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RICOSCH | will be of selbigen trouble geplagt !
I get under windows 8.1 (but too win 7) constantly one Error with: EAccessViolation on address ......
now reports the Debugger the following:
it found one Debug-Ausnahmeereignis with the code EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION instead of. the Debug-Ausnahmeereignis has the signal EXCEPTION_CONTINUABLE. the Debug-Ausnahmeereignis found on the address $77E827EA instead of. it'll attempts into Speicheradresse $77ED460F unerlaubt To write.
under Windows XP, where I the tool write and Compiliere shining the Error weitestgehend ignoring To go though it Yes there's, Program runs but moreover.
windows 8.1 goes lest so loosly circa.
so far I the understand can, happens the error if I a runtergeladene XML-File open circa Strings auszulesen and To process, which then format in a new File written go.
here schnibsel which the trouble in the Debugger verdeutlicht: CompileMarkSeparation evident can it only on the @downloadfile lying ? it's running so far under xp and win 8.1 but under 8.1 comes it öffter To crash.
can of/ one help, thanks
Profan (X2.1b) |
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
| where I it grade see: CompileMarkSeparation Hrm, sure one Flüchtigkeitsfehler: Body in the Head
plainer so:<doctype> <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> <html>
under XP can ichs so often started How i will, gives no Error.
nevertheless one hint:
make times not: CompileMarkSeparation separate CompileMarkSeparation because otherwise unnecessary high CPU-consumption.
so could the "Problem" incidentally already of table his. reason: without Waitinput has the Download-Thread less Time and Perhaps kollidiert the Abrufen of &bytesread with the Befüllen of &bytesread by Thread. alike time How, crash darfs nevertheless never because otherwise ists crept one Error in the XProfan.
Have me time even a Exe created and here angehangen, is XProfan 11.2-NT - my LieblingsXProfan. Kanns so on Win8 testing. can Yes time ne Exe Upload with your XProfanversion. |
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| simply only Interessehalber: have You times the dw.get -function from the download.inc [...] probiert? (Include is for you free) |
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RICOSCH | unfortunately No, I try always weitestgehend with Boardeigenen Mitteln auszukommen ! |
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| where I it grade see: CompileMarkSeparation Hrm, sure one Flüchtigkeitsfehler: Body in the Head
plainer so:<doctype> <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> <html>
under XP can ichs so often started How i will, gives no Error.
nevertheless one hint:
make times not: CompileMarkSeparation separate CompileMarkSeparation because otherwise unnecessary high CPU-consumption.
so could the "Problem" incidentally already of table his. reason: without Waitinput has the Download-Thread less Time and Perhaps kollidiert the Abrufen of &bytesread with the Befüllen of &bytesread by Thread. alike time How, crash darfs nevertheless never because otherwise ists crept one Error in the XProfan.
Have me time even a Exe created and here angehangen, is XProfan 11.2-NT - my LieblingsXProfan. Kanns so on Win8 testing. can Yes time ne Exe Upload with your XProfanversion. |
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RICOSCH | thanks David,
just super !
have extensively under 8.1 tested and To dato no crash More had.
What is whom the Difference between waitinput 10 and sleep 10 ?
though bleats the debugger immernoch rum, should me alike his ifs whom runs.
have me wiedermal very helped ! |
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| RICOSCH (05.11.14)
have extensively under 8.1 tested and To dato no crash More had.
super. apparently should Roland then there but time ran.
RICOSCH (05.11.14)
What is whom the Difference between waitinput 10 and sleep 10 ?
is vlt. right simply declared: sleep power what vlt. of waitInput expects and waitInput power what vlt. of sleep expects.
or differently declared: WaitInput gives one Process (Erhohlungs-) Time and Sleep steal tappt im dunkeln. |
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RGH | Waitinput becomes through one Input-incident interrupted, too before The Time run down is, Sleep wait The whole Time and gives so others Prozessen on Your computer opportunity, too time dran To come.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 11/06/14 ▲ |
RICOSCH | thanks for resolution |
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