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Andreas Gaida | Hi! I have here a for me important question to create of DLLs and its weitergabe. I have me with Purebasic a DLL prepares. The MD5 command of Purebasic in itself has ,have the but everything so extended the tappt im dunkeln of Profan called go can and as eigener Tread walk without Profan anzuhalten and Message To verständigen if Tread is done. i'd gladly The DLL here spare To available to put but have deliberating because of Outsourcing. my question is have I enough own erarbeitet or could one me because of Outsourcing the command MD5FileFingerprint() ,MD5Fingerprint() ,IsThread() sue. If someone there To näheres desert would I for Beratung very grateful.
The Source the of me erstellten MD5 DLL
ProcedureDLL MD5_FILE_Thread(Lnge.l)
Shared Text.s
adrre.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 0 ))
lenge.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 4 ))
target1.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 8 ))
tid.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 12))
hwd.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 16))
msg.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 20))
lpa.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 24))
wpa.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 28))
Text = PeekS(adrre.l, lenge.l)
Text = MD5FileFingerprint(Text)
PokeS(target1.l, Text)
If (hwd.l > 0) And (msg.l > 0)
result.l = SendMessage_ (hwd.l,msg.l,wpa.l,tid.l)
ProcedureReturn @Text
ProcedureDLL MD5_BUFFER_Thread(Lnge.l)
Shared Text.s
adrre.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 0 ))
lenge.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 4 ))
target1.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 8 ))
tid.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 12))
hwd.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 16))
msg.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 20))
lpa.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 24))
wpa.l = PeekL((Lnge.l + 28))
;Text = PeekS(adrre.l, lenge.l)
Text.s = MD5Fingerprint(adrre.l, lenge.l)
PokeS(target1.l, Text)
If (hwd.l > 0) And (msg.l > 0)
result.l = SendMessage_ (hwd.l,msg.l,wpa.l,tid.l)
ProcedureReturn @Text
ProcedureDLL Start_Thread_MD5_File(Lnge.l)
Shared MD5A.s
Thread.l = CreateThread(@MD5_FILE_Thread(), Lnge.l)
PokeL((Lnge.l + 12), Thread.l)
ProcedureReturn Thread.l
ProcedureDLL Start_Thread_MD5_Buffer(Lnge.l)
Shared MD5A.s
Thread.l = CreateThread(@MD5_BUFFER_Thread(), Lnge.l)
PokeL((Lnge.l + 12), Thread.l)
ProcedureReturn Thread.l
;ProcedureReturn Lnge.l
ProcedureDLL INFO_DLL()
Shared MD5A.s
MD5A = MD5 DLL V0.01 of Andreas Gaida
ProcedureReturn @MD5A
ProcedureDLL Status_MD5_Thread(Lnge.l)
Shared MD5A.s
Thread.l = IsThread(Lnge.l)
ProcedureReturn Thread.l
MfG Andreas |
| Athlon X2 4800 , 2GB Ram , GeForce 7800GT Windows XP Pro , XProfan 10 und 11 , Profan2Cpp 1.6b | 03/31/08 ▲ |
H.Brill | So I would it NOT make, on my own because of the Cipher and Thread - Libraries. there there were former already often Ärger therefore. only integrally Hausgemachtes is allows. can The DLL but without schlechtes conscience for you private . Use
Lies but too yet The Terms of Use in the PB-Help, there standing it too yet under Rechtliches drin.
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 04/01/08 ▲ |
Andreas Gaida | Hi! Thx for piece of advice ,will be it too to obey. there one today To days for each kleinigkeit same circa zig thousands of verklagt go can is it well gesünder for me. even if my conscience too andersrum mere would , if eachone so much money for software spend would How I had The world not only a Bill Gates. MfG Andreas |
| Athlon X2 4800 , 2GB Ram , GeForce 7800GT Windows XP Pro , XProfan 10 und 11 , Profan2Cpp 1.6b | 04/03/08 ▲ |
H.Brill | Yes, leave we it hierbei. yet as Note : me would it Yes alike, but considerate, that here too so some PBler (as Guest) mitliest. there happens it quick, that someone a Link in the PB-Forum to here power, and it then To unnecessary Diskussionen comes. I yourself have to years in a relatively unidentified Basic-Forum erlebt, How at a single blow there known people from others Programmier - Forums there were. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 04/03/08 ▲ |
| H.Brill
only integrally Hausgemachtes is allows.
I faith integrally sooo is it neither.
its against sure undesirable/not allows if you a Library publizierst which one reiner Wrapper already vorgefertigter functions is.
ex when a Library one reiner Wrapper is would I z.B. so formulieren:
One reiner Wrapper allows the benefit of functions through one other target (target would hierbei z.B. XProfan) as original angedacht and bid except of/ one compel interface to that target in relation to the gewrappten functions none further or verhältnismäßig geringen sense.
your o.g. View source in the Initialposting would I z.B. as such a reinen Wrapper bezeichnen.
PS: Wrapper has (unfortunately) little with Wopper To do! |
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H.Brill | Yes, IF like Yes well to be right. comes always hereon on, How one it sees. was Yes only a good council, there some from the PB - Gemeinde unfortunately something To very are and only on something like Waiting. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 04/04/08 ▲ |