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 Felix Roemer2 | Dear XProfan Community!
I have XProfan 10Free and I a little bit with HotKeys and the Query the keyboard experimented. It has made me question, however,, whether it is possible, defined Keys To occupy, without that the Program-Window is in foreground, means HotKeys across programs To define.
Lets go to the following situation as an example of: I have found in any key XProfan in example with the Play of/ one Sound-File occupied. If I these Button press, becomes means Sound X abgespielt. If I now though hingehe and Program Y (How z.B. Internet-Explorer) opened have, is it then possible whom over XProfan definierten HotKey nevertheless abzurufen? D.H., if I to that example The Tastenkombination old+F2 with the Sound X occupied have, there then a Possibility, these Tastenkombination too with Aktivierung another programs to obtain? (Similar How this z.B. in the Programming-Language AHK possible is, permanent defined HotKeys across programs to create).
If there were irgendeine Possibility gives, this To do (z.B. too with Help of/ one DLL), would I very forward ;)
I hope you understand my problem fundamentally 
Thank you apologize in advance and greetings, Felix
---------- Vive la France  |
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 | Vive! 
I had there vlt. a jolly Solution. ^^
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 Felix Roemer2 | Hey, many Thanks for speedy response! 
will be me the same time in peace Gemüte lead and report .
LG, Felix |
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 Felix Roemer2 | Hey, afer a long try again many Thanks, has everything lovely worked ;) |
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 | gladly happen, thanks for feedback! |
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