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 Felix Roemer2 | Dear XProfan Community!
short question: is it possible, with Help XProfans or one windows-API-Befehls a File X on a FTP-Server Y To loading? These again To download is Yes through the ProSpeed-function "DownloadHttpFile" no trouble, but me would interested, whether or. How one Files uploaden can. be there in diversen API-Helpern unfortunately not fündig become 
parallel moreover would evtl. too well to know, How one through XProfan or of/ one system-dll a E-Mail on EmpfängerX$ versendet (ggf. with Annex).
would be Real super, if me there in a the both spots someone help could 
Vielen Thanks already time in the Vorraus and many sunny Regards, Felix  |
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 Rolf Koch | Hey Felix
look Please in the Help to FTP and to MAIL to, there find You everything what You benötigst  |
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 | super, many Thanks, had so did i from alone on it come can  (selected excuse over The verspätete response, but I wasn't there and the XProfan.com was down...) |
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