%Winleft and %Wintop give evident always The position the Mainwindow (%hwnd) back. Parameter How %Winleft(Dlg&) go not adopted - How I get The position of further Windows? Evtl windows-API, ifs with XProfan not vorgesehen is (can I me not at all present, probably only on the incorrect corner sought....)
GetWindowRect determined The Eckpunkte one Fensters related on the screen.
P:L1: lever the Fensters, which Eckpunkte one herausbekommen wants.
P:B2: RECT Structure or 16 Bytes large Memory-Variable, The The Eckpunkte the Frensters aufnimmt.=> byte 0-3 = X-Koordinate the left oberen corner the Fensters. byte 4-7 = Y-Koordinate the left oberen corner the Fensters. byte 8-11 = X-Koordinate the rechten downstairs corner the Fensters. byte 12-15 = Y-Koordinate the rechten downstairs corner the Fensters.
thanks, super thing, functions. Info yet: I work with 2 Bildschirmen: The Proc HandleHover produced a crash, if The mouse from the a to that others screen jumping.
System-Variables can additionally not as functions mißbraucht or. using go.
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