Forum | | | |  Abigail | Hello people, I have time one something revised Example for a Sorting to Substrings uses. in the principle works the indeed integrally wonderful, but ex of/ one conscience Size, by me Satzgröße 248 byte * ca. 400 Sätze, functions The Sort GRIDBOX integrally simply not any more. so between 400 and 500 Datensätzen is simply a Sorting only to oftmaligem activate (if at all) the 'Sortierbuttons' possible. is the one bow or have I there somewhere a constraint überlesen??
under the Original Program from the Help
Declare lever Grid, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5
Window Title "Sortiertes Grid"
Window 600, 400
Grid = Create("Gridbox", %HWnd, "Nummer;0;60;Name;0;100;Ort;0;120;Gehalt;0;60", 0, 10, 50, 340, 200)
btn1 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 10, 10, 60, 25)
btn2 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 75, 10, 60, 25)
btn3 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 170, 10, 60, 25)
btn4 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 290, 10, 60, 25)
btn5 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Ende", 500, 10,60, 25)
AddStrings(Grid, "500|Maier|Köln|4000")
AddStrings(Grid, "400|Schmidt|Hamburg|3000")
AddStrings(Grid, "300|Bauer|Mannheim|3500")
AddStrings(Grid, "200|Klein|Düsseldorf|3000")
AddStrings(Grid, "100|Fuchs|Stuttgart|7500")
WhileNot Clicked(btn5)
ClearList 0
Move("HandleToList", Grid)
If Clicked(btn1)
SortList 5
ElseIf Clicked(btn2)
SortList "|", 2, 1
ElseIf Clicked(btn3)
SortList "|", 3, 1
ElseIf Clicked(btn4)
SortList "|", 4, 5
ClearList Grid
Move("ListToHandle", Grid)
Case %Key = 2 : Break
thanks for Your response,
Abigail |
| | | | |
| |  Jörg Sellmeyer | I faith, there are you simply To eager. If many Datensätze present are, lasts the Sortiervorgang simply something longer. particularly in the interpreter mode power itself the then noticeable.
I Have your Program time yet something changed, so it "ruhiger" runs. so becomes The Sortierroutine only called, if of/ one the Buttons clicked becomes.
Declare lever Grid, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5
Window Title "Sortiertes Grid"
Window 600, 400
Grid = Create("Gridbox", %HWnd, "Nummer;0;60;Name;0;100;Ort;0;120;Gehalt;0;60", 0, 10, 50, 340, 200)
btn1 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 10, 10, 60, 25)
btn2 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 75, 10, 60, 25)
btn3 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 170, 10, 60, 25)
btn4 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Sort", 290, 10, 60, 25)
btn5 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Ende", 500, 10,60, 25)
var lever btn6 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Test", 400, 10,60, 25)
Proc SortMyList
Parameters Int SortString
ClearList 0
Move("HandleToList", Grid)
SortList "|",SortString,1
ClearList Grid
Move("ListToHandle", Grid)
WhileLoop 1,1500,5
AddStrings(Grid, stature$("000",&Loop) + "|Maier|Köln|" + Str $(Rnd(8000)))
AddStrings(Grid, stature$("000",&Loop + 1) + "|Schmidt|Hamburg|" + Str $(Rnd(8000)))
AddStrings(Grid, stature$("000",&Loop + 2) + "|Bauer|Mannheim|" + Str $(Rnd(8000)))
AddStrings(Grid, stature$("000",&Loop + 3) + "|Klein|Düsseldorf|" + Str $(Rnd(8000)))
AddStrings(Grid, stature$("000",&Loop + 4) + "|Fuchs|Stuttgart|" + Str $(Rnd(8000)))
While 1
Case Clicked(btn5):Break
If Clicked(btn1)
SortMyList 1
ElseIf Clicked(btn2)
SortMyList 2
ElseIf Clicked(btn3)
SortMyList 3
ElseIf Clicked(btn4)
SortMyList 4
ElseIf Clicked(btn6)
print "a"
Case %Key = 2 : Break
now would it naturally yet interestingly to know, what very You changed have, circa exclude to, whether it on this Changes lying. |
| | | | |
| |  Abigail | Hello Jörg, thanks for Info, or improvement. my Changes were really only marginal. 1. altogether 7 decompose in the scheduler, 2. naturally name and Size the individual Split. moreover naturally for each slot On and ex Sortier-Button, means altogether 14 Piece. now, I have in the meantime a Solution found, The Although a little umständlich appear, but functions. withal the crowd the Sätze, I have it To 5000 probiert, in a Zehntelsekunde sortiert. sees then about so from:
If Clicked(SORT[1]) ClearList 0 Move("HandleToList", GRID) SortList "|", 1 ,5 ClearList Grid Move("ListToHandle", Grid) ElseIf Clicked(SORT[2])
an so on To SORT[14] the functions really without each Verzögerung self in the Interpreter mode.
Why The Beispielroutine How
While ... ClearList 0 Move("HandleToList", GRID)
If Clicked(SORT[1]) SortList "|", 1 ,5 ElseIf Clicked(SORT[2]) SortList "|", 2 ,5 "" "" ElseIf Clicked(SORT14]) SortList "|", 7 ,-3 ENDIF
ClearList Grid Move("ListToHandle", Grid)
so infinite lazy ex of/ one conscience Size, or. none functions, erschließt itself I do not integrally.
nevertheless thanks for your hints, I will time tommorrow bring into action to see, whether it so too functions.
Sincerely, Abigail |
| | | | |
| |  maroro | Hello into round ...Gridboxen sort is too straight my Topic. thereby works the sort wonderful only The Solution eachone slot a button To give liberally gefällt me not at all. How is it possible a Click on The Spaltenüberschrift To discern too still correctly if The Size the column changed watts?
be tensely on your Proposals
maroro |
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| |  Thomas Freier | | | | Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/27/17 ▲ |
| |
| |  maroro | have it found ...thanks Thomas and if I must would I the suitable View source too post. |
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