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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello together,
I wished time these On Unit testing, get when calling always whom Error:
row 1 in On.pcu: $DEFINE XPSE
XPSE have I do not installs, ought to but still too without weg - or ? CompileMarkSeparation $U usermessages.pcu = user.
$U lists.pcu = list.
$U On.pcu = On.
Declare myEvent&
WindowStyle (2 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 128 | 512)
Window ((%MaxX - 800) / 2),((%MaxY - 600) / 2)-800,600
Edit& = @Control(Edit,,$54001001,20,470,754,20,%hWnd,301,%hInstance,$20000)
myEvent& = on.event(28,Edit&) OnChange
WhileNot %Key = 2
If %UMessage = myEvent&
Print Treffer :-)
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 12/01/06 ▲ |
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | damn Please with the Pressung the CDs beeilen ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498551.gif)
I have But too time differently attempts: CompileMarkSeparationDef on(4) !on.dll,on
Declare OnDll&
Declare Edit&
OnDll& = @Usedll(on.dll)
Edit& = @Control(Edit,,$54001001,50,10,100,20,%hWnd,301,%hInstance,$20000)
UserMessages 102426
WhileNot %Key = 2
If %UMessage = 102426
Print Treffer
FreeDLL OnDll&
has but too none success brought, a Änderung in the Edit won't recognized. If I The On2.dll of here try, I get always a Schutzverletzung. |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 12/01/06 ▲ |
![iF: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Hm look time into Unitsource as DLL objectively is used. here again The neuste DLLVersion. |
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello iF,
can you me Perhaps something help, I come with the Source the PCU not clear. me falls it still right heavy XPSE Code reading.
I have now the following without success attempts: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare OnDll&
Declare Edit&
Declare ProcAddr&
Declare UMsg&
OnDll& = @Usedll(on.dll)
ProcAddr& = @External(kernel32,GetProcAddress,OnDll&,on)
Edit& = @Control(Edit,,$54001001,50,10,100,20,%hWnd,301,%hInstance,$20000)
UMsg& = @Call(ProcAddr&,28,Edit&,102426,%hWnd)
UserMessages UMsg&,102426
WhileNot %Key = 2
If %UMessage = UMsg&
Print Treffer1
ElseIf %UMessage = 102426
Print Treffer2
FreeDLL OnDll&
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 12/01/06 ▲ |
![iF: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![iF: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | goes integrally lovely: CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
Declare OnDll&
Declare Edit&
Declare ProcAddr&
Declare eventID&
OnDll& = @Usedll(on.dll)
ProcAddr& = @External(kernel32,GetProcAddress,OnDll&,on)
Edit& = @Control(Edit,,$54001001,50,10,100,20,%hWnd,301,%hInstance,$20000)
eventID& = @Call(ProcAddr&,515,Edit&,102426,%hwnd)
print eventID&
UserMessages 102426
WhileNot %Key = 2
If %UMessage = 102426
Print Treffer1
FreeDLL OnDll&
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | is correct, too in my code works it with 515 LinksDoppelKlick. now have I first kappiert, it klappen only The Messages The in the Unit indicated are ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498442.gif) Since I To dato it with the EasyEvent made have, be I do not on The idea come the OnChange not supported becomes. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498574.gif)
what I but still not geschaft have, is a Proc aufzurufen: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare OnDll&
Declare Edit&
Declare ProcAddr&
Declare eventID&
Proc Test
Print per Proc
Return 0
OnDll& = @Usedll(on.dll)
ProcAddr& = @External(kernel32,GetProcAddress,OnDll&,on)
Edit& = @Control(Edit,,$54001001,150,100,100,20,%hWnd,301,%hInstance,$20000)
eventID& = @Call(ProcAddr&,521,Edit&,@ProcAddr(Test,0),%hWnd)
Print eventID& = + @Str$(eventID&)
WhileNot %Key = 2
FreeDLL OnDll&
where lying because here the Error again ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498521.gif) |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 12/01/06 ▲ |
![iF: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Stop! this is incorrect the only The Messages functions The in the Unit declared are. The DLL power none Difference.
The thing is another! WaitInput can itself sometimes not durchbrechen - with designed Messages. with Scrollbars Have I it already fixes the at Scrolling waitinput withal gesetzter Message not durchbrochen becomes.
That the Proc goes something differently - wait I look time: |
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![iF: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | look time so GEHTS: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare OnDll&
Declare Edit&
Declare ProcAddr&
Declare eventID&
OnDll& = @Usedll(on.dll)
ProcAddr& = @External(kernel32,GetProcAddress,OnDll&,on)
Edit& = @Control(Edit,,$54001001,50,10,100,20,%hWnd,301,%hInstance,$20000)
eventID& = @Call(ProcAddr&,515,Edit&,procaddr(doit,3),%hwndon>
... CompileMarkSeparation |
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![iF: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | your OnChange becomes vlt. not at all triggered..., probier time
WM_KEYDOWN = { $100 | 256 } WM_KEYFIRST = { $100 | 256 } WM_KEYLAST = { $108 | 264 } WM_KEYUP = { $101 | 257 } |
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![Nico Madysa: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | with Verlaub, Units are still already compiliert, how can there a row the bedingten Compilierung drinstehen? ![](.././../../i/s/confused.gif) |
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![Jac de Lad: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/137932442848a87713b50bf.gif) Jac de Lad | Units only vorcompiliert, otherwise could the Interpreter The none understand. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498489.gif) |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 12/01/06 ▲ |
![RGH: 12/01/06](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | Jacob Liebeck
Units only vorcompiliert, otherwise could the Interpreter The none understand. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498489.gif)
Very correctly.! Also should too Units in the site his, possibly on bedingte Compilierung react to, about circa with different XProfanversionen To functions.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 12/01/06 ▲ |