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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 11/20/05](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello together,
I try now already since some Time The Icongröße in a ToolTip To Change, which one own Icon allocated get has. More than 16x16 or it could too 24x24 his is me not been successful. goes this at all and if How ? CompileMarkSeparationDef LoadImage(6) !USER32.DLL,LoadImageA
Def DestroyIcon(1) !USER32.DLL,DestroyIcon
Declare Font&
Declare Dll&
Declare Icon&
Declare Name$
Declare Button&
Declare ToolTip&
Font& = @Create(FONT,ARIAL,24,0,0,0,0)
Dll& = @UseDLL(SHELL32.DLL)
Name$ = #20 + @Chr$(0)
Icon& = LoadImage(DLL&,@Addr(Name$),1,48,48,$2000)
Button& = @Control(BUTTON,,$5000804A,100,100,64,64,%hWnd,100,%hInstance,$10000)
ToolTip& = @Create(Tooltip,%Hwnd,Button&,Wieso geht es nicht?)
SetStyle ToolTip&,$D000040
@SendMessage(ToolTip&,$30,Font&,0) WM_SetFont
Name$ = großes Icon ? + @Chr$(0)
@SendMessage(ToolTip&,$0420,Icon&,@Addr(Name$)) TTM_SetTitle
@SendMessage(ToolTip&,$0403,$2,15000) TTM_SetDelayTime ~TTDT_AutoPop
While 1
DeleteObject Font&
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 11/20/05 ▲ |
![Frank Abbing: 11/21/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hm, XP Home does itself there quite nothing. comes at all no Tooltext, geschweige because of/ one with Icon... |
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![Rolf Koch: 11/21/05](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | @Frank lying on this row: Setstyle Tooltip&,$D000040
have certainly too The Bubbles shorted.
Rolf |
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![Frank Abbing: 11/21/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | clear, Rolf. nerves Yes otherwise To plenty ![](.././../../i/s/-grin.png) Have whom code only short überflogen and then tested. |
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![Rolf Koch: 11/21/05](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Georg, to that trouble short: to this question stood so did i time (thanks you for recollection with the Icon, because habs forget in Noctramic incorporate *lol* ). as i then sometime The Schnauze fully having, Have I abruptly The Icons with a Staticbitmap overlay. functions. and a Staticbitmap (Hintgrundfarbe ident with Tooltip Backgroundcolor) can itself very easily in the Size adjust. The expanse ansich is Yes already tall genung circa there one Bitmap einzupflanzen. (but Perhaps gives Yes another a right Solution)
here an example: CompileMarkSeparationDef Loadimage(6) !USER32.DLL,LoadImageA
Def Destroyicon(1) !USER32.DLL,DestroyIcon
Declare Font&,icon1&
Declare Dll&
Declare Icon&
Declare Name$
Declare Button&
Declare Tooltip&
Declare h&,abx#,statbild&
Parameters bild$,mausx%,mausy%,breitobj&,hochobj&,handl&
Dim abx#,Add(Len(bild$),1)
String abx#,0=bild$
Let h&=LoadImage(%hinstance,abx#,0,breitobj&,hochobj&,$50)
Let statbild&=@Control(STATIC,,$05000010E,mausx%,mausy%,breitobj&,hochobj&,handl&,$7918,%hinstance)
Return statbild&
Font& = @Create(FONT,ARIAL,24,0,0,0,0)
Dll& = @Usedll(SHELL32.DLL)
Name$ = #20 + @Chr$(0)
Icon1& = Loadimage(Dll&,@Addr(Name$),1,48,48,$2000)
Button& = @Control(BUTTON,,$5000804A,100,100,64,64,%Hwnd,100,%Hinstance,$10000)
Tooltip& = @Create(Tooltip,%Hwnd,Button&,Wieso geht es nicht?)
Name$ = großes Icon ? + @Chr$(0)
@Sendmessage(Tooltip&,$0403,$2,15000)TTM_SetDelayTime ~TTDT_AutoPop
ICONPIC Pic1.bmp,2,2,30,30,Tooltip&
Pic1.BMP mit gleichem Hintergrund wie Tooltip am besten
While 1
Deleteobject Font&
Freedll Dll&
Rolf |
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 11/21/05](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello Rolf,
many Thanks for hint. i'll it me tommorrow time accurate standing.
what me only wundert is, that one with the TTM_GETTITLE Message The Size the Icons read can. The Umkehrschluss would still, that one with TTM_SETTITLE The Size settle can, what unfortunately not the case is. Why power windows The Size the Icons solid ?
I login me tommorrow over again, sobalt I it tested have. |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 11/21/05 ▲ |
![Georg Hovenbitzer: 11/22/05](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello Rolf,
I had now Time me whom code time accurate to examine, works super class ![](.././../../i/s/wwww.gif) class idea it so To make ! If one the following changes goes it too with icons: CompileMarkSeparationStatbild&=@Control(STATIC,,$50000903,Mausx%,Mausy%,0,0,Handl&,$7918,%hInstance)
Sendmessage(Statbild&,$172,1,H&)e> |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 11/22/05 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 11/22/05](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | ... well to know ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif)
Rolf |
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