
effektives of reset Raise with Line - marked line


Hello frank !

I use in a LV Raise Line around the abgearbeiteten zeilen for User To mark.
the zurücksetzen the markierungen all is though uneffektiv.
in the momentum set I with the parameter -1 any zeilen (alike whether before eingefärbt or not) again back.
The updating can not How at Mark through addition of 1000000 turn off.
can evtl. whom speicherbereich into The einfärbungen stored are simply delete ?
DeleteAllItems deletes Yes unfortunately only The entries however no einfärbungen.
I wished from the zurücksetzen no large drama make, because I me The marked zeilen observe or. from the speicherbereich the dll choose.


Hello Ragnar!

the Einfärben is a feature list view.dll, not Windows. an Message there here means not. I should moreover So one function or one Extraflag to introduce. ought to but no trouble his.
If my News proposition completed is, widme I again list view.dll. then I will the gladly with install.

thanks frank !

I will me gedulden.

evtl. I will for the time being The LV destroy and new create.


p.s. with new versions the listview.dll missing me always a overview what everything new is. some übersehe I so sure always.


Sag still not something like. The list existing and existing always already in LiesMich.txt...

What is new ?

- SetColumnsFromMem(), automatisches create of Split from the Header of/ one CSV-File.
- CryptMem(), verschlüsselt data (z.B. CSV files) in a Speicherbereich with a discretionary long Password.
- GetColumnWidth(), determined, How wide (in Pixel) in the list view F The slot with the index I is.
- GetLineText(), copies any Itemtexte of/ one row (one Listviews) in a Speicherbereich, separated through Tabs
- SetIndex(), setting a new Indexzeile for SetItem() / SItem and SetItemsFromMem() one.
- Select Line (), selektiert or Deselektiert a or any Lines one Listviews.
- DbfToCsv(), GetControlParas (B a dBaseIII (.dbf) File circa in a CSV-File (in memory).

- Search text (), seek a Text inside the Listviews.
- CopyColumnTo(), copies a complete slot of a List view into other List view.
- CopyLineTo(), copies a complete row of a List view into other List view.
- ListviewToDbf(), read one Listviews in a dBaseIII-File (.dbf).
- GetIndex(), determined whom actually worth, with the SetIndex() operates
- GetChecked(), determined, whether and which row whom Listviews lastly a Checkbox klicked watts.
- SetCheckboxState(), markiert or entmarkiert a (or any) Checkbox(en) in a list view-Control.
- GetCheckboxState(), determined, whether a Checkbox in a list view-Controlarkiert markiert or entmarkiert is.
- EnableEdits(), allows in a list view editierbare Itemtexte (or not).
- Zusätzliches Flag in DbfToCsv() installed, konvertiert automatically Datumseinträge into lesbares stature (z.B. 20020326 becomes 2002.03.26).
- small Bug in DbfToCsv() fixed, the a additional Itemeintrag causes having.
- small bow fixed in tab()
- investigation the rechten slot in IColumn() now safer resolved
- IColumn() / InsertColumn functions now too together with SetIndex()
- ListviewToMem() watts umbenannt in ListviewToCsv() *
- SetItemsFromMem() watts umbenannt in CsvToListview() *
- small Pfeile into Spaltenbuttons let now The lastly sortierte slot and Sortier-direction discern
- four new Sourcescodes (PureBasic) of H. Brill enclosed. More Info moreover in the Readme-File.
- any List view.dll functions support now at least 65536 Lines (sofern Briebssystem-conditioned possible...).

* The both functions get the Logik halber umbenannt. yet count but additional too yet teh folks names. This will but not any more long the case his, teh folks names should means now not any more using go !!!

