
Filter DBase-data base



I here new be would like I first eimal short present. I have to many years time in Clipper and later in Pofan my first Database Programs written. to ca. 4 weeks have I again started and it power again Fun. i'm just thereby one Datenbankprogramm for my Gartenpflanzen To write. here come I on some Problems in the I in the Help not fündig will be. here now my derzeitiges trouble:

my Datenbankprogramm power good Fortschritte. now Search I in vain to one commands circa filter on a DB-data base To settle.

The selection the Filtermöglichkeiten go in a list box displayed and the selection in a String transfer. the functions everything.

It should then in the Anzeigemaske the data base only The Datensätze showing The the filter correspond to. it must with several Filtern functions around the selection aimed einzuschränken.


show only Datensätze The following criteria erfüllen.

in the Datenfeld Höhe To 1,5
in the Datenfeld colour only ruddy
in the Datenfeld manufacturers only pattern AG

I know a Filterfunktion former of Clipper and Profan find I nothing.

has someone a Lösug for me?

best Thanks in the ahead.

Geht nicht gibts nicht

Win XP , Profan 6.6

unfortunately has Profan here externes Module for data base. this Module own no filter and Roland can the therefore not so without further nachrüsten.

here helps only the Selbstschreiben:
Datensatz on a function transfer and the function then all kinds of Cases abtesten. If the Datensatz The terms erfüllt supply The function 1 for TRUE or hold 0 for FALSE back.

because of this Ergebnisses uses one then The data (or not).

clear, there should time a Filterfunktion in Profan nachgerüstet go. If I the Source the Modules had could I there matter. Assembler,C,Pascal-Kenntnisse and langjährige experience in dBase,Topaz,Clipper are present. Also I had self already Pascalmodule for dBasezugriff written. it failed only on the INDEX (compatible To dBase), that I there nothing own offer can.
If someone The Original-index-function of dBase (Nich The of Clipper) in the Source has, then set I there again heran.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Oh, I see first now The Signatur No way Gibts not.

Since there it self-evident Alternativen. For this must You only with SQL on The data base grab.
though must You then a little SQL learn. Hierüber are filter possible because You with Select simply Einschränkungen with angibst.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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