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Timotheus | Hi,
I have the following trouble. there's one Fremdfenster, dises calls one second Program on, and commit that Mainwindow lever. with the second Program möchter I now The Keyboard-Query make. but that Window watts Yes not from the second Program created. thereby is too important that it really one Program is, and no Thread.
concise: How zwänge I that lever this Window into system-Variable %HWnd, so it Profan anerkennt, what about me with %ScanKey The request can make?
Timo |
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| i see whom sense not - therefore falls me too nothing suitable one. Perhaps erleuterst You, the whole yet something accurate. i see only railway-station.
deals it itself with the by the first Program launched second Program circa a KonsolenApp?
salvo, iF. |
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Timotheus | means, in the first Program becomes the program association, that to a designed Time launched becomes, I have means no direct control over the first. the second becomes launched, and should now The on this Window Specifically squeezed Keys detect. integrally simply!
Timo |
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| Try you on the Themenfinder. [...]
salvo. |
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| Hello Timo...
I had there zumindestens a idea - no idea, whether the works. If I from of my night shift come, teste I the time from. |
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Timotheus | @iF: Well, if it only a Button would, The I inquire wished, but I would gladly whom Return Value the squeezed Button receive, and not whether a Button in the momentum is pressed.
Timo |
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| Hello Timo...
first time a couple Vorüberlegungen, Perhaps come You then already self zurecht:
with the API AttachThreadInput is it possible, Inputs one strangers Threads on the own Thread umzuleiten. How one so whom Focus one Fremdfensters sustain, have I Yes time viewed.
with the API GetMessage should it then really possible his, zumindestens on The Message WM_KEYDOWN To come, The whom Scancode the squeezed Button übermittelt. Frank Abbing has on its Homepage a Message.DLL as Freeware - Perhaps works the to the detour too so.
with the API GetAsyncKeyState and individual IF-inquire have I the already time made - with Profan is the but plenty too slow => evtl. over Profan2Cpp?
Desweiteren functions the over Hooks and DLLs (best Solution) => for is Frank Abbing the expert. he's time a very good Keylogger built... |
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Timotheus | GetAsyncKeyState goes!
the had I do not virtual, because in the API-Lybrary, as well as in the Win32.hlp standing drin, that the Rüchgabewert only since the last appeal quizzed becomes. means if F gedückt becomes, and A quizzed becomes, should that F still really from memory vanish, or not?
Timo |
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| Hello Timo...
GetAsyncKeyState is a of my Lieblingsfunktionen, is in almost each Program of me drin.
To mind: becomes with request reset. D.h., want You these function using, must You, before You tappt im dunkeln really verwendest, The function first once Call around the evtl. encompassed worth on 0 zurückzusetzen - this is in the WIN32.HLP meant. Also klauen itself two programs The these function using evtl. mutual The Tastendrücke. |
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| good day.
The GetKeyState-API reicht föllig and is much better suitable. |
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| Hello Werner...
the I will you gladly believe - schreib still time a code with GetKeyState: i want, that a Messagebox appear, if in another Program The Button F12 pressed becomes - and the on all 32bit windows Betribssystemen... The problem had we to a couple years already time. |
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Timotheus | Hi,
Nochmal I. fit about to the Topic, therefore write I again here mere. i want now too yet The Messages of a . Develop read can. both programs have myself launched. with AttachThreadInput shining it in reference on Messages not integrally hinzuhauen. gives it there another Possibility?
Timo |
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