
Header with Internetaufruf


Hello together,

I Have there some something knifflige ask.

I have me very with the ONL.DLL angefreundet, the stupid is only the The ONL.DLL variables fundamentally by GET sends.
now have I with GET 2 Problems:
1.) GET has a limited length and
2.) it'll everything in the Klartext in the URL gesendet.
I Have here somewhere (I habs again sought but not found) red the one itself then a own Header write must.

my ask:

1.) How is the Header aufgebaut (has someone ne Proc the me NEN Header bastelt?)
2.) can I whom by ONL.DLL Send? if so, How? If No, which DLL ought to I use and How is the appeal?

thanks Schonmal beforehand.

WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

In Reintext becomes too by POST gesendet, the has with Get nothing To do. solely SSL could you here help. The GetLängenbegrenzung comes imho sooner from the DLL instead of of Server self.

to the Headers: Date simply to http-header - there's super Dokus! the everything uses you however first something if you too TCP experience have. altogether no leichtes undertaking!

Date too time to http fileupload.

Pffffffffff......schwere Kost......

means again The question all...
(I hope there has of/ one ne response before I the wheel new invent must)

How create I it of XProfan out about 1000-2000 Longints a PHP Script on NEN Apache Server To transfer??

thanks Schonmal beforehand...

WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

without into deep Trickkiste take up must could You you with of/ one SessionID behelfen, and Häppchenweise transfer. 2000 Longs, means ca. 8kB, only How is whom The constraint the DLL or the Servers?

ploy55 would it one HTMLControl To use which one PostFormular by JS automatically executing - the goes integrally well and is too simply To release and can also covers happen.

Hello IF.

your ploy 55 sound very interestingly.
Only the java......haste there one small script for me???....I Have with java yet no grossen Experience assembled there it almost everything already runterladbar Internet gives, one must it only on its needs adjust...

Thanks you...

WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

I building the if I hereafter bisl Time have - or tommorrow if I To nothing komm. Please mind JS and Java are 2 different couple shoe.


I thought JS means Java script ???
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

correctly., JS is too Java Script (really Javascript). but its one Höllenunterschied between Java and JavaScript. The Difference is vaguely so big How XProfan and Linux. both having Although a X in the names, but otherwise having tappt im dunkeln not plenty together (Okay, the comparison limp something, but the Dimensionen come vaguely there). means never of Java talk, if one JavaScript means.
XProfan 9.1; XP SP2; FF; Editpad

here one funktionierendes Result:
declare h_html&,s$
s$:="Diese Daten wurden über Post versandt."
s$:="<form name=qform1q action=qhttps://xprofan.com/testarea/form.phpq method=qpostq><textarea style=qwidth:1px;height:1pxq name=qmessageq>"+s$+"</textarea><input style=qwidth:1px;height:1pxq type=qsubmitq/></form>
<script type=qtext/javascriptq>

function doo() {;



assign #1,"temp.html"
rewrite #1
print #1,s$
close #1

The String s$ is with method mail on a PHP sent, through the HTML-Control and a little JS. I faith a lustigere method Gibts almost not.

[quote:5c8f338441=Clemens Meier]correctly., JS is too Java Script (really Javascript). but its one Höllenunterschied between Java and JavaScript. The Difference is vaguely so big How XProfan and Linux. both having Although a X in the names, but otherwise having tappt im dunkeln not plenty together (Okay, the comparison limp something, but the Dimensionen come vaguely there). means never of Java talk, if one JavaScript means.[/quote:5c8f338441]
one could too say JS is How XProfan, and Java like a C++ which without Bibliotheken sheer useless appear. only The Syntax has a ähnlichen origin. JS becomes interprets, Java-Kompilate go of a Preprozessor in Maschinencode transformed and carryed out. One good Javaforum find You here  [...]  , there can You you NEN Überblick verschaffen. particularly beautiful find I this Forumbereich here  [...]  .

Hello IF.

cordial Thanks..
I kanns unfortunately first in 2 weeks testing and install.
I write then whether and as worked has.

in the übrigen wished I here no Discussion Javs vs. Java Script trigger.
meanwhile are me The differences More as clear.

WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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