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Oliver Schmidt | Hello XProfan Gemeinde !!! is it possible with XProfan,one Program To write, with the I Frequencies with a Soundkarte Is it Unikode can ? MfG Oiver |
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| have now of course nothing parat, but naturally is it possible.
Einfache Übung becomes the but not! |
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Oliver Schmidt |
Einfache Übung becomes the but not!
this is me deliberate,hauptsache functions, what about me my messungen manage can.I would very grateful if You me help would. MfG Oliver |
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| begin here [...] or. [...] .
with whom Callback-Funktionsadressen should You with ProcAddr on nProcs show because it otherwise crash becomes. you have XPSE in use? |
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Oliver Schmidt | XPSE do not have in use but this is for Waveform Audio,so can you Audiodateien Edit,but not for Frequenzenmessen with the Soundkarte. MfG Oliver |
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| Oliver Schmidt, Beitrag=55481, Zeitpunkt=19.12.2009
but not for Frequenzenmessen with the Soundkarte
this is not correctly., look: [...] [...] and [...] .
Oliver Schmidt, Beitrag=55481, Zeitpunkt=19.12.2009
XPSE do not have in use
Specifically for something like is it there, can so simply CompileMarkSeparationwrite and it kümmert itself circa perfect Integration without Deklarieren & DLL-Loading and Co. you become there, where You Funktionsadressen indicate must ( [...] ) , on native functions (nProc) show, so the program not crashes. would be XPSE means something, that You Specifically to vlt. first inne having should [...] . (Please actually Version use!) |
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Oliver Schmidt | How can I The Wavbefehle on XProfan integrate,have something like yet never made.i'm these opinion,that so can Wav-Files Edit,but not The Frequencies The on the microphone-entry come.
MfG Oliver P.s. guckt you The Page on,of course is the "Kondensatoren Is it Unikode with the Soundkarte",but something like änliches I will circa Frequencies To messen [...] |
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Oliver Schmidt | unfortunately,I can no english,and from the Microsoft Page understand I nichs,there a guide to German ? my know of XProfan is not yet very plenty,I have lead with QBasic program. MfG Oliver |
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| Ah, ok - then have You you hold for beginning same something exquisite, that gewissermassen supreme Ansprüche position. so definiert itself but the from you angesprochene "Hilfe" something differently. Perhaps. snap You you first of all Dietmars Textbook [...] Topic API. |
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Oliver Schmidt | Hello I thought me,one could with the bass.dll the release.in the internet have something like änliches(Kapazitätsmessung)found,the was with Delphi written and bass.dll MfG Oliver |
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Oliver Schmidt | Hello I have me the
snap You you first of all Dietmars Textbook [...] download Topic API. heruntergeladet and installs,unfortunately can I The Beispile not print out,pity MfG Oliver |
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Dietmar Horn | the is correct so not integrally, because in the Full Version is the Print out the Texts and over the Lehrbuchhelfer the copy the example-Codes into windows-Clipboard possible. See ScreenShot.
because I beginning the year for a few Time in that hospital must, Please possible orders additional too by PM with empty MMJ-Stellvertreter Thomas Zielinski Send. After entry the offering on MMJ (each MMJ-Leitungsmitglied can our Vereins-account online discover) there bypassing by Mail whom Link to Full Version the Lehrbuches. this Link counts then for all future Updates.the next more Update becomes expected around the Jahreswechsel around attend.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 12/20/09 ▲ |