
Filesecurity settle: Part code 2

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Kurzbeschreibung: setting on NTFS Festplatten whom Security Descriptor of/ one File

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Hello Andreas!
1.Test on XP per SP1 (without Überwachung), with this poste I Dirs on the evening.
[quote:994d4e3e56]Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Error Code LookupAccountSid=1
last API Fehler=997
****PROZEDUR launched****
chosen Datei=F:IMAGESFotosDigiCamDorli_Schulfoto 2004.tif
To Addierende Rechte=...
last API-Fehler=997
Return of GetVolumeInformation=1
last API-Fehler=997
Ausgelesene Partition=NTFS
grabbed is einschränkbar
Return of GetFileSecurity=0
last API-Fehler=122
Erforderliche length the Security Descriptor=104
Return of GetFileSecurity=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidSecurityDescriptor=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of GetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
DACL is present!
Return of GetAclInformation=1
last API-Fehler=0
amount uses Bytes in DACL=28
amount suitor Bytes in DACL=0
ACEs in DACL=1
Size the 1.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
Return of ConvertSidToStringSid=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of LocalFree for String-SID=0
last API-Fehler=0
String-SID the 1. ACEs=S-1-1-0
1. ACE related on SID=Jeder
1. ACE related on Domainname=
Accessrechte the 1. ACEs=$1F01FF
right in the 1. ACE=FILE_ALL_ACCESS (Vollzugriff)
Return of LookupAccountName for Jeder=0
last API-Fehler=122
length the SIDs=12
Return of LookupAccountName for Jeder=1
last API-Fehler=997
length the SIDs=12
Bytes for ACL=28
Return of InitializeAcl=1
last API-Fehler=997
Return of GetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=997
Return of IsValidAcl for DACL=1
last API-Fehler=997
DACL is present!
Return of GetAclInformation=1
last API-Fehler=997
amount uses Bytes in DACL=28
amount suitor Bytes in DACL=0
ACEs in DACL=1
Size the 1.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=997
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
1. ACE related on SID=Jeder
Accessrechte the 1. ACEs=$1F01FF
...To addierende Rechte=$1F01FF
Return of AddAce on point 0=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for selbsterzeugten DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of InitializeSecurityDescriptor=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of SetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of SetFileSecurity=1
last API-Fehler=0
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Error Code LookupAccountSid=1
last API Fehler=997
****PROZEDUR launched****
chosen Datei=F:IMAGESFotosDigiCamDorli_Schulfoto 2004.tif
To Addierende Rechte=...
last API-Fehler=997
Return of GetVolumeInformation=1
last API-Fehler=997
Ausgelesene Partition=NTFS
grabbed is einschränkbar
Return of GetFileSecurity=0
last API-Fehler=122
Erforderliche length the Security Descriptor=104
Return of GetFileSecurity=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidSecurityDescriptor=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of GetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
DACL is present!
Return of GetAclInformation=1
last API-Fehler=0
amount uses Bytes in DACL=28
amount suitor Bytes in DACL=0
ACEs in DACL=1
Size the 1.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
Return of ConvertSidToStringSid=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of LocalFree for String-SID=0
last API-Fehler=0
String-SID the 1. ACEs=S-1-1-0
1. ACE related on SID=Jeder
1. ACE related on Domainname=
Accessrechte the 1. ACEs=$1F01FF
right in the 1. ACE=FILE_ALL_ACCESS (Vollzugriff)
Return of LookupAccountName for Jeder=0
last API-Fehler=122
length the SIDs=12
Return of LookupAccountName for Jeder=1
last API-Fehler=997
length the SIDs=12
Bytes for ACL=48
Return of InitializeAcl=1
last API-Fehler=997
Return of GetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=997
Return of IsValidAcl for DACL=1
last API-Fehler=997
DACL is present!
Return of GetAclInformation=1
last API-Fehler=997
amount uses Bytes in DACL=28
amount suitor Bytes in DACL=0
ACEs in DACL=1
Size the 1.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=997
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
1. ACE related on SID=Jeder
Accessrechte the 1. ACEs=$1F01FF
with ALLOWED_ACE To addierende Rechte=$1E01FF
Return of AddAce on point 1=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for selbsterzeugten DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
with DENIED_ACE...
...To addierende Rechte=$10000
