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 DeHarrow | Hello!
short question: copy a Text with @MoveListToHandle in a MultiEdit, have but always to that Schluss the Textes a Leerzeile with drin stehn. Manuelles and automatisches Delete the last row (teils with Sendmessage) brought of my opinion to nothing, the Text becomes always each Neueinlesen circa a Leerzeile More displayed. hope your know I my.
Standardmässig is Yes with of/ one MultiEdit always a Leerzeile present - can I the somehow unterbinden? want hold to that Schluss the Textes no Leerzeile having.
Greeting Jürgen.
Edit: over again to Verständis: read whom eingelesenen Text in the row for MultiEdit Line and wants this in a data base write. The latest row becomes of me testweise deleted. If I this edited Text then overdo, then shining me The Leerzeile with übernommen To go. can the his? read I then whom Text again and overdo I this then again, then have I jedesmal again a additional Leerzeile on the Text present. |
| Angefangen hat alles mit Profan 5.0 ...noch auf Diskette  | 12/22/09 ▲ |
 | >Standardmässig is Yes with of/ one MultiEdit always a Leerzeile present
No, but You could testweise whom Text still simply time trimmen - to hardship settext e&,trim$(getText$(e&)) |
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 DeHarrow | see my Edit supra. Trim etc. I had already probiert.
Greeting Jürgen |
| Angefangen hat alles mit Profan 5.0 ...noch auf Diskette  | 12/22/09 ▲ |
 | can You time one MB make? |
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 DeHarrow | CompileMarkSeparationOpenRW_DBF Prüfen ob Zugriff auf Datenbankdatei möglich
db("Open",#1,$ProgDir + "LSM_Datensätze.dbf")
dbSeek& = db("Seek","FELD8",SubStrGridBox8$,1)
After MoveListToHandle have I of my opinion to always a Leerzeile on the Text. CompileMarkSeparation Diesen Text write I then from the Listbox again into data base back.
... CompileMarkSeparationdb("PutMemo","NOTIZ")
Edit: Source Please too with [ /code ] again close. Jörg |
| Angefangen hat alles mit Profan 5.0 ...noch auf Diskette  | 12/22/09 ▲ |
 | Mach still time behind MoveListToHandle(MultiEdit1&) settext multiEdit1&,trim$(getText$(multiEdit1&)). |
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 DeHarrow | iF you are pointed!!! Thx
all Profanern one nice Weihnachtsfest!!! |
| Angefangen hat alles mit Profan 5.0 ...noch auf Diskette  | 12/22/09 ▲ |
 Juergen Baier | ...still there were tappt im dunkeln again my Problems 
with Trim can I of course The Leerzeilen at the beginning and end rausnehmen, but What is z.B. if in the Text a Leerzeile vorkommt, The drin stay should - z.B. in the first row, How z.B.:
LEERZEILE Very honored dames and gentlemen, bla, bla, bla
If I the Text overdo (Cursor is at last bla), as Memo abspeichere, then have I at Wiedereinlesen in the MultiEdit a additional row, The I but not having would like...
with Addstring works without Leerzeile - with MoveListToHandle not.
Greeting Jürgen |
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 | Juergen Baier (08.11.10)
with Trim can I of course The Leerzeilen at the beginning and end rausnehmen, but What is z.B. if in the Text a Leerzeile vorkommt, The drin stay should - z.B. in the first row, How z.B.:
LEERZEILE Very honored dames and gentlemen,
then checks one z.B. simply before whether in front a Leerzeile glue and fügt these to the Trim$ again on or Trimt simply fundamentally and fügt hold "immer" in front again a Leerzeile on or I habs trouble not kappiert. ^^ |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | |