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 Thomas Freier | in the momentum be I with my Solution not happy, there tappt im dunkeln not absulut hinhaut. I starte a Office application, and if The exits is, should one PDF-Reader started. CompileMarkSeparation geift not. anyway by me with Portable OpenOffice 2.2 it'll immediate the PDF-Reader launched. alternatively question I, whether The with Ooo opened File to further edit opened go can. CompileMarkSeparation but self the "Sleep 10000" reicht sometimes not, To Ooo itself arranged has and on The File zugreift. in that particular, if everything on one USB-Stick runs.
gives it a a elegantere Solution? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/20/10 ▲ |
 | look time To WinExec: Help
since Version 11 supply The function The process-ID the launched Program back, as in the Taskmanager displayed becomes. in the Fehlerfall is it the worth 0. with previous versions was the worth in the Erfolgsfall without weight.
then time look what GetExitCode(ProzessID) returns - vlt. helps the already.
Specifically of OpenOffice white I but that this with the Prozessen self already herumspielt - means many Process only others launch or benachrichtigt and itself self but then same again exits - here remaining then vlt. only a on OO adjusted Solution How z.B. FensterFinden etc. . |
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 Paul Glatz | Starte time at Portable not The normal exe separate The under APP |
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 Thomas Freier | @Paul, the have I already tested and has none influence with: "@WinExecWait(Prog$,1)" @iF, with: CompileMarkSeparation brought nothing. possibly, that 256 not correctly. is.
Nachtrag: has someone experience at Umbennen of odt-Files with XProfan? CompileMarkSeparationlead always moreover, that Ooo a "beschädigte" File restore wants. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/20/10 ▲ |
 | @Thomas: Yes, habs vermutet - OO uses many Process only circa a others To inform. I know now only once more with AddWindows/ FindWindow To look whether one it on it somehow "festmachen" can.  |
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 Thomas Freier | @iF: with the FindWindow suspect I, if I not already first thing tested having, end How with the Test, The on Ooo übergebene File to open. D.h. the Window Title is first complete present, if The File opened watts. means n-Time Waiting To the Window Title abfragbar is. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/20/10 ▲ |
 | >> means n-Time Waiting To the Window Title abfragbar is.
or simply "warten To the Window Title abfragbar ist" means while hardship window there Waiting... |
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 | Perhaps. helps you too a processes-list: [...]  |
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 Thomas Freier | means the example have I once tested with CompileMarkSeparation and then attempts x& to find with CompileMarkSeparation and not found. Mach I as a Error? is PID not The process-ID? Eingentlich have I any Examples from the babybox.exe through. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/21/10 ▲ |
 | very, PID is the Process-ID - if the Process but already exits is then becomes it neither More in the list stand.
thatswhy meant I Yes: "also many Process only others launch or benachrichtigt and itself self but then same again beendet"...
Perhaps but uses it you a list all processes to Openoffice-Prozessen To search in order to look whether at all yet one active or not. |
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 Thomas Freier | i'll once more whom lane over
or simply "warten To the Window Title abfragbar ist" means while hardship window there Waiting... and then, if found with zweiter Loop while hardship window =weiter, try. mandatory then but whom possible Fensternamen the Anwendungs.exe, there spare wählbar and the Base always The soffice.exe is, for StarOffice (Window = 02-27.odt - StarOffice 8) and with OpenOfice (Window = 02-27.odt - OpenOffice.org Writer) determine.
alas, could one this Office-Hackern still Scribus hither bring. there can a PDF and a PNG from the document create.
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/21/10 ▲ |