- SortManual(), sortiert one List view-Control by hand
- FilelistToCsv(), invites Dateiverzeichnis one and save The data as Csv-File.
- SetItemText(), setting a new Text as Itemtext one.
- GetItemText(), reads a Itemtext from.
- ExamineColumn(), investigating, whether a slot Text or numbers contain.
- SetColumnSort(), setting The Sortier-method for a single slot.
- small Bug in DbfToCsv() fixed and zusätzliches Flag installed (Flag 4 = No OEM to ANSI converting)
- New Flag for SearchText() installed (Flag 4 = The Suchtext must at the beginning the Worts stand)

- GetColumnUpdate(), reads Order, wide and Formatierung all Split from. again setzbar with SetColumnUpdate()
- SetColumnUpdate(), setting Order, wide and Formatierung all Split one Listviews, the through GetColumnUpdate() read watts
- RaiseColumns(), setting another Font- and Hintergrundsfarbe for a or several Split one Listviews. power Listviews clear.
- MixRGBs(), mix two Farbwerte to a.
- SetBackImage(), verpaßt one List view a Hintergrunds-graphic.
- PrintListview(), yielding List view aufs paper, optional too with Grids, Icons and Check boxes !
- AreCheckboxenPresent(), determined, whether a List view with check boxes operates.
- AreIconsPresent(), determined, whether a List view with icons operates.
- EraseListview(), removes any List view-Structures one Listviews inside the Dll.
- GetControlParas(), determined, whether and where one Click on one Item by right Mouse button or linkem Double click stattgefunden has
- GetOwnControlParas(), determined The data one Items, with them slight Own Controls on passender place in the list view created go can.
- SetStyle(), setting a List view-Style, the with the Creation nachfolgender Listviews übernommen becomes.
- small Bug in FilelistToCsv() fixed, the in Hauptordnern always a File, or. a Ordner verschluckte.
- New Flag for FilelistToCsv() installed (Flag $400 = Versteckte Files (Hidden Flag) shouldn't showing)
- bow fixed in ListviewToCsv(), the with clear Itemfeldern a Error trigger could
- a new PureBasic-Source (plus Exe) of Heinz Brill enclosed, News directory read and print

- new Parameter n (yet unbenutzt) for PrintListview() introduced. n can one Zeiger on a Text his, as they as Seitenzahlen-Text something other as Page using want.
- Leerer-Itemfeld-bow (see V1.3) too into functions SearchText(), ListviewToDbf(), GetNeededMemory(), GetAllSelected(), GetLineText() and CopyLineTo() fixed.
- Windows XP / Manifesto -bow fixed, XP in the Manifesto-mode funktionierte the sort not any more and the Sortierpfeile get not any more displayed.
- GetRealColumnIndex(), determined whom tatsächlichen after P2CPP slot, even if The Split by Drag&Drop moved get.
- CheckIfMarked(), markiert The Check boxes all Lines, The selektiert are, and inverse.
- MarkIfChecked(), selektiert any Lines, its Checkbox markiert is, and inverse.
- SelectColumnEdits(), certainly, whether EnableEdit() on any Split applied becomes. means, whether any Split by the User edited go can.
- GetVar(), determined defined List view-variables, z.B. the lever the Editfelds, in the the User straight edited.
- some smaller ones Bugs fixed
- SetIconMode(), allows now too transparente Icons.
- SetFilelistFilter(), a Filterfunktion for FilelistToCsv(). up to 32 Filterstrings can certainly go, The at loading of/ one Dateiliste ignoring go.
- SetFilelistNoFilter(), another Filterfunktion for FilelistToCsv(). up to 32 Filterstrings can certainly go, The at loading of/ one Dateiliste showing. All other go not into list übernommen.
- AddItemValues(), add any Zahlenwerte of/ one slot and supply The amount. with 80 bit accuracy !!!
- with whom automatischen Editcontrols whom Windowstyle WS_BORDER removes, saw ill from in the Windows XP Manifesto-mode. otherwise fällts hardly on.
- DbfToCsv(), bow with leerer data base fixed.
- EnableEdits(), 2 new ? Happen? eingefügt. now can also one linker mouse-Double click the edit started, or semidetached-left -and- Rechtsklick.
- GetControlParas() watts extended circa request the left Mausklicks (before only Rechtsklick and Doppellinksklick).
- Search text (), new Flag enclosed. The Suchtext must the kompletten Itemtext correspond to.
- some new Profan-Source enclosed, or. available extended.
- a Assembler-View source (MASM32) enclosed, too as Exedatei. The Exe is only one drittel so big as PureBasic-Exes !
- Raise Line(), setting another Font- and Hintergrundsfarbe for a row one Listviews. power Listviews very clear.
- DbfToCsv() can now too dBaseIII+ Files loading, the Memo becomes thereby but ignoring.
- Timerevent removes, whom I To Testzwecken time in V1.1 (!) installed and then forget having, and the sometimes Messages verschluckte.
- bow eliminating, the at to testing. Listviews with only of/ one slot appear could.
- at that edit following Keys with functions occupied: Cursortasten, Image high, Image down, Pos 1, end.

