
Editable columns and a Desire for a further function

Hello Frank,

I have you to registration the dll straight 19,00 Euro überwiesen. i'm PureBasic fan and white, that can itself
too manually in PB release, but your dll is nevertheless very useful, because Why everything twice invent,
ausserdem is the code so plenty übersichtlicher.

2 ask had I yet, The so did i parallel in that Forum to put would like:

a) would be it possible defined (wählbare) Split of Editmodus auszuschliessen ?
example: slot 1+3 should editierbar his, slot 2 not.

b) would be it possible z.B following function in list view.dll To release, The me following values supply ?

GetRowColumnInfo() supply for latest markierte (Click or. DblClick) cell in the list view following values:
- Split and Zeilenposition the marked cell in the list view
- x,y position (in Pixel) the marked cell in the list view (relatively to that List view)
- wide, Höhe (in Pixel) the marked cell in the list view (relatively to that List view)

The background is, I for defined Split not The Standardeditierfunktion use wants, separate
with PB a Combobox drüber lay would like. I suspect a such Funktionalität into dll directly reinzuprogrammieren
would right bulkily (it wären Yes different Comboboxen per slot imaginable). If it The above-mentioned
function were could I it though in Purebasic coden and the would almost already perfect
Dou you mean a such function is short-term in the List view.dll available ???


Have this entry by Email answers.
The angesprochene expansion is already installed and becomes ex Version 1.3 available his.

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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