
HEAPLIST32 and HEAPENTRY32 Structures described incorrectly???

hello everyone together...

The for a Heapwalking required Structures HEAPLIST32 and HEAPENTRY32 shine itself ex windows2000 utterly changed to have - who on The MSDN and WIN32.HLP Beschreibungen intimate, becomes well his blaues wonder experience:
1.) in the HEAPLIST32 structure is under the dwFlags Parameter the Flag HF32_DEFAULTangegeben. ex windows2000 is this Flagwert ($1) with a others Flag occupied!
2.) The Flag HF32_SHARED is already under windows95 in the HEAPLIST32 structure not any more to find.
3.) The Flag th32HeapID the HEAPLIST32 structure supply ex windows2000 apparently the lever the Heaps back and not which ID.
4.) The Parameter hHandle the HEAPENTRY32 structure supply ex windows2000 not the lever the Heapblocks, separate the lever the Heaps back.

in the moment goes it me now around the HEAPLIST32. under the dwFlags Parameter are ex windows2000 some ? Happen? hinzugekommen - $1, $2, and $4 know I already, there's there at least but yet $8, $1000, $2000, $4000 and $8000.
knows someone The Flagnamen or The weight this ? Happen?? gives it newer Documentations this Structures, The I not yet found have? who can me help on???


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