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Detlef Jagolski | Hello together,
there a Possibility with XProfan Images and Konturen To vektorisieren? it ought to thereby a .dxf File created and stored go.
Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 03/10/10 ▲ |
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Thomas Freier |
On german The letters find and then with known Pixelmengen (bräuchte The letters-PNGs (How supra described)) equalize, is technical seen sooner tedious - if sure too costly.
only one Gedankenspiel: users dial The Font (presumably Arial, 2.50mm = Pixel?), one Image with "2" produce, users checks with the verschiebbaren Image next to of/ one vorhandenen "2" Size and Font and can The Size yet change. with the then known Eckdaten any Images the letters the Alphabets create and the then in the drawing search. If found into dxf-Script insert. @iF: time with numbers testing?
Text einbetten went with: CompileMarkSeparation @Detlef: can you The 2-lines-new.dxf.txt rename To 2-lines-new.dxf and then open? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/13/10 ▲ |
Detlef Jagolski | Hello Thomas,
no Problem open. |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 03/13/10 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | even if Detlefs wish not adhoc with XProfan possible is, so here two interesting Software Topic: [...] having another uralte Version circa Topo-cards umzuwandeln and there's it in neuerer Version and a dxf-editor found: VeCAD [...] |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/17/10 ▲ |
| nice. |
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Thomas Freier |
there a Possibility with XProfan Images and Konturen To vektorisieren? it ought to thereby a .dxf File created and stored go.
i'd say: in the principle Yes. be no Pixelexperte and the example minimalisiert. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/20/10 ▲ |
| Hm, there find I my algo but rather. ^^ |
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Thomas Freier | Hmmm, so did i, if it not only with vertikalen and horizontalen lines befassen would. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/20/10 ▲ |
| Well, does it but "absichtlich" - these afterwards subtrahiert yield one new Image, which then against moreover investigating go can. recognized go could Textpassagen and slope lines/ Polys, this have I but yet none Algo written. i'd well first The Textpassagen discern and from the Image take, everything Übrige müssten then Schrägen his. |
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Thomas Freier | @Detlef: You map but not The strain backward, d.h. with your Schneidplan-Creator The drawing create and from the then a *.dxf. an simple *.dxf (Einlinienstärke) can you Yes from your Draw-Coordinates for a export self produce. Text and which Pos., or. Align, can then too with eingefügt go (see example supra). Schriftwinkel and Skalierung can with install. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/21/10 ▲ |
Detlef Jagolski | Hello Thomas,
i'm thereby one leeres Zeichnungsblatt to create, and only yet The drawing To complement. The Texts go through Placeholder then with the right data complement. Since I The drawing self draw, know I naturally too The data moreover and can accordingly The dxf File complement.
Greeting Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 03/21/10 ▲ |
| have Thou (yet) interest, that too Schrägen recognized go or is the Topic "durch"? |
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Detlef Jagolski | Hello IF,
the Topic is not yet through.
Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 03/21/10 ▲ |