
In preparation

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Search soon Tester for Riskful Island, there a couple volunteer ?

Greeting, Frank

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Ho Ho -
naklar still is still Ehrensache
Rolf - The XMASMAN ;)

Hello Frank
The About the Game sound very tempting. Würd me on jedenfall very interesieren.
Greeting Thomas

Ps: glad christmas and good Slip!!!!!!!

i will too!

Hello and thanks !

i'll between whom holidays well Time having, a new Beta together To to put, The I you then zuschicke.
the Gameplay standing quite, if it is done, are The Computerspieler dran, what sure a ziemliche work means...

ditto all glad christmas and a good Slip !

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank
Real super. If first The Computergegner ready are....
a couple suggestions Have I there yet. and of course The Handelsgüter. with one Handelsgut ists already a flavorless Gschicht, How wärs with say we 5 Handelsgüter or more (vaguely so How Rings of Medusa).
is Yes only ne Trial, white not what You everything planned have, what of my opinion on each drop missing is a Steuermodell.

One Error has noticeable made. and of course I mean in the 11.ten Spielrunde gabs suddenly each player (mean I anyway, habs not counted) a Bevölkerungszuwachs.
not so bad, but suddenly was The Font on the Buttons etc. quite different. so How if You with Print over one Dialogfeld etc. write.
Greeting Thomas

Hello Thomas,

thanks, that you you on the consecrate evening Time taken have !

Hmm, one Zeichenfehler ?
would be not so bad, if You in such situations a Screenshot make would, Have no idea, Why it very in the 11. round triggered go would...
The Bevölkerungszuwachs is zufalls-basierend.

the Handelssystem remaining not yet so. was in the theory not so bad, has but in the practice not bewährt. the new system, what in my head around spukt, becomes much better. nevertheless I will not with many different Warenelementen überlasten. Riskful Island should a Risikovariante go, risk comes Yes integrally without Handelsystem from and RI should ditto strategy-basierend his.

nevertheless be I for each new idea grateful !

Greeting, Frank

P.s.: was for a Steuermodell ?

Hello Frank
With the whom Snapshots is a trouble:
Verwende this IrvanView, so configures on Strg+F11.
Starte RiskfullIsland press solang on moreover To the first Error comes. Mach a couple Snapshots, IrvanView confirm with the one Pipser. wants me The photos standing, no there. wonderful denk I me, versuchs time differently. IrvanView can too automatically works let. means Have ichs on 5sec tuned.
Starte I again your Game, I press always on moreover, in the background hör I The Bestätigungspipser, come then finally The Error, but unfortunately any Snapshots there except for The where The Error to that see his should.
this time was too a Error Message there. Error row 1430 with the Zeilennummer be I I do not sure.
Werds with the Digitalen Kamera fotografieren, The can my Pc not bearing.
what the Steuermodell concerns, I thought me so:
Each town defrays steer dependent upon population and tax rate. according to the How high The steer is too the Bevölkerungszuwachs. apiece More cities one own, so More money has one for soldiers and sonstiges (Perhaps city wall, The feindliche attacks weakens etc.)
Greeting Thomas

Why uses You for Screenshots one Program?
simply DRUCKTASTE, then Paint open and then Insert.


what the Steuermodell concerns, I thought me so:
Each town defrays steer dependent upon population and tax rate. according to the How high The steer is too the Bevölkerungszuwachs. apiece More cities one own, so More money has one for soldiers and sonstiges (Perhaps city wall, The feindliche attacks weakens etc.)

Hmm, hears itself well on, becomes but not functions.
is one Statthalter once mächtiger become as The others, can it quasi not any more besiegt and be the game becomes for all very tedious.
the would like I prevent.
Each town should self-sufficient stay, means independent of whom others.
One Statthalter has The task, deal and Kriegswesen To lenken.
whether it one place well goes, depends of Verhältniss Bauern-soldiers ex. many soldiers load a place, because the Bauern tappt im dunkeln with durchfüttern must. little soldiers are neither well, because the place itself then not any more correctly. defending can. One healthy Verhältniss is best.
whom deal I will now so style, the the Statthalter were and Gelder the Ortschaften manage can (mitnimmt on travel) and were purchases/sales and then to Gutdünken again distribute can.

Greeting, Frank

can on the Test yet join?

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Hi Sascha,

momentarily work I list view.dll, Riskful Island power something interval.
I try time, you into next Meet a Beta together To to put.

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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