuß. on it might not lying (suspect I time) ...
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 04/22/05 ▲ |
| Hello Dietmar...
nevertheless would it for me integrally helpful The values for variables and the dazugehörige incorrect Result to know. |
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| means I sustain in the inter and in the compi both male The equal values: CompileMarkSeparationdeclare gx0%,ga%,i%,gb%
messagebox(str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + i% * gb%)) + "
" + str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + (i% + 1) * gb%)),"",4160)
messagebox(str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + i% * gb%)) + "
" + str$((gx0% + i% * ga% + i% * gb% + gb%)),"",4160) >
Perhaps lying it on it - the The variables through st$ wrong go. i remember there at times The autom. typenconvertierung..
salvo. |
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GDL | Hi,
your Messageboxen with equal numbers of iF in the Interpreter How as exe always 75.000000 and 82.000000 .
Hello Georg |
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Stephan Sonneborn | Hi, I can also none Difference between Interpreter and Exe check. too then not, if one ga% with a worth occupied (yet is ga% = 0).
Dietmar, poste still simply times the values for variables, with them not works. go evtl. Dezimalzahlen on Integervariablen transfer and it come into being at rounds ungewollte Nebeneffekte? though me though the Difference already right big appear... |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 04/23/05 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | Yes, slow suspect so did i, that it somehow with this stupid automatischen Typumwandlung on anybody place zusammenhängen could, what about me must the probably now of beginning on over again everything auseinanderbröseln.
on Rundungsfehlern might not lying, because then ought to it still no differences between Interpreter and Compiler give. a couple time have I already erlebt, that Profan Problems with the maths has, but one can still not any Formeln in the manner take apart (heavy vereinfacht displayed):
instead of: x = (a + b) - (c - d)
u = a + b v = c - d
x = u - v
interestingly becomes these Vorgehensweise, if then too yet trigonometrische functions, Potenzen and Logarithmen join ...
today and tommorrow come I probably not same moreover, but I will be it post, if I whom Übeltäter eingefangen have or at least moreover einkreisen could. or whom maths-Berechnungsteil if need be in Delphi write and the Results the Profan-Program to Weiterbearbeitung transfer ...
me disturbing in first line, that it often times these stupid differences between Interpreter and Compiler gives, because to the yourself at program hardly bearing can. If the uniform would (if need be even too same Bugs with both), then could one itself Yes thereafter richten, but so ...
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 04/23/05 ▲ |
CB | I have me angewöhnt, all clinging To settle, too ifs from mathematischen Prinzipien not necessary would - but who can tell? so erzwinge I ggf. one korrektes Vorgehen - hopefully ...
Christian |
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| from the reason work I not at all with the Interpreter - separate always only with the finished Exe.
therefore back me supra in the Source too always {$cleq}
on the end saving one Time. :/:
salvo. |
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Dietmar Horn | Hi,
I have finally my Error found.
but not
ga% = 3
I had inadvertently
ga% = 3%
comic, that weder Interpreter yet Compiler the angemeckert and have particularly, that the thing in the Interpreter even correctly funktionierte.
I thanks trozdem all, The me attempts having To help.
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 04/23/05 ▲ |
| Hello Dietmar...
i'm to to some years what integrally ähnliches happens - here meckerte the Interpreter not and the EXE given incorrect values. the Program having ca. 10000 Line and I have days to the Mist sought, the there happens... |
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CB | In so one drop beschwert itself Profan not - there 3% not existing is ga% hold 0 and already fällts never on, that 3% not declared (because wrong) is. it lebe The Variablenüberprüfung of XPSE, as they too such missing Deklarationen finds. iF Better get going already hinkriegen!
Christian |
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| I habs along into The ToCheckToDo of XPSE gepackt.
so isses Yes virtual - xpse should itself Yes steady weiterentwickeln and always strenger go.
salvo. |
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