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 Tim Hannemann | Hello on all sides, and of course would like I the following Bewergstelligen and Have but no idea How the weg should 
I have a INI-File in the different values stand which over ands over again in the program changed and in the anschluss stored go. now would like I do not the the users its Erfolge through Cheaten gained (there it one game is) and would like these INI-File, which as Spielstand used becomes, in the program hide, it to speicherzeit again herausholen, Edit and again in the program hide.
can me there someone help??? |
| MfG Timää
Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista
Profanversion: XProfan 11 | 08/17/08 ▲ |
 Jörg Sellmeyer | you mußt The Ini none absolutely hide. You can st sowohl Key as well as The dazugehörigen values with PassWord$ code and again read. alternatively write You The data in a area, whom You as Binärdatei save or You save everything in a String ex with (for you) aussagekräftigen Separator and verschlüsselst this with PassWord$ and write it then in a arbitrary File. in the Program "verstecken" is ohnehin not without further possible, there the program only with Umwegen changed go can and for In any drop first exits go should. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 08/17/08 ▲ |
 Tim Hannemann | OK, thanks you will be it with values)$ code ^^ |
| MfG Timää
Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista
Profanversion: XProfan 11 | 08/18/08 ▲ |