
first Comments on competition 2006

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@for any Juroren... and naturally too for whole Community

Zuallererst Thank you for rating of my Beitrages. would have been me never dream let, I "alter Sack" me in the oberen Drittel the Punktewertung wiederfinde. - have me The Ratings all works sorgsam durchgelesen and be to a Result come: the perfect Program was too this year not thereby ! - naturally I will with one UpDate of my Beitrages try, The Notes the Juroren with einzubringen (Roland - your Meckern over the Fensterformat is reasonable and becomes changed) but all something right make, is of my opinion to unmöglich. nevertheless once more thanks for Time, The your aufgewendet have and I am the opinion: The Results can itself see let - Congratulations too all others Gewinner - go on

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the your my Splash from RedCube geklaut have can I
likewise verkraften How the your my names in the About
wrong writes.

@iF: you are in the About-Scrollbox meanwhile again of Davis to that David umbenannt been. the was one gelungener Test unsererseits, circa find out to, whether at all someone these Box accurate anschaut.

The OGL-StartScreen (only XP visible) stammt of course in the integral from your feather, but from Okrea have I the not ausgeborgt, separate it stammt from Your Projektmanager. The (slight abgewandelte) Source for standing in ours baby-Box the XProfan-Managers all Interessenten available. there whom Suchbegriff OpenGL-demonstration prompt, or with course -> demonstration-programs -> proposition-manager (Source) nachschauen (proc app.about). might it his, that I in your demonstration-Codes meanwhile soon rather auskenne How You yourself?

@all: who itself whom Source such demonstration-programs (in the manager are yet 19 Piece include) and the over 1000 example-Codes from the baby-Box time step for step intensiver durcharbeitet and something of these Codes experimented, the might by degrees on almost each its xprofanen ask a suitable response find.

becomes it in the Endversion a Lageplan give in the standing, what there everything drin is

sometimes must I really search circa something wiederzufinden, that I there somewhere
already time klicked having.

@Michael: a Lageplan to that recovery the many Programmfunktionen becomes not give. For this is in the actually Version XProfan-manager 2007 already a globale Suchmaschine installed (not yet in the here published Wettbewerbsversion). so can single or any reaches the Managers to Programmfunktionen, Helfern, Tools, Aids, Source code etc. search, and the Suchbegriffe can to that faster recovery abgespeichert go.

further yummy Programmfunktionen are planned and to that part already in work. still above talk we first, if it so far is. About ungelegte eggs likes I only ungern herumschwafeln, because it otherwise mostly anyhow differently comes, as one itself the pictured has.

finally of Timo and me one large Thank you all, The our proposition in the past tense tested having, yet always testing or. benefit! and naturally one particularly dickes Thank you all diejenigen, The with own Posts to that come into being the XProfan-Managers in the vorliegenden shape beigetragen having.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

It can well his the You yourself with my Democodes rather auskennst as i I could me yet never Codes remember lol thatswhy write so did i everything I not Units or Incs verpacke over ands over again new - be hold stupid. but the You too yet my mühseelig with the Synth eingeklimpertes hittverdächtiges bit Sound without The Wimper To zupfen diebstalst - the I will you never - utterly never forgive can.

???whom Sound because???
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

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whom the to that Splash abgespielt becomes.

no, no, iF! The background-Sound (the something longer gong-similar thud) was the sound the something longer andauernden head-Schwingungen of Nicos Lieblings-Uhu, as the Uhu of a strangers in the go by his Matschauge verpaßt get having. the darübergelegte short knarrende thud are The Nico-head-Schwingungen been, after The Eule Nico at Spazierengehen of others end the line one as echo zurückgesemmelt having, because tappt im dunkeln thought, your Matschauge had tappt im dunkeln their Lieblings-Nico To owe had. since then must Nico a manner Gesichts-bumper carry.

your Projektmanager has quite none Sound. you see means, in your Codes know I really soon rather from ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Nutzt you nothing because I Have the complete Piece (2mins) and not only The small Momentaufnahme.

then must the Nico with seinem Uhu heimlich in Berlin been his, where this itself then his Matschauge eingefangen has.
Waiting we simply ex, To Nico here again mitliest and something light in these dunkle thing bring
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

knows your too this merkwürdigen urge the a befällt, one Hörnchen schwere physische Schäden anzutun, if this a Signatur as Matschaugeneule marks. this urge befällt me always often...
what iF means, is sure these jolly Melodei, The with RedCube abgespielt becomes, if the komische Zeugs with Quaxorx prod. and glory programmers group appear. the unästhetische XProfan-Mangaer-Intro has so really right little To do.

was the sound the something longer andauernden head-Schwingungen of ...

you should you definitiv less Toggo-Trickfilme standing.
Nico Madysa

Schade - I know weder a woman, yet a Herrn namens Toggo, yet have I apiece something of a Toggo-film heard ...

what your unwiderstehlichen urge concerns, there should You yourself with your trouble dringendst time vertrauensvoll on a good Pyschologen turn.

too my namesake Horst horn becomes you probably confirm can, that Hörnchen fundamentally friedliebende, very liebebedürftige creature are and otherwise right faithful Wegbegleiter his can.

because You already gedanklich so game, me schwere physische Schäden anzutun, are You now not any more my Lieblings-Nico! because my Lieblings-Nico is now Nico Müller! Bäähh! if this new Lieblings-Nico sometime nothing longer me concern would like, then dial I me even one Lieblings-Paulchen from our Reihen from, because of it having we indeed two Piece in the Doppelpack! even one Rotschopf-Paulchen and a further Paulchen, which often times its Haarfarbe changes. Ätsch!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


too my namesake Horst horn becomes you probably confirm can, that Hörnchen fundamentally friedliebende, very liebebedürftige creature are and otherwise right faithful Wegbegleiter his can.

Toggo is of my Wissens to a Kindersendung in super-RTL - know the of my Enkeln since - ziehmlich bleed, but the Kids need the theatre

Äh, what has the everything with the Topic the Threads To do?

wished yet what To Virtual Voice say: the Program shining unfortunately already older To his and the quality the vorgelesenen voices isn't rather as directly by SAPI vorgelesen.
so I will the product (and my Price ) naturally not so bad make, wished just my experience post. Have me anyway just the Voice Reader order... (https://www.linguatec.de/onlineservices/voice_reader)


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Peter Max Müller07/09/21


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