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![CB: 01/02/05](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Hello, love Profaner! I steh time again on. I need in my Program order Automatisierung verschiedener Edit-Controls The request same over User Messages. the funkioniert too perfect. mere can I, since I The User Messages in my Hauptschleife installed have, my and @ GetFocus not any more over MenuItem(n) inquire. ![](.././../../i/s/eusa_think.gif) therefore my question: (How) can I the chosen Menuitem over User Messages detect? has of/ one of you a Solution parat? whom relevanten part of my DLL finds your in the Menudll.dll. Sincerely, Christian |
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![Rolf Koch: 01/02/05](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Hi, only one suggestion: what hälst You of it simply time by Print %message or %lastmessage the Result view, if you on one Menuitem click?
Rolf |
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![Frank Abbing: 01/02/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi.
my Proposals. API:
GetWindowLong() with GWL_ID Flag or GetClassLong() with GCL_MENUNAMEFlag
not tested... |
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![CB: 01/03/05](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | @ Rolf: Have I in the interim probiert. with %(Last)Message come I unfortunately not further. the result is always (alternately) 32, 312 or 512, but without Connex to that each chosen Menupunkt.
@Frank: i think, with GetClassLong() could it klappen, mere were my Experimente diesbezüglich not successful, moreover would I a morsel of Nachhilfeunterricht need... :?:
Sincerely, Christian |
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![Frank Abbing: 01/03/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
only with your Dll can I not testing. best posting You too whom dazugehörige code (quiet a Testcode), How You The thing yet attempt. then can you rather help. |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 01/03/05](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Christian, have You Perhaps $0111 as usermessage declared? then helps you the evtl. moreover:
Declare menuitem% Cls User Messages $0111wm_command Declare end% WhileNot end% WaitInput If %mousepressed=2 TrackMenu %mousex,%mousey CreateMenu AppendMenu 100,Test 1 AppendMenu 101,Test 2 menuitem%=&uwparam print menuitem%,%menuitem EndIf IF Equ(%key,2) Let end%=1 EndIf Wend
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 01/03/05 ▲ |
![CB: 01/05/05](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Anm.: ought to these Message already time present his - i'm just to one Backspace rausgeflogen...
Hi, to 2 Meet heftiger Fehlersuche login I again back. there were another couple others crude dogs in the end. the Extmenu goes unfortunately yet always not. ![](.././../../i/s/icon_sad.gif)
@Jörg: User Messages $0111 was already declared. only Problem with dBase one from of my DLL geladenes and @ GetFocus to that Time the Window-Creation one. have then with TrackMenu %mousex,%mousey experimentiert, too thereby come always the same values of 32, 312 or 512 out.
@Frank: i don't know right, whether I the someone zumuten can! presently stand I with round 9000 Lines code, ca 1000 variables, some 1000 Registry-Einträgen, 2 (except for The Language identischen) DLLs, also the program-Setup include, several Unterverzeichnissen incl. Test-Ini-Files etc. whom code have I of course in the own interest relatively well documents, but hold for my own needs.
presently happens at Click on a Menueintrag either quite nothing or I land somewhere in the Hauptschleife, where I none hinmöchte. i think, i'll first time whom code fehlerbereinigen, before I somebody Please, itself this hoisted anzutun! I have too another ältere Version, The only The Window and the Menu contains - the has then yet well functions. Perhaps find so did i in the comparison the Files whom Error. I had hold hoped, that of/ one from the Community already time with User Messages in a and @ GetFocus experimentiert has.