Return of AddAce on point 0=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for selbsterzeugten DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of InitializeSecurityDescriptor=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of SetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of SetFileSecurity=1
last API-Fehler=0
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Error Code LookupAccountSid=1
last API Fehler=997
****PROZEDUR launched****
chosen Datei=F:IMAGESFotosDigiCamDorli_Schulfoto 2004.tif
To Addierende Rechte=...
last API-Fehler=997
Return of GetVolumeInformation=1
last API-Fehler=997
Ausgelesene Partition=NTFS
grabbed is einschränkbar
Return of GetFileSecurity=0
last API-Fehler=122
Erforderliche length the Security Descriptor=124
Return of GetFileSecurity=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidSecurityDescriptor=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of GetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
DACL is present!
Return of GetAclInformation=1
last API-Fehler=0
amount uses Bytes in DACL=48
amount suitor Bytes in DACL=0
ACEs in DACL=2
Size the 1.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
Return of ConvertSidToStringSid=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of LocalFree for String-SID=0
last API-Fehler=0
String-SID the 1. ACEs=S-1-1-0
1. ACE related on SID=Jeder
1. ACE related on Domainname=
Accessrechte the 1. ACEs=$10000
right in the 1. ACE=_DELETE (File delete)
Size the 2.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
Return of ConvertSidToStringSid=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of LocalFree for String-SID=0
last API-Fehler=0
String-SID the 2. ACEs=S-1-1-0
2. ACE related on SID=Jeder
2. ACE related on Domainname=
Accessrechte the 2. ACEs=$1E01FF
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_READ_DATA (allows Data from one File To reading)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_WRITE_DATA (allows data To Scheiben)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_APPEND_DATA (allows data anzuhängen)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_READ_EA (allows erweiterte Attibute To reading)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_WRITE_EA (allows erweiterte attributes To write)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_EXECUTE (allows a File to execute)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES (reading the Fileattribute)
right in the 2. ACE=FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES (Change the Fileattribute)
right in the 2. ACE=WRITE_DAC (Change the DACL Entries)
right in the 2. ACE=READ_CONTROL (reading the DACL Entries and owner)
right in the 2. ACE=SYNCHRONIZE (allows one FileHandle on one Complitition I/O
To Waiting)
right in the 2. ACE=File_Delete_Child (allows a Unterordner To delete - for
Files no weight)
right in the 2. ACE=WRITE_OWNER (proprietor Change)
Return of LookupAccountName for Administratoren=0
last API-Fehler=122
length the SIDs=16
Return of LookupAccountName for Administratoren=1
last API-Fehler=997
length the SIDs=16
Bytes for ACL=72
Return of InitializeAcl=1
last API-Fehler=997
Return of GetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=997
Return of IsValidAcl for DACL=1
last API-Fehler=997
DACL is present!
Return of GetAclInformation=1
last API-Fehler=997
amount uses Bytes in DACL=48
amount suitor Bytes in DACL=0
ACEs in DACL=2
Size the 1.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=997
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
1. ACE related on SID=Jeder
Accessrechte the 1. ACEs=$10000
Return of AddAce on point 0=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for selbsterzeugten DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
Size the 2.ACEs=20
Error Code IsValidSid=1
last API Fehler=0
Return of LookupAccountSid=1
last API-Fehler=997
Reset the API-Fehlers becomes implemented
2. ACE related on SID=Jeder
Accessrechte the 2. ACEs=$1E01FF
Return of AddAce on point 1=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for selbsterzeugten DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
...To addierende Rechte=$11F01FF
Return of AddAce on point 2=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of IsValidAcl for selbsterzeugten DACL=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of InitializeSecurityDescriptor=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of SetSecurityDescriptorDacl=1
last API-Fehler=0
Return of SetFileSecurity=1
last API-Fehler=0[/quote:994d4e3e56]
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Christian...

