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Pedro Santos | Hello use this code of Andreas Miethe?? around the seriellen interfaces in a Listbox view, the functions too very well, still unfortunately if I each Items anclicke go these blue markiert and at nochmaligen anclicken demarkiert still I need is the only the Item blue markiert the angecklickt becomes any others mussen demarkiert stay. probably there a Sendmessage for still have in the Help nothing suitable found. can someone help?
thanks greeting
Pedro CompileMarkSeparation
proc procura_coms
coms&=CreateMultiListBox(_dlg&,"",0019,0020,0110,0091) cria a Multiedit que vai receber as COMs encontradas
ClearList limpa a lista das COMs
avalia as COMs disponÃveis no PC
X& = 1
Whilenot X& = 51
ComNome$ = "\\.\COM"+STR$(X&)
ComHandle& = ~CreateFile(Addr(Comnome$),
Addstring "COM"+STR$(X&) adiciona à lista
Inc X&
Eintrag wählen
com$=@GetString$(coms&,linha%) in com$ steht der gewählter entry
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Jörg Sellmeyer | If you instead of the selbstdefinierten function CreateMultiListbox simply The Profanfunktion CreateListbox(), b.z.w. Create(Listbox,...) verwendest, ought to it functions. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 06/21/06 ▲ |
Pedro Santos | Hello Jörg
Yes, with the Profan function Listbox functions it
Pedro |
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Frank Abbing | Zuständig this is the Flag LBS_MULTIPLESEL ($8 ). |
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