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Christof Neuß | Hi,
now knabbere I again a eternity on something (presumably) integrally leichtem around. The following: I have one Richedit with formatiertem Text. everything lovely. there would like I now a new row on-/insert. functions too. These row or. a part of it, would like I big print. moreover need I The Sequenzen \b and \b0 to that one-/switch off. any try, a suitable String available To to put are yet failed.
Re_Text$ = "\b bank routing code: \b0"+Chr$(9)+Trim $(GetText$(Te_Stamm_01&))+Chr$(10)
SendMessage(Re_AGK_01&, 177, $FFFF, $FFFF)' EM_SETSEL
SendMessage(Re_AGK_01&, 194, 0, Addr(Re_Text$))' EM_REPLACESEL
with this Variante sustain I in a Messagebox a right display with einfachen Backslashes. means: \b bank routing code: \b0... Drucke I the Richedit, becomes the too just as printed no change to that bold type.
the Richeditelement must here really not stored go. so I will only The Entries Verify. go means subsequently there and open The RTF-File with the editor. and what see I there?
who declared me the? and what must I do, circa on "BOLD" umzuschalten? again time one gaaaaanz large DANKESCHÖN for each Support. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | If Dueinen Backslash Show want, must You it twice write:
"\\" yields as spending "\" "\\b" should means as spending "\b" yield. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/05/11 ▲ |
Peter Max Müller | attempt time Wordpad to open. write therein your fat Text. Abspeichern as rtf. These File now with the editor open and you see what there everything for Steuerzeichen used go.
Greeting |
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Christof Neuß | Sorry people. I have Yes not To little Backslashes separate To many. it come IMMER 2, even if I Set("Escape",0) make. I have The RTF-File already with the editor opened. i know, I \b and \b0 need (s.o.). the "komische" is Yes, I whom String with of/ one Messagebox correctly. Show can. with the Message on Re_AGK_01& appear then there but the incorrect row.
slow verzweifle I. Hab' already virtual, that Perhaps RTF("SaveRTF"... the Übeltäter is. is it not! If I the Richedit display, appear The eingefügte row. but even not correctly.. Grrrrr.... |
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ByteAttack | goes with the chr$(92) ?
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Christof Neuß | No, unfortunately not. have so did i already ausprobiert. it alights nevertheless "\\" in the Richedit. |
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Dieter Zornow | circa something big in a Richedit darzustellen there still sufficient Source code. The is faith I of Pascal
window 50,50-500,400
settruecolor 1
usefont "ms sans serif",15,7,0,0,0
setdialogfont 1
declare Edit&,dll&,Test1%,Test2%,Test3%
'dim rtf#,60
settext Edit&,"Test: LaberLaberLaber"
'sendmessage(Edit&,1087,0,1)'----------EM_HIDESELECTION => none
proc rtf-SetFormat'-----------------------------------------------------------------SetFormat
parameters d%
declare a%,rtf#
dim rtf#,60
long rtf#,0=60
long rtf#,4=31
if testbit(a%,d%)
byte rtf#,8=setbit(a%,d%,0)
long rtf#,4=setbit(a%,d%,1)
byte rtf#,8=setbit(a%,d%,1)
long rtf#,4=setbit(a%,d%,1)
dispose rtf#
endproc'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
rtf-SetFormat 0
while 1
case dll&:freedll dll&
or understand I something wrong ? |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/05/11 ▲ |
Christof Neuß | Yes, the functions too. but The Vorgehensweise is Yes then another. I have already Text in the Richedit, must then know, I where Mark and anschl. big settle must. would be a Possibility.
I wanted to it plainer and have already at Insert the Textes The Formatierung mitgeben. into RTF-Files is the Yes nothing other as a combination of "\"And suitable characters. I krieg's hold just not there, this Backslash EINZELN into Richedit To to assimilate. The Clou is, if I Escape on 0 set and then \\ angebe. then dive in the Richedit even 4 (!) Backslashes on. |
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Dieter Zornow | You müsstest then well whom View source one Richedits directly Edit, because at Insert becomes Yes Text eingefügt and no Steuerzeichen. Steuerzeichen go by the Formatmessages then into View source eingefügt. look you time whom Source one Richedits on and try it with Block Write
so sees Text from where the mittlere Test big is with 2 Lines. You müsstest means your Text with Block Write always behind whom last write So the \par Test\b Test\b0 Test but to the }
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue160;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs24 Test\b Test\b0 Test \par Test\b Test\b0 Test \par \par } |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/06/11 ▲ |
RGH | Hi, means XProfan shining not guilt To his.
it sees so from, as though with the genutzten Messages even only one supplant of Text without Formatierungen possible is.and so then your "\b" in RichEdit so displayed becomes, sorgt hold the RichEdit self for, that the Backslash "maskiert" becomes (means with a further Backslash complement becomes) and accordingly too "korrekt" displayed becomes. the RichEdit wants means exakt the Show, what You it übermittelst.
my suggestion: whom Text to the reading into RichEdit change.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 01/06/11 ▲ |
Christof Neuß | Hello Dieter, Hello Roland,
I known, I it with Help from the Forum hinkriege. THANK YOU!
@Roland: Yes, that shining well so To his. is indeed logical, that the Richedit here my Text wiedergeben would like. have hold always attempts, the thing auszutricksen. goes but not. Hab' time again on the incorrect place rumgebastelt.
@Dieter: The View source has helped. I schalte now simply bold type one, schiebe then my Text by the pipeline and schalte then bold type again from. The detour over The File is not meaningfully. The Texts lying anschl. in a Access-data base. the Richedit becomes only displayed or. printed. not stored. If I in a row Big- and Normaldruck have, must I now hold at least twice Messages with text ship. I thought, I could the through Einbinden the Formatierungszeichen in a Slip manage.
with the Messages and whom Memory-Variables and so some others "Spezialitäten" have I yet my Problems. but it power gigant Fun, with XProfan to works. i'll dranbleiben... |
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