the sees inspired from.
yet important:
- becomes the grabbed really verweigert / allows?
- which rights go in the WindowsExplorer displayed? is correct the überein?

loudly Explorer:
Delete would verweigert, everything else is released (for eachone).

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

here yet The Screenshots moreover:

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

once more to the Parameters the PROC Set_ACE_IN_DACL:

The first Parameter gives a File or Ordnernamen as String on, for one rights determine wants.

The second Parameter is a groups or Username as String. If one each Rechten enable wants, would for the Gruppenname eachone To use. The the Gruppenname eachone only on german Systemen really eachone is, can whom GRuppennamen of eachone and of Administratoren over The Proc Get_Group_Name detect.

The dritte Parameter gives on, whether rights prohibited or allows go should and is ditto one String. here can also indicated go, whether the old boy DACL deleted go should.
+ means rights permit, - means rights prohibit, 0 means middle-aged DACL delete. + and - can not together uses go. becomes 0 not indicated, go The Zugriffsrechte the middle-aged DACL into new übernommen.

Parameter four gives The rights as String on:
FILE_READ_DATA (allows Data from one File To reading)
FILE_WRITE_DATA (allows data To Scheiben)
FILE_APPEND_DATA (allows data anzuhängen)
FILE_READ_EA (allows erweiterte Attibute To reading)
FILE_WRITE_EA (allows erweiterte attributes To write)
FILE_EXECUTE (allows a File to execute)
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES (reading the Fileattribute)
FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES (Change the Fileattribute)
RITE_DAC (Change the DACL Entries)
READ_CONTROL (reading the DACL Entries and owner)
SYNCHRONIZE (allows one FileHandle on one Complitition I/O To Waiting)
File_Delete_CHILD (allows a Unterordner To delete - for Files no weight)
ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY (allows whom Access to whom SACL)
WRITE_OWNER (proprietor Change)
F_DELETE (File delete)

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Hello Christian...

the sees not only inspired from, the sees spitzenmäßig from!

we've it geschafft! it working! The sensation!

Freut me awfully, that itself the hoisted payd made has...
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

I see Ah already busy anner PCU basteln.


Hello Christian...

and How itself the gelohnt has. the best on it: I have world-wide in none Programming-Language bislang irgendeinen View source found, the the in this Nature and point regulate could! who soon program wants, should gefälligst Profan learn!!!

Hello IF...

have no XProfan - therefore überlasse I it to you, from the Proc a PCU To make. with the PROC I will one Program of me adjust and thereafter The functions the PROC into API Library take in.
then I will me in same point around the Registry concern - where position one at all since the Zugriffsrechte one? Regedit32??

even Roland and Uwe having itself today The new functions the API Library respected. Roland is now apparently daily here.
GetTokenInformation and ConverttStringSIDToSID ought to itself eachone windows2000/XP User really once respected having. of these function can itself some over The Registry and the Token learn - best Thanks over again for your Tipp To GroupMembership, Christian! You scheints you really well in the Registry auszukennen...

so, Have to Time again night shift. If I so ready be, I will The PROC so paraphrase, that the API-Rückgaben with want in a before with Assign allocated Logdatei written go can, but needn't. thereafter becomes The Proc here in the suitable Forumsbereich published.

thereafter I will me around the take the yet missing APIs from the PROC into API Library concern.

If both done is, stand for Profanprogrammieren doors open, The apparently in others Programmiersprachen under windows only whom large Experten vorbehalten are, without everybody can but - How said - really quite no right Mehrbenutzeranwendungen write can.

These PROC bid at all first The Possibility (for not Experten, as we there are) Datenbankanwendungen for several user under WindowsNT/2000/XP To write, what really otherwise in the principle none possible is, if one The Kenntnisse not own, The I here applied have.

I find it a blemish, that things, The really eachone Beginner know ought to, of Microsoft so badly and unzureichend documents are.
I have to, this for german area and our Programming-Language To Change...

Hello Profaner...

the final Result is ready and is as Include since yesterday here on the Server.
with this Include is it possible, each User desssen Loginnamen one knows arbitrary Zugriffsrechte on a File or a Ordner To permit or these To prohibit.
on the side can these Zugriffsrechte naturally not only designed Usern permit or prohibit, separate too whole Usergruppen. thereby go with want automatically The right Gruppennamen the Usergruppen Administratoren and eachone determined, what it possible power without further Kenntnisse over the system The Beschränkungen each Users, the Member this groups is, To Edit.

I werd me next week short set down and times through the Inc NEN small opensourceVerwalter building, kk?



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