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Hello Frank
means somehow komm I with the ? Happen? not clear.
should whom not really with the Flag 31 too versteckte
Files showing ????
Ausserdem can I between Flag 31 with/without Flag 512 none Difference check.by me having The Files always your own Icons.

Greeting Klaus

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thanks for Help and plenty joke in the leave

Greeting Klaus

thanks !!!

Have I had...except for whom day, as me one fish-hooks from the fingers cut[ed] go had to... ...bad luck...

be again from the leave there and ready for eure ask.

Greeting, Frank

Hi Frank
would it possible with this function yet a Dateifilter
incorporate.... means *.* or *.txt etc.

or Gibts the already ?? found Have I nothing

Greeting Klaus


No, gibs not yet.
I look time, what itself make can.

Have momentarily yet arge Problems with the Manifesto Resource and the Sorting of Split, the counts it first To solve...

Greeting, Frank

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Why has me nobody said, the The List view-Sorting not functions, if the Profanprogramm in the WinXP Manifesto-mode runs ???
Well, Have Yes yourself XP, but had I well too forget To testing...

ex now functions it anyway and the List view.dll uses of now on in the Manifesto-mode The WinXP gestylten Pfeile, around the Sortierrichtung view.
otherwise count but furthermore teh folks Pfeile.

Greeting, Frank


would it possible with this function yet a Dateifilter
incorporate.... means *.* or *.txt etc.
or Gibts the already ?? found Have I nothing

I have two Dateifilter-functions installed.
would be nice, if 1 To 2 Personen it testing would...
Please by me report.



Filterfunktion for FilelistToCsv().
up to 32 Filterstrings can certainly go, The at loading of/ one Fileliste ignoring go.

s : Zeiger on a String with filter(n).

with this function can access go, the ex the next FilelistToCsv() a or several Filenames not into list undertaking.
s is the address one Strings, the several Strings include can. These go by the characters | separated go.
the Separator becomes by the Tastenkombination LStrg LAlt < access.
Maximal go 32 Teilstrings supported. eachone Teilstring must not more than 63 characters big his (plus one Nullbyte).
big- and Kleinschrift won't gesondert mind, its means alike, whether .bmp or .BMP indicated becomes.
Wildcards How * or ? go not supported.
becomes SetFilelistFilter() one second time or often using, then go The previous (part) Strings deleted.
in the equal Context is too yet SetFilelistNoFilter() interestingly.

example, circa no Bilderdateien in the Fileliste view (anyway The gängigsten):

SetFilelistFilter(addr filter$)

any Files, in its name of/ one the Strings .bmp, .gif, .jpg or .png vorkommen, go not into Fileliste übernommen.



Filterfunktion for FilelistToCsv().
up to 32 Filterstrings can certainly go, The at loading of/ one Fileliste showing. All other go not into list übernommen.

s : Zeiger on a String with filter(n).

with this function can access go, the ex the next FilelistToCsv() only The Filenames along into The list übernommen go, The in s stand. This is only for Programmnamen, not for Directories.
s is the address one Strings, the several Strings include can. These go by the characters | separated go.
the Separator becomes by the Tastenkombination LStrg LAlt < access.
Maximal go 32 Teilstrings supported. eachone Teilstring must not more than 63 characters big his (plus one Nullbyte).
big- and Kleinschrift won't gesondert mind, its means alike, whether .bmp or .BMP indicated becomes.
Wildcards How * or ? go not supported.
becomes SetFilelistFilter() one second time or often using, then go The previous (part) Strings deleted.
in the equal Context is too yet SetFilelistFilter() interestingly.

example, circa only Bilderdateien in the Fileliste view (anyway The gängigsten):

SetFilelistNoFilter(addr filter$)

only Files, in its name of/ one the Strings .bmp, .gif, .jpg or .png vorkommt, go into Fileliste übernommen.
others Files not !
Directories are of filter not concerned.


Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank
So how today tommorrow already written working so far everything
integrally well except for the Completed: the PUNKT in the Filenames

and yet What is me noticed
Proc Dateifilter
declare DatFilter$
here any Files with .txt reading = ok
let DatFilter$=.txt
LoadDir1 C:


and now any Files with .xyz not reading = not ok
it remaining with whom .txt Files ???!!!
let Datfilter$=.xyz
LoadDir1 C:

Greeting Klaus

have obiges example too time with space attempts
circa again a whole list hinzubekommen....
...now any directories disappeared

Greeting Klaus

Hello Klaus,

No, can I not understand.
first block You any Files, The NOT .txt in the names having (SetFilelistNoFilter), then block You any Filenames, The .xyz imply. The both filter are voneinander independent and can at the same time using go.

the space is a trouble, so go List view.dll-intern Ordnernamen marked, circa later at Sorieren Ordner and Filenames apart hold to. I use the characters Chr$(160), Invoice values Space. because big-Kleinschreibung but immediately treats becomes, becomes it in the filter as Space Chr$(32) treats...
This will not To Change his. Well, still there now a method, circa any Ordner auszublenden

a bow have you got me indirect viewed. is one Dateiname kürzer as the Filtername, then becomes it not further mind.
the try I To korregieren.

Greeting and Thanks,

Hello Frank

with the the space is me only so noticed and
not further important(at least for me)
there's of course Files without Endung...but what reserves

but What is if itself in the Filenames random the same
String befindet as an File extension ?
z.B. ArchivFormat.zipper-Okt03.txt
if I now only .zipper Show as filter use
becomes these File too displayed.

OK,The filter are independent vonneinander..Have I understood
the means means I can The Sperrung the Filters not
cancel ?...the was really my think about.

1.)only Files Show The .txt imply
let DatFilter$=.txt

2.)then wished I the again cancel and even
any Files Show The not .xyz(only time as example)
let Datfilter$=.xyz

only if How you say The filter independent are wisely I at best sake not How I to one filter this again
cancel should ??

Perhaps can You me there time on The Sprünge help

Greeting Klaus

Hello Klaus,

I see, You want whom filter again delete...
For this Have I now no Extraoption eingefügt, nimm simply one in Filenames verbotenes characters. Z.B.:

let DatFilter$=?

let DatFilter$=?

Greeting, Frank

but power it whom a Difference whether now one verbotenes characters or a not zutreffende File extension taken becomes ?

its the same effect How I supra on the 8.9 in the Source
shred described have.

it remaining always the lastly gesetzte filter consist
because How You Yes said have works The filter independent

is means if I the right understood have FileListNoFilter
once staid wars the....
one can of course the filter always new
Dateiendungen allocate these go too correctly read
only one set the ? bring here nothing whom there's Yes no
Files with ?
....means one take FileListFilter set here
? well then should at next filelisttocsv really any
Files The KEIN ? include be read....but it depends somewhere yet the lastly gesetzte filter of FileListNoFilter rum.....and thatswhy does it not

ought to I brill ...large SORRY
and Please over again circa Help ... too ifs you little Nerft
but without you war I not there

Greeting Klaus


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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