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Sven Bader | Hello!
i'm I do not sure, How I the Topic name should, the I there punched be. Möglicherweise rechnet Profan here correctly. moreover but with whom Debugausgaben I get incorrect numbers. To XProfan 11 are The Results How expects, thereafter not any more.
the move the Bits shining ok, there one zurückumwandeln the incorrect Strings again The right number hervorzaubert (each 3. number).
really are we still here withal the Size the numbers yet deeply in the 32 bit area. The korrekte number is -284.887.680 means -284 Mio, 32 bit goes To +/- 2 Mrd.
here the Listing
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
Paul Glatz | Hi,
1272842731 is in binary statement 0100 1011 1101 1110 0000 1001 1110 1011. After the Invoice values circa 7 Bits to left is it yields the 0010 0101 1110 1111 0000 0100 1111 0101 1000 0000, in Dezimal 162923869568.
the Result has means More as 32 bit. If one these number now in a 32 bit Variable force go only The untersten 32 bit stored (1110 1111 0000 0100 1111 0101 1000 0000) what then to spending of -284887680 lead.
means rechnet Profan correctly., but hold with 64 bit, there You the Result the Berechnung not explizit in a 32 bit Variable save. |
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Sven Bader | Hello Paul!
this is well the Price for, that XProfan itself too fehlertolerant shows, if one it use can
Konkret would like I a MD5 function umsetzen, these imply some Special Kniffe. i'll here simply eachone function to the return the value once more in a Longint means Postfix-& Variable Save.
greetings Sven |
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Sven Bader | it has worked, here The finished md5.dll, Tester erwünscht [...] |
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H.Brill | To what need to the really ? is Yes not any more rückwandelbar. there falls me really only a digitale Unterschrift one. The Empfänger get z.B. whom MD5-Key and white, that this to that Transmitter heard :
Hans Mustermann = 7f5ecf8d045f84bc104687bf0fb826a8
so can the Empfänger then whom Key to that Transmitter zuordnen. but so a data base on Empfängerseite would indeed again slight hackbar.
has there someone yet further Verwendungsmöglichkeiten ? |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 09/12/21 ▲ |
Sven Bader | 1. an frequent usage are Passwörter, The must namely quite More entschlüsselt go. with one Login becomes simply directly the md5-Hash the Passworts with the data base abgeglichen. it recommend itself, with the Generierung on each Password another Zeichenkette anzuhängen, a so named Salt. otherwise can frequent Passwörter slight over md5-Tabellem zugeordnet go, there the Hash of "password" or "12345" familiar is, with Salt see it there differently from md5("12345---#-,SaLt+---")
2. Key/Indizes for a assoziatives aray. so can I sure his, for each new worth too a unique Key to obtain. additionally can I with one new Datensatz mere over The Key detect, whether the Datensatz already existing, integrally without whom Content To vergleichen.
3. Validierung of Downloads. suppliers of Downloads give often whom md5 the File with on, so I to the Download Verify can, whether The File To 100% is correct and so Downloadfehler or untergeschobene viruses auschließen can. for Files is my function but not yet suitable, because of performance and because is a binäre File not simply in that Strings pack can.
4. over ands over again for eindeutige Kennungen, ohnei The To grundliegenden data preiszugeben.
and diverse More what in similar directions goes. It's all right thereby long ago not always circa protection to Hacks, to need it More as whom reinen md5, this helps but Schonmal. |
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