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 Bernd Lies | trouble: The users machine in the Hptprg. functions (here: selection of ask and its Beantwortung). parallel moreover should in a Statuszeile The Analog Time (60 mins.) with Start the selection the ask on zero walk. is The Time on zero so should the Hptprg. with einm Info closed go. |
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 Julian Schmidt | want You a Analog- or Digitalanzeige? here an example with rückläufiger Time and Digitalanzeige and 24h-stature.
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 maroro | Programming Grundlagen
any my programs having one grundlegendes schema.
first thing go The Grundlagen laid variables Arrays Ini-File reading.
Then the window aufgebaut Listboxes Buttons etc.
now comes a Loop or Loop in the/the The Nutzereingaben abgefangen go.
From there becomes whom individual activities verzweigt.
follows your Program too this pattern? |
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 H.Brill | there You Yes XProfanX2 have, would I The watch in a Process run. See :
Multiprozessing with XProfan and the Proc SetTitleTime
there one too prozess-übergreifend on Controls grabbed has, could you with term the Time react, z.B. with Sendkey what on a Button send, or over FileMap etc. Roland has it Yes in the Help very well described.
might then about so looks (here time with a Hotkey Button interval) made :
Declare Btn1&, Btn2&, edit1&, Text1&
Window Title "Mein Fenster"
Window 600, 400
Btn1& = @Create("Button", %HWnd, "Ende", 5, 10, 60, 25)
Btn2& = @Create("Button", %HWnd, "Start Watch", 80, 10, 100, 25)
text1& = @Create("Text", %HWnd, "Eingabe : ", 5, 40, 80, 25)
edit1& = @Create("Edit", %HWnd, "", 85, 40, 120, 25)
AddHotkey 1001, 19, 0' interval - Button
WhileNot @Clicked(Btn1&)
If @Clicked(Btn2&)
pExec("|StartWatch", %HWnd, 1)
If MenuItem(1001)
Messagebox("Die Time is abgelaufen","MELDUNG",0)
Case %Key = 2 : Break' Closing-Cross inquire
Proc StartWatch
Parameters handle&, c&
Declare d&, h&, m&, s&, t&
Var end% = 0
t& = &GetTickCount
WhileNot end%
d& = (c& * 60000)-(&gettickcount - t&) + 1000
h& = (d& mod 86400000) /3600000
m& = (d& mod 3600000) / 60000
s& = (d& mod 60000) / 1000
Settext handle&, Str $(h&) + "h; " + Str $(m&) + "m; "+Str $(s&)+"s"
case getText$(handle&) = "" : end% = 1
If (d& <= 0)
SendKey(handle&, 19)
end% = 1
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 01/01/14 ▲ |
 Bernd Lies | The Answer with the create of/ one Analog- or Digitaluhr are o.k. my trouble is the Integration in my Prgramm. D. h. where very must The command mere: as Proc or ????. my Program standing and functions super. unfortunately even not the watch. |
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 Julian Schmidt | Maroro wrote it already.
maroro (uncharted)
Mach not whom Error and try it simply reinzukopieren ... try rather The funktionsweise To understand so that you it self write can.
I hope You take you the To hearts. |
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 H.Brill | Habs therefore supra extra as Proc ausgelegt, that You it rather in your Program using can. I Have Yes only to that better understanding one Program drumherum gebastelt, or. so You it testing can. If your Program already so far standing is done, do you know Yes certainly, what Procs are or. How tappt im dunkeln einzubinden are. I go therefore time of it from, that You not integrally at the beginning with the program with XProfan stand.
means again : in the Hauptprogramm have I a Hotkey (AddHotkey) definiert. If the interval-Button now pressed becomes, be it now by hand on the keyboard or simulate with Sendkey, becomes one Menu-Item activate. the functions just as, as wären items in your Program present. with AddHotkey becomes the as incident verknüpft. If it appears, becomes a Messagebox viewed.
in the Unterprogramm (Proc) send I even this Tastaturdruck with Sendkey on the Hauptprogrammfenster, if The Time run down is.
read still Please in the Help The Topics Multiprozessing and too Hotkeys and look you The Examples on. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 01/03/14 ▲ |
 Bernd Lies | Vielen Thanks on any. have me with the Code H.Brill apart staid and the XProfan-Help understood. have then self a code in my Program program (naturally ex and on on the Code H.Brill geschaut) and it's running super. over again thanks for Help  |
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 H.Brill | Well then be I Yes glad, that I something Lehrreiches transmit could. Have here yet take off Beginner : Oftmals must one as Beginner The Help durchforsten, for a GUI-Programmgerüst together To building. one white of course vaguely, as goes, must but nevertheless over ands over again nachschauen, mainly, what The Programmschelife etc. concerns. for the user the with XProfan supplied XProfed (editor), have I subesquent code :
Window Title "Programm - Gerüst"
Window 640, 400
Print "Gerüst becomes written...."
PutClip "'$I ' here can .inc Files eingebunden werden" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "WindowTitle " + Chr$(34) + "Mein Fenster" + Chr$(34) + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Window 640, 400" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Declare end%, Btn1&, Btn2&" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "' here go The Dialogelemente definiert" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Btn1& = @Create(" + Chr$(34) + "Button" + Chr$(34) + ", %HWnd," + Chr$(34) + "Ende" + Chr$(34) + ", 10, 10, 60, 25)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Btn2& = @Create(" + Chr$(34) + "Button" + Chr$(34) + ", %HWnd," + Chr$(34) + "Mach was" + Chr$(34) + ", 100, 10, 80, 25)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "ende% = 0" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "' here comes The incident - Schleife" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "WhileNot end%" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " WaitInput" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " If @Clicked(Btn1&)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " end% = 1" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " ElseIf @Clicked(Btn2&)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " MachWas()" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " EndIf" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " Case %Key = 2 : end% = 1 ' Closing-Cross abfragen" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "EndWhile" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "' here can The Procs for the Program written werden" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Proc MachWas" + Chr$(13)
PutClip " MessageBox(" + Chr$(34) + "Hallo" + Chr$(34) + ", " + Chr$(34) + "Info" + Chr$(34) + ", 0)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "EndProc" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "End" + Chr$(13)
Print "Quellcode can from Clipboard copies go !"
Print "Zum terminate Button pressing !"
If one this compilert (.exe create) and in that user-Menu einbindet, can beautiful with -Edit + Insert or hold with STRG-V one new Program begin. The missing Controls, How Listboxes, Buttons etc. You can then hereafter yourself into the bargain write or available delete or. replace. who wants, can itself too obigen code yet on its needs yet adjust.
Evtl. is it for a or others useful. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 01/09/14 ▲ |
 Julian Schmidt | moreover another Tipp of me.
I use the program ac'tivAid [...] with the expansion "Hotstrings" which for sorgt, that of me inputted Texts/Abkürzungen automatically through of me eingebene Text supplant go. so Have I me different Textbausteine laid out, z.B becomes with input of #txt this Text through an example-Edit supplant, likewise with #cmd by a Button etc...the takes a already plenty work ex and is for Beginner utterly To recommend.
In ac'tivAid there yet many others useful Tools/extensions, simply times the list go through. its well for each what thereby. |
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 Bernd Lies | thanks, I will using or. me the program standing.  |
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