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![Martin Kempf: 01/15/10](.././../../i/a/9475916784ac2569da81be.png) Martin Kempf | present is a DBase data base with to date sortierter Indexdatei. i want now the first Vorkommen of/ one Jahreszahl search let. there Datumsfelder as JJJJMMTT abgespeichert are, I thought, i that% = @db("Find","2010",0) to that first Sign in 2010 lead should. likes it but not. though I the Parameter "0" for "Suche to the first Datensatz, with the the Suchbegriff beginnt" use, ignoring it this Parameter. If I it i% = @db("Find","20100101",0) angebe, then finds it whom first Datensatz tidy. Have I NEN fallacy or is the one Bug? If I with SEEK Search, i%=@db("seek","AZDATUM",year$,1), then komm I already there, might then but none index More use, and this is really cheese... Solutions? |
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![Thomas Freier: 01/15/10](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | in the principle lead SEEK and FIND to that same target. FIND even only with *.ndx and it'll automatically in the first Indexfeld sought. with SEEK must You the Suchfeld with indicate. I faith, The *dbf can indiziert or not indiziert his. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 01/15/10 ▲ |
![iF: 01/15/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Perhaps. hilt in a list export and then with Select String search. |
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![Stephan Sonneborn: 01/17/10](.././../../i/a/27.gif) Stephan Sonneborn | Hi,
be I do not sure, but evtl. liegts on the Datumfeld. with dbPUT standing in the Help (ex XPROFAN 10) D: Datumsfelder must in the right db-stature (So how yet "JJJJMMTT") association go. Also must the date one gültiges gregorianisches date his. in the Fehlerfall gives @db("Put" 0 back. Perhaps becomes the too with Indexdateien mind. and "2010" would then no gültiges date...
If you the Datumfeld into normales Text box copy and then whom Indexsuchlauf hereon make, what finds XProfan then? |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 01/17/10 ▲ |