- GetColumnName(), determined whom Text one Spaltenbuttons.
- SetColumnName(), points one Column Button a new Text To.
- SetIconColumn() certainly, in which slot the next Icon appear. now are Icons in all Split possible (Sub-Icons) !
- new Icontechnik program, now can also aimed single Icons staid go, without the each row with icons filled becomes.
- PrintListview () druckt now too Sub-Icons.
- GetIcon(), determined The number the Icons, The with SetIcon(), SetIconFromMem() or SetIconWith() transfer watts.
- Sorting to numbers now ausgeweitet on negatives numbers and Dezimalzahlen. *
- PrintListview(), new Flag (32). Druckt now too coloured Split (in druckerfreundlichem gray).
- PrintListview(), another new Flag (64). coloured Lines go now ditto printed (too in druckerfreundlichem gray).
- PrintListview(), and another new Flag (128). Druckerdialog should not showing..
- PrintListview(), expression the Spaltenbuttons now at the beginning eachone Page, not only on the first.
- PrintListview(), with the Seitenzahl becomes now outputted, wieviele pages the expression has, z.B.: Page 4 / 67.
- PrintColumns(), places solid, which Split one Listviews at Print with PrintListview() ausgedruckt go should. Voreingestellt any.
- PrintListview(), Clipping-Error very schmalen Split fixed.
- GetItemTextsAsInteger(), reads The Itemtexte of/ one kompletten slot from and save The Texts as Integerzahlen.
- GetItemTextsAsFloat(), reads The Itemtexte of/ one kompletten slot from and save The Texts as 64 bit Fließkommazahlen.
- GetEdgeIntegers(), determined a scheduler with Integerzahlen whom niedrigsten and the highest worth.
- GetEdgeFloats(), determined a scheduler with Fließkommazahlen whom niedrigsten and the highest worth.
- GetFloat(), reads a 64 bit Fließkommazahl (FLOAT8) a Speicherbereich from.
- GetVar(), new ? Happen?.

* ex this Version watts The Zahlensortierung vastly extended. so go now too negatives and/or dezimale numbers correctly. sortiert. whether
for dezimale numbers one point or one comma as Separator is used, is alike.
The numbers-Sorting is therefore only unmerklich slower become. For this go any numbers now as 64 bit Fließkommazahlen respected!

- DeleteDoubleItems(), deletes any double and multiple vorkommenden Itemtexte in a slot one Listviews.
- The Sorting to numbers functions now too with Hausnummern (only of a-i, or. A-I), z.B. Teerstr. 10b
- Select Line (), new Flag hinzugekommen.
- Bugfix 02.01(), nachträgliches Change the Textausrichtung of/ one slot.
- Update(), new Definition inside the Inc-File. Visuelle release of Listviews, necessary for some functions and situations.

