
IncToPh ?

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yesterday coming me this ideas, The 16-jährige get, as they to the Schillerstraße with a half-way Kilo Erdnüsse stuffed are and subsequently yet at a inc ertwas good-night-program. I had a Header-File and my inc at the same time open and there coming me suddenly a Vision:
Includes as Header...
How Jac and eachone others, the Includes for others writes/write wants, have too I me The question set: becomes it somebody give, the ALLE functions/Procedures/Ähnliches of my INC uses?
and How any others too have I me these question with a Ähhh, nö. answers.
and of these thoughts fell me the achso angepriesene benefit of Headern one:
tappt im dunkeln fügen only one, what too is used. 
I setting whom train of thoughts yet moreover away, and would like here and now something to Discussion to put:
is it possible and/or erwünscht, Includes in Header umzuwandeln?
important is for (faith I) The Possibility, several Commands in a row write to.
here an example to that understanding:
the here becomes the Header Test.ph:
The tex´st.ph comes into Include-Ordner Test Dll.
then komt testinctoph.prf:
so, I hope, here come many opinions and Proposals together.

Greeting Nico
Nico Madysa

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Lies you whom kursiven part the first Postings through.
it'll only the into finished View source transfer, what objectively is used.
Would Perhaps too take off The controls.inc .
not eachone uses any Controls, and there initialized one by Header-appeal only The, everybody can really wants.
there make You z.B. any Procedures To ProgressBars in a Line and the definierst You then for may part as init_progressbars
And if then someone progressbars use wants, must it not yet CustomListBoxen, TrackBars and schieß-me-dead-what-yet integrate separate calls in its Program somewhere simply on:

And then has it in its Program solely The ProgressBar-Procedures.

Nico Madysa

Aso, this is naturally again plenty interessanter...hm, is ne Überlegung worth...
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Argh, trouble!!
How it shining, there a yet unbemerkten bow with Headern.
it sees so from, as though Profan slight confused does, if in the einzusetzenden Text one = vorkommt, z.B.
proc_IntToStruct = proc IntToStruct:parameters s#,i%:Word s#,0 = i%:endproc;
proc_dgbBox = proc dbgBox:parameters text$:MessageBox(text$,"Debug-Meldung",4144):endproc

If then thereafter another Definition comes, shining it To creak.
it recognize ~proc_dbgBox not any more
Nico Madysa

2 Problems:

1. How commit You Parameter?
2. The Header definition becomes always reinkopiert, the could very large programs to follow having...
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

No, You calls The pair How normal Procedures on, since the from the Header only reinkopiert go.
everything functions How normal Incs, with the Difference, that one The Procs, everybody can benefit wants name must
(How supra in the example ~proc_dbgBox ). therefore becomes only the reinkopiert, what too is used. Nix moreover.
Höchstens, that Interpreten Perhaps something longer lasts, because Profan.exe first in the Header look over must (once per genutzte procedure).
but What is with the =-trouble? might Roland or one another something resolution operate? usually goes the einzusetzende Text still up to one Semikolon, or?
Nico Madysa

integrally simply:

here becomes probably SubStr$ using. Separator is the Gleichheitszeichen.
Substr$(headerzeile$,1,=) yields The Kennung (linker part)
Substr$(headerzeile$,2,=) yields whom remainder (right part)
(if no further = vorkommt)

I can me incidentally not your idea make friends, then I will rather The DEF functions keep!!!
(Bandwurm-Procedures - who should The because cherish?)

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

the whole has but already its Interessanten pages How I find.

momentarily have I it z.b. so that I a functions.inc have in the so quite everything on Schnipseln (ups Proceduren) drin is the I often use.
If I then so far be, that I my now is my Program ready, catch I a new Inc to create in the hold only The objectively required functions drin are.
the would then with Nicos einfall naturally wegfallen, there with of/ one Header File Yes only genommmen becomes what too used becomes.
Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

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Eigendlich GEHTS still only therefore only-genutzte-Procs einzubinden. This will XPSE soon so do. How it it with whom Headerfiles indeed already power.

@Wod: it might not heavy entrapments, one small Program To write, which a inc in a Header verwandelt(Chr$(13) -> colon, etc.)
If hold only not The thing with the = would...

@iF: likes his, but... nunja, I have whom XPSE already tested and really keen i was not...
Would hold calm, if neither-XPSE-User something like in the manner hätten...

If Roland still only too something to the =-trouble say would...
(your see already, The thing wurmt me noticeable )
Nico Madysa

means there's no = - trouble. Headerfiles are Konstantendefinitionen - what You there exaction is unseemly.

and so You of XPSE not keen wars can I not understand. gives it this a tatsächlichen reason? XPSE bring no detriments - where means The fehlende elation?

Well, I nummeriers time:
1. the Konsolenfenster before each Start found I unschön (I catch simply time with the banalsten reason on)
2. result from 1. there my programs, in the Contrast to that, say me time, XProfan-manager sooner small are, comes me the Compile even yet longer to
3. XPSE finds Error in my Codes, The no are (Thread.Do not declared z.B.)
4. One part the function likes for people, The on Delphi gewöhnt are, cool his, but me gefällt XProfan straight without these rather (and so tappt im dunkeln me nothing bring)
5. goes you probably not so, but I find XPSE-Codes, How {$PREFEREDNAMESPACE} or hWnd without % simply unübersichtlich/unästhetisch.

the dürften The Hauptgtründe his. XPSE remaining vorsichtshalber aufm computer. but lasting benefit werd ichs guaranteeing not.
Nico Madysa

Well your response proving eigendlich only time again the The Error not on the XPSE lying - sooner at Viewer.

I take time your Nummerierung:

1. Compiler should always in the Konsolenfenster run out around the output grabben to - the has what with good IDEs To do, naja You points it hold not rather. the Program is zweckgebunden - one Konsolenfenster is on the place utterly correctly.. hardly Ressourcen, no Bilderchen etc.etc.
2. the the Compile you longer vorkommt though it explicit less Time in claim takes - moreover can nothing say
3. XPSE finded no Error in your Codes which no are. If XPSE you on Error hinweist the are it too Error. XPSE can nothing for your Codes LÃ ¤ runs neither over The Thread.Do! be because - you are not UpToDate what XPSE and Unit concerns! For this can XPSE but too nothing - You must ensuring UpToDate To his, otherwise must You whom ball levelly hold and must not so do as if one XPSE-Error vorliegt though the Error you lying.
4. The functions of them You redest are optional. what you say power none sense especially since you XPSE not force these To benefit. point 4 is means too Humbug.
5. How You XPSE-Codes find , in them XPSEMöglichkeiten used are - which but not coercive are - does too to that XPSE self nothing to thing. again only Humbug.

If you XPSE not benefit want is still ok, likes hold not everyone on The own Error hingewiesen go - for have I still understanding.

(Thread.Do not declared z.B.) is no XPSE Error Message.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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