Sincerely, Christian |
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![Frank Abbing: 01/05/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
[quote:2799a393bf]@Frank: i don't know right, whether I the someone zumuten can! presently stand I with round 9000 Lines code, ca 1000 variables, some 1000 Registry-Einträgen, 2 (except for The Language identischen) DLLs, also the program-Setup include, several Unterverzeichnissen incl. Test-Ini-Files etc. whom code have I of course in the own interest relatively well documents, but hold for my own needs.
presently happens at Click on a Menueintrag either quite nothing or I land somewhere in the Hauptschleife, where I none hinmöchte. i think, i'll first time whom code fehlerbereinigen, before I somebody Please, itself this hoisted anzutun! I have too another ältere Version, The only The Window and the Menu contains - the has then yet well functions. Perhaps find so did i in the comparison the Files whom Error. I had hold hoped, that of/ one from the Community already time with User Messages in a and @ GetFocus experimentiert has. [/quote:2799a393bf] in the drop prepares You best a short Testcode, the your trouble darstellt. apiece kürzer, so rather can you help. |
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![: 01/05/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Christian...
so? CompileMarkSeparationWINDOWTITLE "Usermessage und Menü"
WINDOW 0,0-640,440
POPUP "&Menü"
Appendmenu 101,"&Test"
Appendmenu 102,"&Test 2"
Appendmenu 111,"&beenden"
While 0=0
@SENDMESSAGE(%HWND,$0111,0,0) Menuitem löschen
@Messagebox("Test wurde gedrückt!","Menü wurde gewählt",64)
@SENDMESSAGE(%HWND,$0111,0,0) Menuitem löschen
@Messagebox("Test 2 wurde gedrückt!","Menü wurde gewählt",64)
@SENDMESSAGE(%HWND,$0111,0,0) Menuitem löschen
without Gewähr!
with %MENUITEM, %LASTMESSAGE or %MESSAGE can you not weiterkommen - Why standing really already in the Profanhilfe. |
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![: 01/05/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Christian...
with the usage of User Messages would I your place with one so umfangreichen code very softly-softly - particularly if You not genauestens know, what You there do. The User Message WM_COMMAND=$0111 affects not only on Menüs, separate too possible on that Closing of Dialogen and the Closing the Mainwindow from, there %MENUITEM not on -2 staid becomes. I personally can z.B. not genauestens say, for what The Message WM_COMMAND everything Responsible is - and apparently can the eachone, the you not help on could, neither.
means: look very to, whether really everything in your Program so runs, How You you the pictured have, otherwise Gibts possible very angry Überraschungen.
![](.././../../i/s/eusa_think.gif) |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 01/05/05](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Hi, -thereby come always the same values of 32, 312 or 512 out. Womit erhälst You The values? with %message, %key or &umessage? Related to the Trackmenu isn't definitive, separate The Deklaration of menuitem% (Variable! no Systemvariable) and the Auswertung of &umessage. I use Prfellow and there is $0111 as User Message declared, circa Controls abzufragen - z. B. Buttons should first at release react. by me functions it with &umessage at least with generierten Menüs. whether it with Extmenu functions, white I do not. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 01/05/05 ▲ |
![CB: 01/05/05](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | so, love people! i was in the interim neither dormant and I me time the to bust taken, what Andreas me there so from the Ärmel shook has - GENIAL - the goes really with my and @ GetFocus! ![](.././../../i/s/03.gif)
as Thank you for all Beteiligten have I the Konstrukt time a morsel of aufgepeppt and on The speedy another couple small Überraschungen installed. Schauts you simply at times. and schaut too time in the Menu under About... to!
@Andreas: For this Gibts temporary a golden Laterne, because You me whom lane so beautiful beleuchtet have, and if I time dazukomme, naturally a entry ebendort. (become already see ,I so my)
@Jörg: I habs always only with my Extmenu probiert and there ists in the form unfortunately not gone. power nothing - nevertheless thanks!
another Note: in the Zuge of my Basteleien for you have I mean Original-DLL something minimizes (Setup-Program rausgenommen etc.), the went yet, as i dieselbe DLL on Menu_DE.dll umbenannt have, was Extmenu not any more ladbar. i see not so integrally, wieso. therefore have I The abgespeckte Original-DLL taken.
over again cordial Thanks all Christian |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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