- Drag&Drop for Listviews with many Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.
- new Addon-Dll: Treeview.dll with 10 functions, circa in own Fensters with Directory-Treeviews To works.
- GetAllCheckboxStates(), determined whom status all Check boxes-Markierungen one Listviews.
- SetAllCheckboxStates(), setting whom status all Check boxes-Markierungen one Listviews.
- GetDllVersion(), determined The vorliegende List view.dll Version.
- CreateListview(), new Style hinzugekommen: Spaltenbreiten not verschiebbar.
- SetLineNumbers(), number The Items of/ one slot.
- EnableEdits(), now are too The ? Happen? 2, 4, 8 and 16 pub.
- EnableDragDrop(), allows Drag & Drop activities. means the move of Items through the mouse in and a List view out.
- DeleteSpaceLines(), removes (abschliessende) Leerzeilen a List view.
- GetDragDropParas(), determined, whether and where a Drag&Drop action stattfand.
- ConvertDatas(), convertiert any Dezimalzahlen of/ one slot into German Zahlenformat and fügt optional the Eurozeichen (€) moreover.
- small extensions with AddItemValues() and ExamineColumn(), circa with ConvertDatas() compatible To his.
- ForbidScrollMessage(), prevented the automatic Scrolling of only to that part visible Items.
- ACHTUNG!!! ExchangeSeparator() watts circa a additional Parameter extended!!! Please old Source code properly adjust.
- ExchangeBytes(), swaps single Bytes within of/ one List view-slot against others from.
- CsvToListview() intern extended. with ASCII-code 11 becomes now a vain slot/row erzwungen.*

* ex this Version there The functions SetColumnsFromMem() and ListviewToMem() not any more. only yet CsvToListview() and ListviewToCsv() are validly. More moreover in the Fussnote under Version 1.1


I can apparently not reading ...


in the listview.dll - pkg there (almost) nothing what not gives !


p.s. who reads already a LiesMich.txt there could I indeed same manuals reading .... .. Have I yet never made ! werd I but with the listview.dll ex now Change.


lying Perhaps too dran the itself usually one solches File too whatsnew.txt name.

so, Have me Solution consider and realized. i think, is you help.

Raise Line(H,L,s,G)

setting another Font- and Hintergrundsfarbe for a row one Listviews. power Listviews very clear.

H : Long - lever one with CreateListview() erstellten List view Controls
L : Long - Lines index (nullbasierend)
s : Long - RGB-worth for Schriftfarbe
G : Long - RGB-worth for Font-Hintergrundsfarbe

herewith can a row Split coloured abgehoben go, what The Lesbarkeit of/ one scheduler heavy improve can!
L is the number the row, for The new Farbwerte count should.
in the Contrast To RaiseColumns() becomes always only the Farbwert of/ one row definiert. For this there but one Limit of up to maximum
1024 andersfarbigen Lines at the same time.
s and G are RGB-values of/ one new colour. becomes for s and G beidesmal -1 indicated, then becomes these row L of Listviews H
again from the scheduler the einzufärbenden Lines taken. this Space (of 1024) becomes means again spare.
becomes in a list view SetBackImage() uses, then go through Raise Line() pieces the graphic covers. pay attention!!!
interestingly To allude is too, the The Farbgebung of Raise Line() a höhere priority own, as The Farbgebung of
Jedesmal, if Raise Line() carryed out becomes, must the List view new drawn go, around the bearing visible To make. wants
one but in a Slip several hundred Lines dye, would several hundred List view-Neuzeichnungen too long last
and awful flackern. therefore can the Repaint prevent, because one To L the value 1.000.000 add.
who once absolutely know must, which Lines at all which colours having (z.B. around the tint with abzuspeichern), the
can the through GetVar(1) find out!
L remaining always the tatsächliche Zeilenindex, alike whether yet Lines in that List view eingefügt go or whether the Order the
Lines changed has!
New hinzugekommen in Version 1.8 is the Delete the whole Farbliste with anschliessender Neuzeichnung. The Löschung all
Farbwerte happens with L = -1.

example, around the Lines 100 To 600 one Listviews gray To dye:

Whileloop 100,599
Raise Line(listview&,(&loop+1000000),0,Rgb(128,128,128))
Raise Line(listview&,600,0,Rgb(128,128,128)) ;Beim last dye List view too updaten!

Übrigens can you whom Speicherbereich already since längerem detect, in the The Farbdaten for Raise Line() stored are. the happened to Listviews GetVar(1).
whom ermittelten Speicherbereich can you z.B. with the Kernel-API RtlZeroMemory() delete (16384 Bytes).
then another Update(listviewhandle&) from the Listview_Funktionen.inc, ready.

The Raise Line-expansion is ex the next List view.dll-Version available.

thanks frank

i'll it in the next Version testing.



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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