
Handlekrams ...

so, have me with [...]  time Handles of Speicherobjekten something hither respected.
1) with GlobalAlloc sustain I a handle one Speicherblockes whom I as moveable create.
2) now do I so, as would the lever a Speicheradressen and read whom suitable Speicherbereich as 4 byte Doubleword with Tasks and Token from.
3) on the address, The I there read have, standing The augenblickliche Startadresse the Speicherblocks (To überprüpfen through GlobalLock or GlobalHandle).
4) The address lying, loudly Tasks and Token, in a Heap.
5) on the end the (clear) Speicherblocks standing The Heapkontrollstruktur.
6) the first Doubleword the Heapkontrollstruktur is again the lever the Bereichs.
7) is the through GlobalAlloc begot Speicherbereich hardship moveable, is the zurückgelieferte lever directly The address the Speicherbereichs.

so, I hope your kontet me follow - now come my ask:
a) How sees the with User-, GDI- and to all Things Kernel-Objekthandles from??? has someone Info moreover?
b) How exactly a Heapkontrollstruktur aufgebaut? gives it moreover closer Info, or must one there self nachforschen???

in the moment hears itself the whole Perhaps very abstractly on, I have so but quite handfeste things to...

(in the hope on Help and good suggestions)


I make time something explicit what it me goes:
I have in the moment The theory, the behind each lever one Speicherbereich in a Process stick, the either allocated or released becomes (or mehere Speicherbereiche?). in the moment goes it me therefore, these theory either To prove or To verwerfen...
ought to itself my theory confirm, could one one lever always defined Speicherbereiche zuordnen - and these evtl. (for own Process) directly Change.

Who of Handles and Adressen little more Idea as i and can me diesbezüglich something clarify ?
(Please over again circa something Help or good suggestions...)

best Regards



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