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![: 08/25/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | want of ScreenHandle "hWin& = @Create("text", %hWnd, "Test1", 10, 10, 400,400)" one neckline ex x=200, y=200 with the Breite=128 and Höhe=128 schnellstmöglich in a with "Create" erstellten Bildhandle& copy to Auswertung.
mfg peter |
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![Rolf Koch: 08/25/08](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | ??? Hello Peter, The question have You but already here set: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) and what iF there with the Signatur meant: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/26/08](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | well, with the the Signatur has it now Yes. has you because iFs response not weitergeholfen? I Have not yet integrally understood, what You want. here time schematisch CompileMarkSeparationCls
Var txt& = Create("Text",%hwnd,"Test",10,10,400,400)
MCLS 128,128
MCopyBmp (10 + 200), (10 + 200) - 0,0,0
Var hBmp& = Create("hPic",0,"&MEMBMP")/pre>
"&MEMBMP" - it'll a Bitmapkopie with the actually with MCLS or MLOADBMP begot Memory bitmap prepares.
is now though not tested, separate only so zusammengeschrieben. helps you the first moreover? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/26/08 ▲ |
![: 08/26/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Jup, thanks Jörg.
one must not so far think.
The Bildschirmausschnitt the beginnend with X1,Y1 a wide of X2 Pixel and a Höhe of Y2 Pixel has, becomes from the with MLoadBmp geladenem Image on The position X3,Y3 copies.
here I had me festgebissen in the Description "...on The position X3,Y3 copies.....", thats copy only on the visible Window copiert and is not inem lever reingepackt go can.
Moin Rolf, I greet you.
mfg peter |
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![: 08/27/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | never forsaking Peter ! was one schweres undertaking.
now works it, a beliebigen Bildauschnitt 128X128 Pixel in the ongoing Programmablauf of Window on the left Page with BitBlt in a DIB To bring and then The Memory-Variable read(becomes not implemented the Reading). in the While-loop becomes as example with BitBlt into DC-idc& the iBitmap&, the Grafikbereich read, (without conversion in a DC goes not). with GetDiBits becomes The iBitmap&(now not The DC) into Memory-Variable red. and with SetDIBitsToDevice can too directly The Memory-Variable of XProfan the Window bring as Image, without this umzuwandeln. becomes on the rechten Page displayed. The speed for 3 Commands in the Loop for a Passage concise 4ms and the first 2 command, The I only need, without Bilddarstellung are it 1ms
has a grossen Lerneffekt had with the API-command.
mfg peter CompileMarkSeparation $H Windows.ph
Window 20,20-800,600
Cls @RGB(220,220,220)
var hWin& = @Create("text", %hWnd, "Test0", 10, 10, 600,400)
declare bmi#
declare bild#
dim bild#,128*128*4
var width%=128
var height%=128
startpaint hWin&
loadbmp "tile1.bmp",0,0,0
var hdc&=~GetDC(hWin&)
var iDC&=~CreateCompatibleDC(hDC&)
var iBitmap& = ~CreateDIBSection(idc&, bmi#, ~DIB_RGB_COLORS, 0,0,0)
~SelectObject(iDC&, iBitmap&)
whileloop 0,120,1
~SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc&, 350, 0, width%, height%, 0, 0, 0, 128, bild#,bmi#, ~DIB_RGB_COLORS)
sleep 1
proc bitmap_header
def &BI_RGB 0
biSize&, biWidth&, biHeight&, biPlanes%, biBitCount%, biCompression&,
biSizeImage&, biXPelsPerMeter&, biYPelsPerMeter&, biClrUsed&, biClrImportant&
clear bmi#
with bmi#
.biSize& = sizeof(bmi#)
.biWidth& = width%
.biHeight& = height%
.biPlanes% = 1
.biBitCount% = 32
.biCompression& = &BI_RGB
.biSizeImage& = ((.biWidth& * .biBitCount% 8 - 1) | 3 + 1) * abs(.biHeight&)
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![iF: 08/27/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | therefore too with XProfan11 (to that Happiness) explicit vereinfacht there one arbitrary hPics relating can. |
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![: 08/27/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | These 3 command supplant quasi whom of you erwähnten : CompileMarkSeparation for the GetDibits and SetDIBitsToDevice find I no faster Solution as XProfanbefehl.
On GEHTS...., to that next success. not tired go. ![](.././../../i/s/qq8.gif) have already plenty learnt.
mfg peter |
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![: 08/27/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | If this commands of XProfan11 : bitmap handle & = create("hPicCopy", hPic&[, x%, y%, dx%, dy%]) too a direct copy of ablaufenden Window can make, then is it one schöner progress or one then too several MCLS lay out can to that speedy zwischenspeichern.
mfg peter |
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![iF: 08/27/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | therefore goes indeed something like: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
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![: 08/28/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Sometime if Roland from the leave is, wished it my proposition on XProfan11 Edit. Runs already.
mfg peter |
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