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![: 03/10/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | windows has reacted and a Download for available set, that Vista The .hlp-Files reading can [web]https://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/vista/74191/index.html[/web] - The Link calls The Page of PC-world with the Downloadadresse on - for manchen certainly interestingly (Rolf ?) ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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![Rolf Koch: 03/10/07](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | super many Thanks Horst, functions again the *.hlp stature. To a good ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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![: 03/15/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | @Hello Rolf The Messagebox gives The Web-Adressen not correctly. from. here's The korrekte address for VISTA-News:
[...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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![Frank Abbing: 03/15/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | [offtopic]Horst, Crusty the Clown must unfortunately from your Signatur vanish, because of of Copyrights... [/offtopic] |
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![: 03/15/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | [offtopic] Frank think I do not - here's The address to the Web-Site, from the You The Simpsons and More spare runterladen can ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) Quote from the HP The Smilies (standard-Smilies, The Simpons, Bilderrätsel) can spare uses go. for single Beitäge is a Verlinkung allows, even erwünscht. but with dauerhaftem employment, z.B. in a Forum, should tappt im dunkeln on a own Webspace laid go.[/offtopic] |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 03/15/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Horst horn
[offtopic] Frank think I do not - here's The address to the Web-Site, from the You The Simpsons and More spare runterladen can ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) Quote from the HP The Smilies (standard-Smilies, The Simpons, Bilderrätsel) can spare uses go. for single Beitäge is a Verlinkung allows, even erwünscht. but with dauerhaftem employment, z.B. in a Forum, should tappt im dunkeln on a own Webspace laid go.[/offtopic]
[offtopic] I stops it for More as unwahrscheinlich, that the Author the Page The rights on whom Simpsons has. If it means someone hereon anlegt, can it well ziemlichen Ärger get. he's none the right moreover, The gifs to that disengaged Download anzubieten. to that paid anyhow not. I stops it of course for unwahrscheinlich, that some Abmahnanwalt here auftaucht, can but iFs deliberating therefore well understand.[/offtopic] |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 03/15/07 ▲ |
![: 03/15/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | [offtopic]now well or ? ![](https://www.web-treffpunkt.de/trommler.gif) [/offtopic] |
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![Frank Abbing: 03/15/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | fine, Horst. I had me too of my Homer separate, but its rather so. Why unnecessary Ärger provoke... ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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