
IsBadReadPtr for Kernelspace?

I Search a API (if it The because gives) with the one, like with IsBadReadPtr in the Usermode, in a driver check can, whether a address Pipe.pcu 2GB auslesbar is.

who can me help?



will be time MmIsAddressValid testing.

I faith, I Have the what found.
Teste the into next Meet time from...

Ähm, wished so say, have with safety what found - time look, How well the To use is .

means - ähem - I personally find whom Fakt as such the You something found have less erwähnenswert as The information above what You found have. I find these Postings there of you somehow - (not angry his) stupid.

Have what found

Have what yet better...

somehow comic.

I mean this whole Thread here's Nonnsins

*you*over again*on it*erinner*

Alein the, that I there something found have, is already a small sensation.
I can with the function, The I there discover have, very say, which reaches the virtual Kernelspeichers real Adressen zugeordnet (committed) are. what is the in the Klartext? the complete Reading the Kernelspeichers is for me in greifbare sew gerückt, because the was Puzzlestück, what me yet gefehlt has.

I mean this whole Thread here's Nonnsins [/quote:e47a2f19df]
integrally in the contrary. integrally supra have I a sinnvolle question set -> I sought a API function , a address in the Kernel (virtueller memory over 2GB) validieren can. what happens, if on a address zugeriffen becomes, without without these To validieren? an Access violation (in the Kernel even one Systemcrash)- and the (whom) I will not (have hereon unfortunately no response get).

in the response hereon have I The function MmIsAddressValid called, The evtl. ähnliches can. One Info hereon, Why I straight work and a indirekte selected Help the function. ditto no response.

as third point have I erwähnt, that I The Solution well found have and so on further Help waived. What is on it Nonsens? that you not understand, I there vorhabe Perhaps???



Nochmal to the driver, under whom You written have, that you straight so herumspielst: For which was the? The validiert virtual Adressen, listet its Zugriffsrechte and whether these at all of/ one real Speicheradresse allocated (committed) are- and of course does it the over The Native API ZwQueryVirtualMemory. To I this driver ready having, I had hoped, the ZwQueryVirtualMemory too Adressen inside the Kernels validiert (having some Notes moreover in the network found), the does these function but not, tappt im dunkeln validiert namlich only Adressen To 2GB!

is the really everything Blödsinn?

One Thread How this is therefore Nonsinns because it solely on The question whether You something found have a response gives.

is here irgendjeman the to my first Posting here (Posting 4) here something nützliches rausziehen can?

means is each question, everybody can here position, unnütz? interestingly!
I personally faith not, that it here a great many people gives, The at all know, the it in the Kernel Mode a function MmIsAddressValid gives. knew You the???
The function, The I in moment in the eye have, is MmGetPhysicalAddress. MmGetPhysicalAddress supply me only a worth back, if a Speicherseite really committed is. there the but (very so as Info over MmIsAddressValid) utterly foolish is, I will ex today here weder any ask questions, yet any further Info moreover give, I to Time do. can my Time rather benefit, as something unsinniges To do.

Hello Andreas,
no ask To to put is always the incorrect lane!

i think time, iFs throw-in related solely on such concise-Postings How I have what found!, without the thereby standing, what You found is. If one then not whom whole Threads rote in the head has (and who has already any Threads here in the head?), white one then namely none, circa what It's all right and is only slightly irritiert. I for my part would me there sooner something ausführlichere Postings wish, so too i see, circa what It's all right (without whom whole Thread in this not straight blitzschnellen Forum nachblättern To must) and How I the for my work Perhaps meaningfully use can. (so it for you therefore not any more hoisted becomes, can You Yes simply a morsel of More together come let.)

the, with which You yourself engage, are items, with them I usually quite niucht in touch come and of therefore is it for me thoroughly interestingly, once over my Tellerrand To look, even if I your Erkenntnisse not new XProfan-Features ummünzen can.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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