
Edit field by Sendmessage selectable ?

circa in a Program a datenerfassung To release I had yet a method, in the I 2 LVs use.
The 1. LV is einzeilig and verfügt over Editfields.
The eingaben go anschließendt over the zwischenweg of/ one sql-data base in the 2. LV displayed.
a LV to datenerfassung in lieu of Text/Button/Editelementen is integral plainer if itself layouts z.b with unterschiedlichen bildschirmauflösungen Change.

unfortunately is the handling (re.Mouse button or. doppelklick) for tastarurorientierte users To umständlich.
so fortlaufend eingaben by keyboard possible are would like I the following release.

1. I can by software (sendmessage ?) one editfeld enable.
2. ENTER changes to that next editfeld (goes Yes now already)
3. to the last area, is no editfeld More active, the should I discern (Statusabfrage all Editfields) around the datensatz To take and The 2. LV To write
4. now activate I by software again the editfeld of 1.
and set whom focus on The LV (the must not zwangsläufig the 1. area the LV his)

I hope, I have me verständlich ausgerückt.
circa my Program for tastaturbedienung To optimize had to I on Editfields sheer, sees but not so cool from and is umständlich, I me dynamic on bildschirmauflösungen anpasse, and quick time whom construction the eingabefelder change. The LVs go by me vollautomatisch from the sql-data base generiert and represent the visibility on a scheduler dar. insofern position The LV with the eingabefeldern too only a part of my data base dar.

there for me hope? the only I found have is the LVM_EDITLABEL message, The but by me quite nothing does.


Hi Ragnar,

have you got the demonstration Eigene_Eingaben.prf already time respected, in the Own Controls realized go? might take off you his.
for a Editfeld To enable, benötigst You Yes which lever. the can you with the function GetVar() / Flag 0 inquire. enable goes Yes then with SetFocus.
Vergiss The LVM_EDITLABEL Message Windows. is tricky and functions too only for slot 0.

hope, the helps you on The Sprünge.

Greeting, Frank

thank you very much for speedy response.

GetOwnControlParas(B,H,s,Z) is yes a mächtiges part.
I had of course already former The demonstration seen, but yet never attempts To understand How the functions.
so ought to itself so quite everything make let.
next week Have I leave, evtl. would the Yes time a nice fleißaufgabe.

GetVar() is certainly the Solution to determine when the edit began or. exits watts.
a aktivierung with setfocus shining I do not possible, because moreover should I the lever already before kennen.
moreover is me noticed, that itself the lever one editfeldes with eachone neuauswahl constantly changes. means nützt it too nothing, itself the lever To remember.
Perhaps have I indeed what not yet correctly. begriffen....
I have anyway attempts one editfeld to that glint To bring (the would The kontrollmöglichkeit prove) - without success.
if to the hinbekäme would the The simplest Solution for my trouble me the edit.



I have anyway attempts one editfeld to that glint To bring (the would The kontrollmöglichkeit prove) - without success.
if to the hinbekäme would the The simplest Solution for my trouble me the edit.

the goes so not. once the Editfeld whom Focus lose, becomes it removes. mandatory indeed so his.
around the To release, what You anstrebst, müßtest You the Editfeld subclassen.
I make the in the Dll already. Sag me, what very You vorhast what about me look time, whether I the somehow release can. red us the but via persönlicher Mail moreover bequatschen.

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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