
Error Message to the XProfan-installation

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have now The latest XProfan_11-Version installs. If I ANSI.EXE Call wants comes these Error Message:

The lane, the displayed becomes is correctly.. ANSI.EXE is present.
even if I over my Dateimanager on ANSI.EXE doppelklicke, comes these Message!
what can the his ? -
its no others Profan-Version on a the tiles and the Registry is tidy (denk I time)

10 kB

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can the his, that the Ordner read is and therefore what not works? If you Ansi.exe time woandershin copy - what happens, if you tappt im dunkeln then launch?
Dou you mean with Calc whom Windowsrechner? launch You it over XProfEd, or over Startmenü?
If the not launch, then is something in Your system not Order. virus?
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

If I Ansi.exe starte, then comes to that Schluss

ANSI caused a General Protection Fault in
module ANSI.EXE at 0001:20FC.
Choose close. ANSI wants close.


can the his, that the Ordner read is and therefore what not works?
No - isn't read.

If you Ansi.exe time woandershin copy - what happens, if you tappt im dunkeln then launch?
Have I still said. in the Ordner Cownloads launch ANSI.EXE without Problems

Dou you mean with Calc whom Windowsrechner? launch You it over XProfEd, or over Startmenü?
wants it How former too over XProfEd.exe started. No way. too The others aide started not !

If the not launch, then is something in Your system not Order. virus?
Calc launch under others Applications. - no virus - have the latest Antivir and if still, müssten The others programs too to be nuts. it spin but only XProfan

then is with you too the worm drin.
with Double click can I, presupposed, Ansi.Exe standing NOT in the XProfan-directory, the Tool Starting and there's no Problems. try I the Start over the Profan-editor (alike whether old or new) comes The Message - see supra - and the Profan-editor standing. it helps then only yet the "Affengriff" - Taskmanager !!!
something writes of my opinion to into Registry a entry mere, the The aide of XProfan blockt - aaaaber what or How or where ?????

Kopier still simply time everything from the Profanordner into other directory and look obs then functions. Roland writes with the installation of my Wissens nothing into Registry, except The Dateiverknüpfungen for prf- and prc-Files.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer
Roland writes with the installation of my Wissens nothing into Registry, except The Dateiverknüpfungen for prf- and prc-Files.


means by me functions sowohl the appeal of ANSI.EXE as well as the of CALC.EXE (windows Taschenrechner) correct. (XP per, SP 3)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


means by me functions the appeal of CALC.EXE (windows Taschenrechner) correct over the User Menu.
windows Vista Home SP1

Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 |

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Hello Horst,
have You Manfreds Note in the RGH-Forum seen?
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

self-evident have I to the Neuinstallation the old directory deleted (Source before ensured) - but it uses nothing ! - I can no the Options under the Menuzeile aide started - If I the once try (alike whether now Ansi.Exe or computer or something other), freeze XProfEd.exe one. at that appeal of Ansi.Exe I get before yet The obenstehende Error Message.
everything is possible, too The Help appear when calling - only even these Options under aide bring everything to that stood still ! -
have over two hours everything investigating. no virus, no Troyaner, everything beautiful defragmentiert and nothing watts rather.
the Seltsame thereby is, that no new programs moreover come are.
first to the installation the last Subscript-Version trod the Error on

have everything, what with XProfan to do has, from the tiles deleted and from the CD XProfan-10 installs. These Version running before utterly tidy. -
now is the Error too in the Version ! - therefore take I: (your can me now laugh at) something becomes into Registry written !

Hello Horst,

then nimm still regedit and Search time in the Registry to all Profan specific Begriffen How Xprofed.exe Ansi.exe .prf etc, then you see Yes what drinsteht and can possible everything rauslöschen.


Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Horst horn

everything is possible, too The Help appear when calling - only even these Options under aide bring everything to that stood still !

meets the on The "normalen" XProfan-aide To? then screen times under "Optionen / general Einstellungen" whom way to "Helfer.exe". place it as a precaution simply time new one, even if it To voices shining.

(The way ought to no space include, so not To Problemen with the User Menu comes. under international XP-versions - too with eingestellter deutscher surface) and under Vista counts too the directory "Programme" as directory with space, there it there only one "Phantom-Verzeichnis"* is, the intern on "Program Files" verweist.


(Vista has etliche this "Phantom-Verzeichnisse". the what the windows-Explorer indicating, has only very conditioned something with the tatsächlichen physikalischen Dateisystem To do.)
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

One progress is To verzeichnen! -
Why, white the cuckoo -
any Options under "Helfer" can again called go!
too the windows-computer Calc -
only Ansi.exe refusing itself and shows me first The Message on the Image and joining freeze XProfed.exe one !


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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