
idea: an small CSV-data base

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I can here time Help use...

i want gladly a small data base program, The with CSV files
auskommt, d.h. these reading and write can. Similar as listview.dll,
The I however not use would like.

additionally ought to it possible his, different Databases within one Program
aufzurufen. too would it useful, if one To designed Einträgen with want
Images with Show let can (best would but a method, The any for
The DB required Images in a only File pack and the DB these then too
use can).

CSV therefore, because this stature my (not all To large) Ansprüche fully
erfüllt and of third extended go can.

the should my erstes small proposition go, therefore contact I hilfesuchend on
you here. Perhaps comes Yes what nützliches thereby out, if any a little bit
go about

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No unfortunately not...

Have Yes in the first no profane 9 and secondly could I The named
Unit in the Download area not find...

I wrote not The Unit be in the Download Area to find - separate The Unit be under Units to that Download offered.

simply left-supra on Units clicking.

no XProfan9 :roll:

unfortunately standing in your Signatur not which Profanversion You uses - therefore wrote ichs too in X9.

Schreib time here into which Profanversion You uses: [...] 

Sag still - which Profan uses You?

salvo, iF

I look same time with Units to. the latest time looked so did i there to, and there was is not
to find. Perhaps Have I this time More Happiness

I use yet always The Profan 8 shareware, The You me time given have

Ah who suchet the finds. would have been well rather twice hinschauen should

Hello Michael,

i'd The File always in memory form and later as Ganzes Save. Reserviere sufficient memory and bastle your File (amount generierter Bytes remember!). as Spaltentrenner best the Semikolon use, The Texts should You in quotation marks settle. Zeilentrenner is Chr$(13)+Chr$(10).
circa Images To to assimilate, using You Perhaps a Erkennungsstring with angehängtem Filenames and ultimately the actual Text, z.B. <<<</Icons/Guckmal.ico>>>>Hier standing the Text.
mind but, the others programs so one advanced CSV-stature not correctly. reading can... and around the Suchstrings to find recommend the API lstrcmpi() from the Kernel32.

Why want You The List view.dll not use? straight for something like Have I tappt im dunkeln made.

would have been I something größeres and konkreteres, would I The listview.dll sure even use.

I Games here but momentarily only a little bit with the Profan shareware around, to see, I
so can make and whether I at all something so hinbekomme. what about me remember not, whether I the everything
not evtl. again verwerfe and me others Things zuwende. additionally can The listview.dll plenty plenty plenty
More as i need ;) I wished simply for the time being only test times, whether so did i so, on simple point,
with CSVs (or others Datenformaten) hantieren can. but I thanks you very for eure Help!

Hello Frank,

after I me times the Examples with the listview.dll respected have,
observe I so slow, I The well still very well well use can ;)

can so good his, that You soon time one new Registrierersuchen get ;)

but first must I at all time so begin, in Profan durchzusteigen.
because yet is the everything not at all so simply for me. momentarily be I yet
thereby, your example-Source code durchzustöbern, in the hope, there soon
durchzusteigen. as Beginner is the everything not yet integrally so simply.


Franks List view.dll is authoritative and a absolute recommendation.

there The dll with velvet all command too from so quite eachone Programming-Language aufrufbar is can itself with ruhigem conscience with Frank Register and white a strong aide (listview.dll) on the Page to have.

salvo, iF


but first must I at all time so begin, in Profan durchzusteigen.
because yet is the everything not at all so simply for me. momentarily be I yet
thereby, your example-Source code durchzustöbern, in the hope, there soon
durchzusteigen. as Beginner is the everything not yet integrally so simply.

Lass you Time at learn. this is important. catch with the things on, The you on the most joke make and begin simply, yourself small Source code to create.


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Hello and Gurten day!
How gladly I in of my native tongue english write watts.
for my Version the Language entschuldige I.
yesterday have I XProfan Downloaded circa to find out whether the product a want one Endbenutzers Progamme To write unroof could.
I have a row of Datenmodelle aufgebaut with CSV. The are the core of my personal Wissensmanagements.
on the beginning the Konzeptes was for me Databases How SQL To komplex and almost unerklärlich.
After a row of extensions the models be I the opinion the SQL completely fehl on the Space would,
I have The habit taken care of, association as manuelle Procedures To konzipieren and To install. Each installation is a Zusammenlegung of usually simple Freeware-Komponenten.
I watts gladly with of/ one Programming-Language The Natural Language resembles, The models automatisieren.
the latest is a Übersetzungsmodell of english in that german. the association arebeitet zufriedenstellend under of/ one manuellen usage.
it must automatisiert go but the market gives no useful Products since.
the Download of XProfan yesterday was for me the last attempt of/ one Language to find, end a row of Entäuschungen;von Versprechungen The not erfüllt go could because the Versprechungen How normally nothing with the reality To do had.
XProfan must me CSV or one ähnliches Tabellenmodell offer or it'll abgelehnt.
my Experience, Argumente for and against different Products about Endbenutzer-Programming I will first in english document.
this Topic watts I gladly with eingeweihten user of XProfan talk out.
with friendly greet, P. M. Forkin.

Patrick Forkin, Beitrag=54358, Zeitpunkt=01.10.2009
Hello and Gurten day!
How gladly I in of my native tongue english write watts.

Hello, your german is integrally well, You can also on english write.

Patrick Forkin, Beitrag=54358, Zeitpunkt=01.10.2009

XProfan must me CSV or one ähnliches Tabellenmodell offer or it'll abgelehnt.

its sure possible, CSV-functions produce, The very the do, what You want. What exactly would the?

Hello Patrick,
your german is really fine. If one Sachverhalt for you time tougher To describe is, can You but sure too english write. here are sufficient people the english so far powerful, that tappt im dunkeln the trouble then too answer can.
you should you time on the Page of Frank Abbing [...]  The Rubrik List view.dll standing. Perhaps is the already the, what you helps.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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